Amazon is one of the most searched and visited pages worldwide , which not only has a large number of sellers but also a huge number of buyers. Every day your traffic increases more and more.
If you are new to this platform here are some tricks that you should use to make your purchases the safest, as well as the least expensive. Remember that it is a multi-store platform that has many sales, and taking advantage of these tips you will acquire your products at the best prices.
Also, we leave you some steps so you can make purchases on Amazon from any country in Latin America, as is the case in Venezuela, from where buying on Amazon has become somewhat complicated .
What are the benefits of buying at Amazon and why do it?
Buy on Amazon is very common in people , because it leaves us with many benefits, such can be the following:
Low prices
We all look for products at the lowest possible cost , because the more we save much better, and the truth is that with Amazon we can enjoy this great advantage. Due to the great competition that exists on such a platform, many physical and virtual stores decide to make offers , which undoubtedly becomes a great benefit for all consumers.
Comments are one of our references , to completely trust the seller or virtual store we are visiting, since it is the experiences of the buyers that will indicate not only the responsible of the store , but also that their products are what they offer us on screen. With this we avoid many scams, something that we have to take into account since may exist on the page .
But comments are not only available to buyers, but also to sellers, which allows them to give us a brief description of the product and its characteristics, which can help us a lot to choose between one product or another.
Flexible shopping times
Another great advantage is that we can access the platform regardless of the time, since it is always available to offer us a large list of catalogs of the products we are looking for.
For example, if we lose sleep and it is three in the morning and we want to know the price of a specific product because we plan to buy it, we will find the page available at that time .
Catalog variety
As we know, Amazon is a platform that has a large number of sellers , which allows us to enjoy a large number of products and an almost infinite catalog, which is increasing every day and more.
There we will find products for all types of occasions and for all people, what matters is that we have the money to cancel them .
Being a virtual store, we will not need to travel half the city to find our products, since Amazon is available just a click from us, so walking and the stress of searching in different stores are eradicated with this platform.
Wish list
If we do not have money at the moment to buy a product, we only go to the Amazon website, we access with our account and make a wish list of all those products we want, where we can access to them when we have enough money to cancel them.
Amazon offers us a fairly secure purchasing system, you can say that it is even the most reliable compared to the other platforms that exist. When it comes to security, this is number one,
It also offers multiple options to pay for purchases, such as PayPal, although this is indirectly , because Amazon does not accept this method of payment; We can also do it through debit and credit cards and many other highly secure means.
Variety in a single product
If we are looking for a laptop, we will surely find thousands of different brands, features, and above all the costs. If we are somewhat hesitant it will take hours and maybe days to choose which one to buy.
Fast and economical shipping
Another advantage is that it offers fast and low-cost shipping , which helps us a lot when saving, although we have to take into account that the price per shipment varies depending on the country that offers us the product and where we are located .
Steps to buy on Amazon from any country of LATAM easy and fast
Next, here is the procedure for each Latin American country:
From Venezuela
As we know credit or debit cards in Venezuela have no ability to pay in dollars, because the government has long since eliminated access to currencies through credit cards. However, for Venezuela there are still some means of payment that allow us to make purchases on Amazon.
These new payment methods are due to the fact that today freelance work in Venezuela has increased in such a way that almost half of the population charges in this type of currency. As a payment method is the Gift Card , which is a direct Amazon option that allows many people to buy and purchase their products from this and other countries.
Another thing that you should keep in mind that to buy in Venezuela, you must have an international locker, because first your product must reach that locker and from there pay to be brought to Venezuela.
These lockers are mostly located in Miami , and all they do is receive goods and transfer them to the selected country. There are many lockers, so we recommend you go to ZOOM and ask what are available and the costs of each one.
To monitor your package, simply go to “ www.grupozoom.com ” the guide number dictated by Amazon, and they will tell us where our product is physically located.
Knowing this, we can proceed with the purchase on Amazon. First we must enter the official page and there enter with our username and password, placing the pointer where it says “Hello, identify yourself”, if we don’t have it, we register, by clicking on “Create your Amazon account”.
To make a successful registration, we must fill in the fields with our data, and establish a password that is complicated enough, but not to be forgotten. A confirmation message will be sent to our email, where we must copy the code and paste it into the blank space shown by Amazon and click on “Create your account” to continue.
Now we look for the product or article that we want to buy and select it, it will open all the descriptions of it, if we are convinced that to buy them, we click on “Buy now”.
We will have to add our shipping address, but as we already mentioned there are no shipments to Venezuela, or good if there are, but mostly not. The address we must add is that of our locker.
Finally we must add the payment method, in order to finalize the purchase.
From Colombia
Amazon purchases from Colombia are much simpler and more practical than from Venezuela. The phones in that country come integrated with the Amazon Shopping App, allowing devices to access the store and cancel each product.
In order to make the purchase we must access the main menu of Amazon , choose “Settings “, then look for the option of international purchases. The same application through the use of Internet connection will identify that we are connected from Colombia.
There at Amazon we can see the prices in both dollars and pesos , leaving the currency to be used at the discretion of each one as a buyer. One thing that we should keep in mind is that Amazon indicated that shipping and dispatch packages will be managed from Customs.
As long as we register our receipt address well, we will not have problems with our packages, so Amazon always asks us if we want to continue shopping with that address.
From Mexico
- As for all countries, we must first have an Amazon account to access all its services, so if you are at this point in the post and you still do not have an account, it is best to run to register.
- If your registration is ready, enter the platform with the credentials you indicated when creating the account. Now look in the menu “Hello”, you go to accounts and lists of the portal that is in English.
- Then you will go to your account “Your Account ”, you dictate your address in the form “ Your Address ”. After entering this, you need to verify your address and postal area very well, because that guarantees that you will receive your package .
- To finalize the form you must click on the “Add address” button.
- Once our data is on the platform, we can start the search of those products that we like or attract so much attention.
- To make the purchase we simply select the product we want to purchase and we look for the option of on the right side “News and News ” (“ Open box & news ”). This is done with the intention of having more offers for that product we want.
- To finish we add our products to the shopping cart. The “cart” shopping or “Cart” icon is located at the top of the screen, which by default the product is chosen and saved until we complete the request.
- We must take into account details such as the shipping cost , so you have to go to the left where it says “ Shipping calculation and taxes ” (“Estimate your shipping and tax”), so that those additional costs for the shipment appear to us, which when added gives us an amount greater than what we had seen in the product.
- Then we use the means of payment to cancel the product , and if in your case the product is not in the Mexican market, we recommend that you check the status of the product to choose another product or see the conditions left by the seller .
From Peru
After entering the page with our credentials, which we should have previously registered, we look for that product that we want to obtain so much.In that great search list we will find results of articles, even those that do not can be taken to Peru, so we must filter so that only those who can appear, selecting on the left side of the search “AmazonGlobal Eligible” .
- After passing that arduous selection, we will add it to our shopping cart, clicking on “Add to Cart”. But the one you add in the cart does not mean that you are going to buy so you still have time to choose whether or not you want it .
- Then we click on “Proceed to checkout” to make the purchase, in Spanish the option that tells us is that we must go through the box. Then Amazon will show us the total cost of that item we want to purchase. This includes shipping cost.
- We decide if we want to cancel it in soles or dollars, of course as long as our debit or credit card allows us to. At the end of the purchase we only hope that the product arrives at our house, and enjoy it.
From Chile
To make purchases through Amazon, we must first have registered on the platform and clearly leave our physical location.