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Coaxial fiber hybrid: what is HFC technology in telecommunications and what is it for?

Coaxial fiber hybrid: what is HFC technology in telecommunications and what is it for?

Its English term is “Coaxial Hybrid Fiber” , this being a technique that combines fiber optics with coaxial cable , and is intended for Internet users to communicate via data in a “bidirectional” way through television, Internet or telephony .

The connection is made through repeaters that are close to your home, these being connected by means of nodes and cables that are interwoven with the optical fiber , which allows a transmission to exist long distance.

Installing it helps you not spend so much on your investment , unlike other technologies that are much more expensive, so it is recommended to minimize costs and thus have good communication between multiple devices.

What are hybrid coaxial fiber connections?

El híbrido de fibra óptica coaxial se encuentra conformado por un cable coaxial y una fibra óptica. Ésta es una red de datos que se encuentra cableada de forma terrestre, la cual se usa para las telecomunicaciones Bi-Direccionales de multiservicios. Con ella se puede recibir y mandar datos, tales como telefonía IP, Internet y televisión por cable, además cuenta con una velocidad y un ancho de banda de 10 Mbps/768 Kbp.

Through these networks the transmission of the data is achieved, since the optical fiber helps to achieve remote communication and its interruption in the signal is very low , because the data is a Electrical signal. Its installation is extremely easy, in addition to the fact that its cover makes the cable resistant and generates long-distance communications through the signal path, so this method is reliable and safe.

The HFC, allows you to access the network by connecting to a router, which consists of two channels:

  • Up.
  • Down.

The data is transmitted by a “light signal” , and through its trajectory the fiber becomes a “electrical signal” when it is transmitted by a cable .

What are the main elements of an HFC connection?

Hybrid cables have their own elements that we will present below. These are essential to understand the operation of these types of systems.

Header (center of government)

It is the essential part of the whole method, where the signals that are sent through the network are created. Here are the fundamental servers that make it accessible, owning a wide variety of terrestrial receiving equipment, as well as the microwave and satellite reception .

It also has a connection with different “headers”, which are the ones that carry out monitoring on the network so that it works properly and correctly, so that users can access it when they need it .

Trunk network (fiber optic)

It is the main part of the network, consisting mainly of the header and then the nodes. It is composed of fiber optic rings that intertwine the primary nodes that supply the secondary nodes, through the union of points or rings.

Therefore, these “nodes” cause the signal to become an electrical signal and is distributed to each of the places thanks to its coaxial body.

Distribution network (coaxial cable)

This network combines the information that comes from the header, in order to adjust it to send it to the subscriber wave. In addition links the switching nodes with the distribution nodes that assign the communication to each individual. You can have countless digital storage that can be used to vent the communication servers of the service distributors.

Rush network (flexible coaxial)


It is the last step of the route that makes the connection to be able to give the downward signal, which is the one that connects to the subscriber devices or the header . Its properties are used in the form of a tree.

Why choose a hybrid fiber and coaxial cable connection? Pros and cons

Currently, technology has evolved steadily, which has led to more communication. Fiber optic cables and coaxial cables manage to exceed the expectations of 100 Mbps connections , opening the entrance of other types of services that can exceed the Internet.

These two types of connections have many differences, especially when it comes to the means by which data is processed . The speed of the transmission also has its difference, since the optical fiber offers many more benefits.

These technologies are important because they provide the opportunity to have a good connection with speeds ranging from 100, 200 or 300 Mbps . Its place in the market has led to a symmetric communication that can have much more than 1 Gbps in the future.

One of the essential advantages they have is that their speed is always firm, so the obstructions are very few , which is why it always manages to provide the speed needed. However, you should take into consideration that one of its disadvantages is that it is a service that has a very high price.

HFC vs FTTH What is the difference and which provides faster Internet?

HFC (Hybrid Fiber Coaxial) and FTTH (Fiber To The Home), have well marked differences, motivated by the fact that the HFC provides nodes 1.5 km from the place where you want to place it; while the FTTH is much wider and gives the fiber distance completely.

On the other hand we can differentiate these 2 tools because the HFC is composed of fiber and coaxial cable. The FTTH is composed of 100% fiber optic . It should be noted that the HFC does not provide a similarity in speed.



The FTTH is installed through a distribution point of fiber optic cables, where the cables are joined so that they can take the signal to the desired location. Once the optical connector is installed in a suitable area, the green socket is connected to the fiber whip where the modem or the ONT (Optical Network Terminal) is.

Using the equipment that transforms the optical signal is essential so that the fiber optic signal is modified in electrical signals that are directed to the modem or router. Well, this device will be the one that performs all the function of the link, the traffic between the devices and the WiFI . Its installation can be easy, it all depends on how it is done.

The HFC is installed using an insulator that is placed in a “telecommunications box”. The coaxial cable is placed where the modem cable or the device is to be connected, so you must have a splitter to be able to separate the connections in two, as can be seen in The following image.

In short, these are two different methods, which are distinguished both in their installation and in their connection. Fiber optic is much more complicated to install than HFC, since in this case, thanks to the “splitters” that make the job easier.


The HFC is a technique that consists of two cables, with the intention that they can be moved. This makes the option of that the connection can reach remote sites and that they are not so suitable for service providers. Its performance may be affected, because the coaxial cable is powered by electrical signals and usually suffers electromagnetic interference.

In the case of FTTH, such interference is not possible. The reason is that the optical fiber uses a light signal, which on the other hand allows it to reach long distances without losing efficiency. Thus we have that this latest technology is the most appropriate when high signal performance is required .

Which is faster?

It is important to know the network prototype that we have or that place us so that there is no inconvenience. This is because there are intermediaries that offer fiber optics, but we must certify that it really is .

To connect to the Internet we can use the FTTH optical fiber or the HFC hybrid fiber optic . It should be noted, once again, that the first one can reach its cable to the place where the modem is located; unlike the HFC that uses a combination of coaxial cable and fiber optic, but that reaches the router in the form of a TV antenna.

There are companies that offer several types of network, so the speed of the Internet will depend on this, so we must always be aware of the fiber installed. This is because the Internet supplied with “FTTH” provides great speed and quality , which lets us see the content of the web through about “1000 Mg”, so it is an excellent option because Your cable goes directly to the modem.

On the contrary, “HFC” networks provide a lower speed , apart from creating inconveniences and interruptions in communication. Reason is why you should take into consideration and test the type of network that is installed, so you must be aware of requesting every detail.

You can find out your Internet speed through our tool.