UPDATED ✅ Do you want to know more about what Ethernet is and its main characteristics and advantages? ⭐ ENTER HERE ⭐ and Learn all about it
Currently, being connected to the network is essential for almost everyone, since we are all in some way directly related to the Internet, good for communicate, to inform us or to work. For this reason, over the years a great number of connecting networks. Each of them with the purpose of providing a optimal service to its users.
Such is the case of Ethernet, who has now become one of the most popular forms of local area networkalso called wired LANs or the wide area network known as WAN. Allowing connection to a large number of devicessuch as: printers, computers and all those servers for whom a connection to Internet.
In addition to that, ethernet networks have a technical profile IEEE 802.3 protocol. Profile indicating how each of the devices can be connected a Internet. And in turn, allows each of them to communicate with each other, through a common network language protocol. Therefore, below we are going to explain a little more about what they are. ethernet networks Y How does this type of connection work?
What is an Ethernet connection and what is it for in computing?
Ethernet can be defined as one of the technologies that allows the connection of wired local area networks, namely LAN networks and of WAN wide area networks. Also allowing each of the devices connected to it to communicate with each other, through protocols, which act as a common network language. Being a different alternative to the Wifian alternative that has also turned out to be much more reliable and fasterbecause the device used by the user will not have any kind of interference with other devices that are connected to the same network.
It has even been found that a ethernet networkis capable of currently connecting devices with speeds up to 100Gbit/s. and it is hoped that in the not too distant future this speed increases to 400 Gbit/s.
But, Ethernet is not only responsible for connecting devices to the Internet. But also, it is used for connect a series of devices together. That is, with Ethernet users will be able to connect:
- Computers to computers.
- Computers to printers.
- Computers to speakers for videoconferences.
- Among many other devices that allow this type of connection.
Therefore, ethernet connections have also been considered a local area network standard. Networks that are created through the union of multiple computers via cables.
Types of Ethernet Networks Which exist and what are their characteristics?
Currently, there are at least 18 types of Ethernet networks. And each of them differs by the type of wiring which is used for the connection and of course with data transmission speed. However, within all these types of networks the most important and used are:
This type of network is mainly characterized by the fact that it is capable of transmit data at a speed of 100 Mbps, all this through a cable fiber optic or twisted pair cable. And in addition to that, the data can be transferredTransfer from 10 Mbps to 100 Mbps, all this without having protocol translation and even without having to do any exchange rate on network software.
This is one of the types of Ethernet cable most used today. since he is a guy ethernet network characterized by having the ability to transfer data at a speed of 1000 Mbps. And the same what FastEthernet, It is a network based on a twisted pair or fiber optic cable.
ethernet switch
When we talk about ethernet switchwe are referring to a network equipment that is needed to connect multiple network devices in a LAN. This type of network is characterized by using a regular network cable instead of a crossed wire, as used in the other types of network.
Ethernet 10Base2
Ethernet 10Base2, is characterized by using a thin coaxial cableit can fold easilyWhat is it cheaper and much easier to install. But this type of network has a detail. And it is that cable segments cannot exceed 200 meters and 30 nodes. Therefore, the vast majority of connections are made through tee connectors which are much safer and easier to install.
Ethernet 10Base5
This type of network uses a thick coaxial cablewhich is why it is also called thick ethernet. Cable that also allows you achieve speeds of up to 10 Mbps. And since it is a wide diameter cable, it can have a length of up to 500 meters and up to 100 nodes can be connected to it.
Ethernet 10Base-T
This is the most common LAN today. And the cables used in this type of network they are twisted pair. In addition to this, each of its stations has a connection with a center hub and it is the system that managed to improve the shortcomings of 10Base2 and 10Base5 networks. Since this type of network is able to detect the unwanted shunts, breaks, and loose connectors. However, it presents two major drawbacks and these are: The cables have a length limit of 100 metersand that normally hubs are quite expensive.
Ethernet 10Base-FX
Ethernet 10Base-FX, is characterized by having very high speeds and for using optical fiber to connect the equipment. So it is usually an expensive type of network if what you want is a general approach to the entire network. But it is an ideal type of network to make all those connections that are required between buildings. Basically, because its segments allow lengths up to 2000 meters and being a fiber optic cablewill not be affected by noise or typical interference from those who normally suffer the copper wires.
This is a type of network that was created with the purpose of improve and soften the faults that they present the networks Ethernet 10Base-T. She is also known as 100BaseFx networks (IEEE 802.3u), and they are networks that seek to create alternatives for FDDI networks and are based on a star topology to optical fiber.
And for this type of network to be compatible with Ethernet 10Base-Tits designers have taken care that Fast Ethernet technology preserve the formats of the packets and interfaces. But, this type of network increases the speed of Transmission at up to 100 Mbps. In addition to them, in this type of network cables with four twisted pairs of class 3. One of these cables goes directly to the central hub, another leaves the hub, and the other two pairs of wires are switchable.
What are the protocols used in Ethernet networks and how do they work?
When we talk about protocols network, we refer to the formalisms that designate the entire set of rules that are responsible for regulating the exchange of information over one or more computer networks. And when we talk about Ethernet/IP we refer to a network protocol that is used to industrial automation applications and which is directly based on standard TCP/IP protocols, Some protocols that use Ethernet hardware and software in order to establish a protocol level what to them Allows you to configure, access and control all industrial automation devices.
Hence then that Ethernet/IP is based on classifying the nodes according to the types of devices that are already established, we can then say that the Ethernet/IP network protocol is based mainly on the Control and Information Protocol via DeviceNet and ControlNet. That’s why Ethernet/IP It is characterized by offering a complete integrated system, which goes from the industrial plant to the company’s central network. And within the protocols Ethernet the most used are:
TCPIP transport protocols
This is a protocol that was developed over the course of the Cold Warsince it was thought of the possibility that the enemy could attack and destroy any of the nerve centers of the main command network. And it was not enough to place many command centersbecause they could all be attacked and destroyed.
So the solution that was achieved was that there was basically no physical command center, meaning that any node could become one. From there then came the TCPIP Protocol, a network between equals, which would adapt to the Conditions like this will destroy half the country. And it was such a good design that it still works wonders today with the modern internet. Also this new protocol, fits perfectly to the new WAN modelwhich was born at that time.
So in a few years TCPIP, was in charge of disappearing from the market the other existing protocols and offers. So much so that today it is the undisputed norm of communications in the LAN and WAN networks. As TCPIP comes from Transport Control Protocol / Internet Protocoland is characterized by being made up of two parts, the first of which is the transport protocol or TCP and the second the internet protocol or IP. That is, in TCPIP One of these parts is in charge of transport and the other part is in charge of giving meaning to the data that is received.
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection or in spanish multiple access with carrier listening and collision detection. It is an algorithm for accessing the shared medium that is characterized by having a multiple access, detect collisions, have carrier sense, signal congestion and random backoff, It also has hubs and a collision domain.
It is a protocol low-level network access control which allows several stations to use the same source of transmission. And its acronym in Spanish means multiple access with carrier listening and collision avoidance.
It is characterized because the station monitors the channel before starting the transmissionin addition to this, it is also in charge of monitoring all its transmission to always be sure that another station will not interrupt busy trunkin order to avoid a collision. Since if a data collision occurs, it will be necessary that the station transmits a busy signalin order to transmit your communication.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Ethernet Is it the fastest and most secure connection?
Ethernetis currently one of lFaster and more secure connection networks that exists, however this has its advantages and disadvantages. That’s why we’ll talk a little about both.
Advantages of the Ethernet network connection
Among the main advantages of the Ethernet connection are:
- It makes better use of bandwidth.
- As already mentioned aboveconnection speed with the router is much faster. well today ethernet connections standard they are usually at least 1 Gbps.
- Having the connection through a network wire, the bandwidth it will be much better. since when Wi-Fi is used teams will have losses as we move away from the router or change rooms.
- The Ethernet cable connection It is also characterized by being much faster for the transfer of information. Since if we use Wifi, the connection can be encrypted depending on your configuration. However, you will never know who is trying to access your data.
- when we decided connect to an Ethernet network, we will not have to do any construction work to install it.
- Usually the Ethernet network is compatible with the vast majority of routers and computing devicessuch as: the laptops, desktops, printersamong other equipment that is generally used in offices.
Disadvantages of the Ethernet network connection
Now it’s time to the advantages or disadvantages that users can have when connect to the Ethernet network.
- The first drawback of wired ethernet networkis that usually it has a maximum range of 100 meterswhich in practice is limited to 90 meters. While one Wi-Fi network can cover distances from up to 300 meters. That yes with many losses in the quality of its signal.
- Another drawback of the ethernet network, is that it should be done the connection through cables. And this is something that often bothers many people. Mainly because they don’t want to harm the aesthetics of your home or office with cables on your walls, but this can be solved, it should only be done a proper connection Y hide cables professionally.
What are all the standards created so far for Ethernet networks?
standards that have been created for ethernet networks Currently, they have been created by IEEE 802 from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Since its mission is to develop all local area network standards and of metropolitan area networks. That’s why they created the IEEE 802 project, a project that is responsible for defining all the aspects that are related to the physical wiring and of course with data transmission.
Similarly, this project has been responsible for bringing together each of the ethernet standardsunder the various IEEE 802.3 standards. Being the most important:
This is a standard that was implemented in the year of 1985, that the topology has is bus type, that is, with a T connector and which is also characterized by using 10Base2 technologywith a 10Mbit/s speed, a coaxial type cable and it is a connection that can be made to a maximum distance of 185m.
This standard was presented in the year 1990, it is characterized by using 10BaseT technology, with a 10Mbit/s speed. and differs from 802.3a because it uses a twisted pair and not coaxial cable. In turn, this standard reaches a segment of maximum length of 150 meters.
This standard arrived for the year of 1993, using a technology 10BaseTkeeping the same speed as abovebut this reaches lengths of 1000 meters and works with fiber optics.
East standard, appeared in 1995 and allowed a great leap to the 100Mbit/s. In addition to that, I accept the use of several Fast Ethernet technologies. Between them: 100BaseT4, 100BaseTX and 100BaseFX. Each giving the opportunity to perform connections with lengths of 100, 100 and 2000 meters respectively.
This standard arrived for the year of 1999, with a large number of improvements. Being the most important, which allows reach 1Gbit/s. In addition to this, accept 1000BaseT technology unshielded twisted pair. Your connection reaches a maximum length of 100m and facilitates star topology, full-duplex.
Ethernet vs WiFi vs Mobile Internet Which is better and how are these connections different?
when we have to compare Ethernet with Wi-Fiwe can say that within its main differences we have: connection speed and reliability. Since although it is very true that wireless connection is usually much more comfortablebecause we don’t have to deal with wiresthis type of connection is usually much slower.
If we compare it with ethernet speed, Of course, this speed will depend directly on the cable we useso you should always verify that you are using the appropriate category cable. And the choice of cable will depend on the maximum connection speed you have, since only the right cable will allow you to take advantage of all the speed provided by the network. And in addition to this we must always remember that it is this cable that is also responsible for properly distributing this speed between all the computers that are connected.
Therefore, the following differences can be found:
- With ethernet pWe can transmit the information with a much faster speeda than the one that gives us Wifi.
- But with Wifi we will have more comfort to carry out the connectionbecause we will not have to use cables or equipment.
Even with the Ethernet cable we have the possibility connect the router or modem to our computer. However, this would be part of the internal connection of the office, because with this cable what is achieved is the connection of the computer equipment to the peripheral that is responsible for transmit internet connection.
And depending on the speed at which you want transmit the data. You must choose the cable being the most common categories:
- 5 lets max connections of 100 Mb/s.
- 5e allows max connections of 1000 Mb/s.
- Cat 6 allows max connections of 1000 Mb/s.
- Cat 6a allows max connections of 100000 Mb/s.
Therefore, Ethernet it’s just one wired network connection, while Wi-Fi is a wireless network connection. And it is important to be clear that although with Wi-Fi connections can be established between our equipmentthrough a router. But with Ethernet, the connection of several computers is established in one private or internal network either from one business or home.