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How to create a chatbot on Whatsapp that responds automatically to messages? Step by step guide

How to create a chatbot on Whatsapp that responds automatically to messages? Step by step guide

The struggle that exists between the different competitors of a niche market is getting bigger in an economy. Therefore, participants need to differentiate themselves from each other by attracting the attention of each client or segment of these.

A good way to generate value to services is to provide good service to users. This is why many companies are choosing to provide a chatbot through the WhatsApp platform, which are generally used to evacuate customer doubts, as well as function as a support support.

If you are thinking of implementing a chatbot in WhatsApp, do not miss this post, in which we will explain all the steps and requirements you need to design an efficient software for your customers.

Why should I set up a chatbot in my Whatsapp Business? Benefits

A bot is software that is designed to perform repetitive tasks, virtually instantaneously, according to the indications that are based on the development itself.

When we connect a bot with an Internet chat, we can call this program as chatbot , with which a person can communicate, through a specific medium or platform, with a program that contains a common and natural language.

The platform referred to in the previous paragraph, in our case is Whatsapp. Therefore, we can say that a chatbot for Whatsapp is that software that companies use, in this instant messaging, to be able to provide a better customer service without the need to turn to employees.

The benefits obtained are those mentioned below:

  • The costs will decrease considerably , since you only need to incur structural expenses for the design, development and implementation of the software, avoiding spending money on salaries to staff on a monthly basis.
  • There will be a better strategy for the use of resources , since we can have people engaged in other tasks much more important and not destined to repetitive questions, answering the same questions all the time .
  • It allows a closer approach to the user since, with the WhatsApp chatbot, the company will have one more channel to be able to communicate with the client in an efficient way.
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  • A bit related to the previous point, is that the users will not be left unattended , so our service as a company will improve considerably from the point of view of customer service.
  • m’s strategies arketing can be planned better , because thanks to a chatbot we will have valuable information that we can extract from this program and thus analyze what are the most common problems that customers have.
  • Other One way to have a benefit with a WhatsApp chatbot is that we provide a point of differentiation with respect to the competition.

What are the requirements that are needed to create messages WhatsApp automatically?

Cuáles son los requisitos que se necesitan para crear un bot que responda mensajes de Whatsapp automáticamente

Many times we think that to have a chatbot we need advanced knowledge of technology, as well as having a special instant messaging account.

Fortunately none of this is necessary as we can make a chatbot for WhatsApp . The requirements we need are the following:

  • Have a WhatsApp account activated.
  • Download a third-party application that helps us in chatbot programming.

When we need to do it in a more professional way so that our company can increase its sales , we will have to follow the next steps that are a bit more technical from the point of commercial view.

They are:

  • We establish the target market.
  • We study the variables and common problems that users have, as well as the needs to be met.
  • We decide where it will appear The existence of a chatbot. According to the promotion that we will make of the product, we define whether newsletter or any expansion document will be made to be able to take into account within the bot options.
  • We acquire a program for the WhatsApp chatbot, it can be Mobile Monkey .
  • We define the tone of our message in order to get closer to the potential client
  • We analyze and establish the issues we have to talk about.
  • We study the variables and alternative paths when the questions cannot be answered or the answers are not included in it.

Steps to create and configure a chatbot in WhatsApp / configure

Pasos para crear y configurar un chatbot en Whatsapp y configurar conversaciones automáticas

In order to configure a WhatsApp chatbot we will perform the steps shown below:

  • We download the application Auto Answer Whatsapp.
  • Once we have it our phone, we access it to be able to create automatic responses.
  • Choose “Notification settings” .
  • You will ask us if we want to access this application to our WhatsApp, for this we will grant the permission by clicking on “Allow” .
  • We select equally Accept .
  • We look for the option with the plus symbol located at the bottom right of the screen.
  • At this moment we have to choose how the answers can be according to what our contacts send us. In other words, we can choose between an exact response or similarity match , and other alternatives that are available for the Pro version.
  • We write that we need to appear in the message.
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  • We choose permitted Accept .

To create another kind of rule, we will have to follow the previous deadlines. Also, if we need to deactivate an answer, we just have to move the selector to the left or slide it with our finger in the same direction.

When we need to no longer have the automatic answer we select the selector that is above the application to the left and vice versa to enable the app.

Five successful chatbot examples of large companies in Whatsapp Messenger

On many occasions inbound marketing is a key success factor to increase sales , as well as to promote this tool for the organizational culture of other companies.

According to this, we can talk about different cases in which large companies have carried out this process of communication with the client and had very good results. Next, we will name five prominent cases:

When we need to automate our communication with the client, we can take into account the bot offered by the company , which is considered friendly and can increase the efficiency of people. It includes customer support, as well as other comprehensive solutions.

It is a small group of Script that will allow us to translate languages; Publish images and complement Google Maps. We will also be able to add GitHub from different scripts and share them with the community, which will eventually be a much more efficient platform.

Thanks to this technology we can have a WhatsApp chat bot that will allow us to communicate with the client in an efficient and clear way . It is designed to analyze all the requirements that the community has about the most common situations that exist in the clients of our activity. With this tool we can answer queries, generate and rate LEDs, as well as offer customer support.

In addition, if we need to do surveys, we can calmly indicate what the requirements are for you to be able to complete your work without any problems.

Amazon Lex

For those cases where we need to have a chat that can contain deep learning , based on Alexia’s technology and its different learning, we have to think about this company that will develop software for our measure.

We can find different success stories with this company that is specially directed for WhatsApp and also uses different interfaces for the types of conversation, in which the use of text and voice can also be applied.

This company, located in Madrid, Barcelona and South America, has an extraordinary experience that will allow us to have a WhatsApp bot oriented to the next generation, taking into account language processing natural that our customers have.

It offers tutorials with which it will indicate the steps that we have to take into account to be able to have WhatsApp chatbots in a unique way. Thanks to this agency specialized in the creation of bots, we can communicate with our clients in an automated way and generate added value for our company.


When we look for a company, whose designers have transited the problems that we currently have in order to communicate efficiently with the users of our company , who can develop the open source botchat, we are in the presence of the indicated.

This program is designed to analyze all the reactions that the community has when a program with open codes is delivered in a social coding experiment.