While it’s true, YouTube has more than one billion users , which is about a third of all people who surf the Internet. And it can be said that every day, people see hundreds of millions of hours in this network of videos owned by Google and with that, generate thousands of views . This being the main reason why a personal or commercial brand chooses to start a channel there, given that it is a medium that has a significant influence on buying habits and professional ambitions most people today.
In this sense, starting on a YouTube channel can be the path to the success of a business. Taking into account, mainly that, with only a fraction of the entire percentage of the user base of this platform, could grant an excessive amount of visibility to your products or services and indeed, You could easily multiply your exposure . For what is considered the preferred medium by most influencers or those who bet on the tools offered by the online world. In addition, the production of a video although it seems complicated, exhibits ease of production attached to the best image and audio quality , making it more attractive for users to visit such a medium that a written blog.
In this sense, it is considered essential to know how to set up a YouTube channel and be able to manage all the advanced settings it offers . Consequently, we want to provide you with all this information in detail, so that you do not hesitate for a second to start on this platform or if you have an account there and do not know how to use it, you have also reached the post indicated to take it out the greatest benefit from now .
Steps to set up your YouTube channel and start uploading videos as a professional
Then the different alternatives that this platform offers you to start uploading videos like a professional and thus, know perfectly how to configure each of these options .
Configure language and country
It is very easy to set the language of your preference and the country where you are. Taking into account that in order to participate in the YouTube Partner Program , this is required, since it depends on the configuration of the country you choose.
While it is true, this program allows the creators of each channel, to monetize their videos within the platform and thus, obtain more income through the advertising that is displayed in its content. Just like than with subscribers of the Premium version who watch everything that is published on the platform.
Now, we indicate the step by step to be able to carry out this action:
- Sign in to your YouTube channel .
- Go to the upper right of the window, where your photo appears profile . There, you should look at the drop-down menu that they show you.
- After that, look for the section that says “ Language ” and click to select the language of your preference. In this case, we choose “ Spanish (Spain) ”.
- Now, to select the country where you are located , look at the drop-down menu and press where it says “ Location “. When you access that option, they will show you a list of all countries.
Here we illustrate with an image each of the steps mentioned above:
Add a website
To generate more traffic, many people worry about associating their website with the YouTube channel , as it is quite beneficial. In addition to providing the ease of adding signals from the classification of web pages on Google , thanks to the YouTube search algorithm. Indeed, it is relevant that you also know how to do it and here we tell you step by step what you should carry out:
- Click on “ Settings ” found in the menu on the left hand side. There, choose “ Advanced Settings ”.
- Then go to your account icon and choose “ Creator Studio “.
- Upon entering “ Creator Studio ”, access the section “ Advanced ” and then the section “ Associated website ”, Which is where you should copy the URL of your website.
- Once you enter the URL you want, under that box you must click on “ Verify ”, if you are the owner of the website and if not , it is appropriate to “ Request approval ” so that the owner of that website does so.
Activate or deactivate channel recommendations
If you choose to activate or deactivate the recommendations, you are influencing your channel to appear in others that your potential audience may visit. The section responsible for offering you this option is identified as “ Related channels ” and is based mainly on the videos that are viewed by the same users and the similar topics they handle.
To enable or disable channel recommendations, perform the following procedure:
- After signing in, locate yourself in the upper right and click on your account icon .
- Located in the small window that appears, choose the option “ Creator Studio “. To later, click on the “ Channel ” section on the left hand side of the window. There, you must select “ Advanced options ”.
- In the menu that appears, notice that in the section “ Ads ” an option identified as “ Disable interest-based ads ” appears. This, finally, is the option that you must choose or not to adjust it to your preferences, with just click on the small box .
Create a custom URL
For starters, custom URLs are only available to advertisers and partners whose sales representatives have previously enabled this feature . If you are eligible for this, you will see a notice in the advanced account settings and you will receive an email telling you that.
For its part, it is important to note that once you create a URL in your channel, you cannot change it . Now, let’s see the step-by-step thing to do:
- Once on the platform, access the “ Advanced Settings ” of your account, after clicking on the icon, to press “ Creator Studio ”and go to“ Settings ”.
- After entering“ Advanced Settings ”, go to“ Channel Settings ”and choose the link next to“ You are eligible for a custom URL ”, so you’ll only see this if your account is supported.
- Later , in the “ Get a custom URL ” box, you can see the custom URLs for which it has been approved and although you cannot modify the part of the gray box, it is possible to add some letters or numbers , so that the URL is unique to you.
- Finally it is recommended to read in detail the “ Custom URL terms of use ” and understand Derlos well. So, select the checkbox to accept and then click on “ Change URL ”. When it has been approved, your audience can reach your account on the platform, using that custom URL that will take them to the home page .
Configure conditional redirects for a channel
Conditional redirects on YouTube are based on a shortened profile URL that leads to another URL . These are especially based on:
- Sex , which is delimited by the letter M or F.
- Age , which is established by a sign of comparison and a number.
- Language and location , which are required through regional configurations, whether partial or net.
- Destination , which relies on users that match the destination and can be a profile name.
However, to be able to use this alternative, it is necessary to be advertising partners and that their managers or representatives have activated this function .
In addition, the following regulations must be followed:
- Be at least 30 days old.
- Have at least 500 subscribers.
- Have a good design.
- Own a channel icon with an appropriate photo.
Finally, to have conditional redirects on your channel, the process is as follows:
- Enter your YouTube account.
- Find the icon in the upper right of the window and then click on “ Creator Studio ”. li>
- Go to the menu shown on the left and choose the option “ Channel ” to finally access “ Advanced options “.
Add a Google Analytics property
Fortunately, YouTube channels integrate a statistics service that provides accurate and very valuable information about the most visited content , so you can better understand the views they receive your multimedia content .
Knowing also the main sources of traffic, the number of subscribers, comments, among other information of interest. So, in order to add a Google Analytics property, you simply have to perform the following step by step:
- First of all, you must sign in to your Google Analytics account .
- Subsequently, copy the property tracking ID . If you do not have any configured, you can search for information directly on the web to structure a property in Google Analytics.
- After performing these steps, go to the advanced settings in your YouTube account.
- Once located at the bottom of the window, paste the tracking ID right in the box called “ Google Analytics property tracking ID ”.
- To finish, just click on the “ Save ” option, and that’s it.
How to set up YouTube Kids in Safe mode for children?
Due to the large traffic of prohibited content on the Internet, parents prefer to control their children’s activity and thus avoid observing certain images or videos that may disturb them. For this reason, YouTube offers an excellent function that allows you to configure the content in Safe Mode so that, in this way, the little ones of the house navigate with total tranquility on the video platform and enjoy it. p>
In this sense, in order to do so, parents and / or representatives must choose the content in the application and thus, set up a profile for the child . The procedure to be performed is as follows:
- Click on the “ Block ” icon located in the lower corner of any account on the platform.
- After that, complete the problem of multiply or read and copy the numbers that show, or failing that, enter your custom key .
- Choose the “ Settings ” icon to access to all options.
- Subsequently, select your child’s profile and copy the password from their primary account .
- Finally, press the option you prefer :
- Younger content settings.
- Previous content settings.
- Only approved content .
With this, you can ensure that your child does not access certain malicious videos or with inappropriate content, without the need to be watching him at all times when he is in front of the computer.