Business Manager is a tool that has been launched by the social network of Facebook which has been created to help facilitate the work of large brands and companies, allowing you to manage different pages, applications, permissions, ad accounts , among other network options. Currently this platform is also known as Commercial Administrator and it is important to mention that it offers its services for free.
This tool gives you the possibility of being able to keep a better control of the entire organization of your business in one place, where it gives you the opportunity to perform a management in each of the areas. This allows you to save time and effort when having to use different pages to keep control of your business.
Having the right knowledge to create an account on this platform is very important, especially for those who are responsible for digital marketing. That is why we will explain what the main steps are that you must carry out in order to create your own space within this platform that will undoubtedly help you improve the performance of your business.
Steps to create an account in Facebook Business Manager
Being able to create an account within this platform has its great advantages and this tool will give you the possibility to manage all your information in a very complete way as well as grant access to different people from an easy and fast way, without the need to be sharing users and password, this being something tedious for many people.
This platform offers you a clearer vision of your business as well as better control over each of its areas, thanks to the fact that all the necessary tools can be obtained in one place.
To create a Facebook advertising account you just have to follow the following steps:
1 – Create FB advertising account
- To start with this process you must go directly to this url: https://business.facebook.com
- Once you are inside the page you go Click on “ Create Account .” It is important to keep in mind that for this “ Configuration” process you must have already created your personal Facebook account and a business page. That is why it is important to choose the right person to carry the account settings.
2 – Complete the profile
Once you have selected the option to create an account, the following will appear:
- A new window will open where you will have to enter the data of your business and account , as well as your name and email of the company.
- Once you have completed this information you must click on subsequentlyNextly.
- A new window will open where you will have to complete your personal data .
- Once all the data is complete you will click on «Send»
3 – Know and configure the platform
Once all your requested data is completed you will be welcomed and you will also have the opportunity to see a short tutorial where you will be taught what are the first steps that you will have to carry out on the platform.
Once inside the platform you will see that there are different assets, which must be taken into account and are the following:
- Page
- Advertising account
- People
4 – Add a new page
When adding a new page, it is recommended to complete all the information requested in the order in which they appear. In such a way, that the first step to start will be « Add page» , once this is completed you will see a new window with three options:
- Add your own page : Here you will be able to add Facebook pages that you manage to your account, this can only be done by adding the URL of the same.
- Add another user’s page: If you want to use another user’s URL, you must request permission from your business administrator account. To do so, just add the URL of the page.
- Create a page: If your business does not already have a Facebook page, you must create one.
Depending on the type of business you have , you should choose the one that best suits what you need.
5 – Add advertising accounts
This is another important step at the time of creating the account of this platform for the management of your web content, that is why the next step is essential for you to publish the necessary ads.
For this you must go to the Start section and click on « Add advertising account» . Something very similar to what was done in the previous step, clicking on this option will also display three options.
- Add own advertising account
- Add another person’s advertising account
- Create your own advertising account
Once you have completed these points, you should keep in mind that when accessing your pages and the ad manager, you can use the «Power Editor» tool, which allows you create different Facebook ads simultaneously and have more control over all of them.
6 – Add people
This step turns out to be fundamental for those users who work directly with companies that manage different departments , as well as those who work with different clients. Since this option will allow them Add the necessary people in an easy and fast way.
To do this you must do the following:
- You must enter the section of accounPersonas accoun
- Then you will click on “Add people”
- Within this option Facebook will allow you to add people to your business, this will be done by adding their emails.
- Once this is done, an email will be sent to that person with an invitation to join the “Business Administrator.
Once you are clear about what role each person will assume, you can start assigning the new assets and determine the level of access that each of them can have.
How to set up my Bussines Manager account with my Facebook page ?
Once you have created your Business Manager account, it is recommended that you add your Facebook page so you can manage them all from one place. To do this you just have to follow the following steps:
- You must enter the “Business Settings” section.
- Then you must click on the “Pages” tab.
- Then you will enter the option of “Accounts” and again to chosenPages.
- on the right side of your screen, the “Add new pages” option appears, you will double click on it.
- Now you will choose between these three options: Request access to a page, create new page or Add new page.
- If you choose Add or request access , you must specify the name of the URL of your FB company page. li>