Currently, social media advertising is still booming and, therefore, those platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are considered an excellent window to promote your products or services .
In this sense, advertising on Instagram is one of the main alternatives of the brands and businesses that are interested in gaining greater visibility, as well as get more customers and income . Taking into account that, compared to conventional media, this way of advertising is much cheaper and today, it has a greater reach.
That is why, in this post we want to let you know everything about advertising and ads on Instagram and in the same way, provide you with the main guidelines to take into account to achieve make a totally effective Instagram advertising .
What are the “Instagram Ads” or Instagram ads and how they work ?
Basically, the Instagram Ads refer to ads that can be published in the form of images or videos and thus, they are content sponsored by the same social network , to which you must pay. In this way, they can be an effective formula to reach your target audience more quickly and through this, achieve the objectives once set in your advertising campaign .
As for its operation, Instagram ads are shown to users depending on several factors. Since, these are based on the accounts that each person follows, as well as their likes, the information of interest they visit on FB and the websites or applications they usually visit, in general. Which means that these ads take full advantage of the powerful tool of the «Facebook Ads Manager « .
From this, Instagram Ads manage to increase the effectiveness of each ad made by businesses, brands or companies that choose to make use of this. In addition, they can reach a better defined audience through these publications and with this, they have greater brand exposure, generate a greater number of leads, engagement , traffic , among others.
The main benefits that guarantee this type of ads on Instagram are:
- Because it is the sixth most famous social network worldwide with 800 million active users every month, your business can achieve greater visibility .
- The positioning of your brand is another of the main advantages, given that the advertising campaigns on Instagram optimize this parameter through the high quality of the ads shown.
- Instagram Ads allow you to directly target your potential customers . This, thanks to the fact that you can set campaigns with a specific purpose and thus, make use of this advertising as a precise mechanism to boost your marketing strategies.
- They guarantee the increase of your followers , since these ads help increase the amount of them in your account and because of this, the community of your business will strengthen much more, thus translating into the increase in sales too.
- Fortunately, you can select the ad format you like the most and thus adjust it to the purpose of your campaign. Best of all, it has several options at hand: with photo, video, stories and sequencing.
- They have a geotagging functionality or, “ location tags ”, which allows you to detail a specific location to publish your ad. So it is an ideal option to promote your physical store and attract more customers, without a doubt.
- It is a very economical way to promote your products or services. Since, from just one euro a day you can advertise and according to your needs, scale the investment you can make.
As not everything can be perfect, Instagram ads also reveal certain cons that is valuable to consider when making use of this type of advertising on social networks.
Therefore, here we detail the main disadvantages estimated in this regard:
- Because the population that uses Instagram today is so wide, this can yield negative results, even if you don’t believe it. Since, If you do not have a good knowledge of segmentation to capture your potential audience , you will be making an investment of money and time in vain.
- Those users who only have a computer, of course choose to make use of the desktop version of Instagram and it is not complete. Thus, the function of showing advertising to these users is limited and unfortunately, you will not be able to reach them .
- All the advertising content you share through Instagram Ads, can be used by the same social platform without paying copyright . Which means that, once you agree to promote your business on the social network, you are also authorizing Instagram to use your publications as you like.
- As Instagram is one of the most used social networks For audiences of all ages, the other companies also prefer to use it to offer what they sell. Because of this, you can find excessive competition that, perhaps, will capture your target audience before you.
How to create an effective and step-by-step advertising campaign on Instagram?
Once you decide that you want to use this type of advertising campaigns, you will wonder what are the steps to follow to create one of them on Instagram in a completely simple and effective way , without having to pay other people to do it.
Therefore, here we show you the step-by-step process to quickly create an advertising campaign in IG:
Link your FB fanpage with your IG profile
First of all, you must be clear that, to create an effective advertising campaign on Instagram, you need to make use of your Facebook page. That is, to link both accounts .
For this, what you should do is the following:
- Initially, go to your Fb fanpague and enter the Settings menu (this is found in the upper right corner).
- Subsequently, click on the “ Instagram ” option; in the new left menu that will be displayed when performing step 1.
- Now, log in and enter your Instagram username and password . This data must be mandatory for a Instagram profile for companies . Otherwise, it won’t work and you won’t be able to use Instagram Ads.
Create the campaign from the ad manager span >
After completing the process to link the account, it is time to create the new ad. To do this, you must click on the “ Campaigns ” section and then click on the lower button to “ Create ad ”.
In this sense, you will realize that the procedure to follow to create a campaign in IG is very similar to the one that must be done to make an advertising campaign on Facebook . Thus, the only distinction that can be taken into account is that in the locations you only have to choose “ Instagram ”.
Now, the image of the ad manager that we show you at the beginning of this step, is the one that should be observed when a person, brand or company has not carried out any advertising campaign . On the contrary, if you have already done other campaigns on Facebook or Instagram, that administrator will show you all these.
Choose the purpose of your advertising campaign
After starting your campaign, the next step is to choose the marketing objective of the campaign. In the case of Facebook, it has a variety of goals that you can select from a total of 13 of these , but not all of them are available for Instagram Ads.
In this regard, you can choose between the following:
- Brand recognition
- Reach
- Traffic
- Application facilities
- Video views
- Generation of potential customers
- Messages
- Conversions
- Sales of the catalog
- Visits in the business
- Public : If you have a well-defined target audience, it will be much better to ensure the economy (specify sex, city and age range, perfectly).
- Publication date : This plays a key role, because in some seasons the prices are higher (for example, at Christmas or Halloween). So, so that it is not expensive, the ideal is to guide the campaign before these important dates.
- The selection of the pattern objective : One of these objectives is the traffic and therefore, Instagram charges for every click you get on the specified ad. The other objective of the guideline is the scope and when choosing this, the advertisement will be shown to all the people of your target, for which IG charges every thousand times that your advertisement is displayed.
That way, you can’t make use of the interaction option, I like it and get followers on IG ; since they are not available.
For its part, it is worth noting that, if you choose to use the Instagram stories as a mechanism, you cannot choose objectives such as: messages, catalog sales and visits in the business . Now, apart from selecting the indicated objective, you must also write a name for your campaign.
Create the ad set h3>
To start, you must name the set of ads and after that, extra settings will appear as dynamic content or offers that basically depends on the objective you chose in the previous step.
Once this is completed, they will show you other settings that you should take full advantage of and it is:
Ad targeting
At this point, you can define who will see your advertisements and in that way, it is also possible to create an audience that is based on the interests of each one, that is, a similar or also personalized audience. Thus, they give you the option of choosing specific places, age ranges, sex, languages, locations and types of devices (we recommend that in this section you only choose “ Cellular ” or « Mobile phone «).
In reference to placements, they are definitely a key point for the segmentation of your Instagram Ads. To do this, we recommend that you only select the location “ Instagram ” and proceed to uncheck the rest of the alternatives. Which is used so that the campaign is only displayed on that social network .
The budget
This is also a key point to define, given that the creation of the advertising campaign gives you the power to channel a daily budget (which you are willing to pay) and in addition to that , you can also define how long you want the campaign to remain active in IG .
On the other hand, if you want to simply show a few specific days and at certain times, you need to select the total set budget option , instead of the daily budget.
Finally, you can determine the type of event for which you want to optimize your advertising campaign and the bid strategy. But if you do not have so much experience on the subject, it is best to leave this section automatically , so that Facebook is responsible for finding the result of the objective at a lower cost.
Set up the advertisement
At this point, you can adjust the image, video and texts that you want other users to see so that they are interested in what you offer. To do this, you have two options: create a new ad or convert a post in your feed into an ad.
You can also select from the different kinds of advertising that Facebook offers to publish Instagram Ads and basically they are: Image, video, sequence, presentation and collection . Which will be available depending on the campaign objective chosen at the beginning.
Finally, you can create text with emoticons , type the destination URL and the call to action button. To do this, click on “ Confirm ” and with this, you will have already created your advertising campaign.
What types of advertising campaigns can you do in Instagram Ads and which objectives?
Basically, the types of advertising campaigns you can do on Instagram refer to the types of advertising that the social network allows you to show , depending on your marketing strategy and your selected target during the creation of the campaign.
Thus, it is worth noting that one of the biggest advantages that Instagram Ads exhibits, is the variety of advertisements that you can show, taking into account that it provides a total of six formats and here you we announce them together with your goals :
How much does it cost to do good advertising on Instagram? Is it free?
Apart from specifying the guidelines to follow to create an effective advertising campaign in IG, another of the main questions of entrepreneurs and businesses interested in doing Instagram Ads, is the price that must be paid for it strong>.
But, before answering this, it is valuable to keep in mind that this cost varies depending on different factors and, in addition, you yourself can have control of the budget and what you will spend on it .
As for the factors involved in total spending when performing this type of advertising, they are the following:
That said, the price of posting an ad on Instagram will fluctuate depending on these factors completely .
Thus, in order to provide you with a small idea of the cost, let’s take as an example that you have selected a target audience of men and women with ages between 18 and 65 years and you want to specify a daily budget, then For this you will have to pay around 2.5-3 € daily .