Today almost everyone knows the American company Amazon , since most of the purchases made on the internet are made using this e-commerce portal. Amazon was founded in 1994 , and since then it has not stopped growing until it becomes what it is today, a giant e-commerce store worldwide.
We can say that on this website you can find all kinds of products , it is the store where you can buy everything that exists, the imaginable and even the unimaginable. Amazon has been the pioneer of electronic commerce , and therefore has announced the advantages offered by this type of sale at digital level. Amazon’s success lies behind specific keys.
The speed with which orders arrive at their clients’ homes, the comfort that the whole process has (the client does not even have to get off the couch to buy the products) and the price of the products that are purchased (many times they offer us incredible offers that physical stores cannot offer). Therefore, there are many reasons to buy the products we want through this platform . To start using this platform, we need to meet some conditions.
How to register a new account to buy on Amazon?
The most essential is to have an account registered with Amazon to be able to make the purchase , it is necessary to comply with this, since without an account you cannot perform sales transactions within the portal, and neither many things. In addition, customers who have an account can benefit from many other advantages. In this post we will show you what types of accounts can be created on Amazon and the guidelines to follow to create them. Let’s go there!
Registering a new account with Amazon is a simple and easy task to do , the website usually indicates how to enter a new user account. Still, we will show you the steps one by one so that the process becomes much easier.
1 – Access the official website for registration
In order to register as a user on Amazon , first go here and you will go directly to the registration form for the version of Spain >, if you are in another country, access the specific platform in your area or directly at Amazon.com in a generic way. Once there, in the upper right we locate « Accounts and Litas » and below, click on « Start here «.
2 – Enter user data
We fill in the form with personal information, the data we must provide are:
- Name
- Password (minimum 6 characters)
- Repeat the password to confirm
And then click on the button « Create your Amazon account » with this we accept the terms of use and the privacy policy.
3 – Configure our shipping address
We already have our account created, now we will have to enter different data to configure our profile, for this we go back to the top right in « Accounts and Lists » and if we put the mouse Above this, a drop-down menu is displayed, click on “ My account ” and then on “ Addresses ” and then on “ Add address «.
Here you will be able to configure your shipping address for use while we make our purchases on Amazon, the data to be entered are as follows:
- Country of residence
- Name and surname
- Postal address (Street, number, floor etc)
- City
- Province or region
- Postal Code
- Phone or cell number
And we give in « Add address «, this process has many advantages, since in subsequent orders we will not have to enter any data, since Amazon will remember the shipping address and the process Purchase will be faster . It is possible to include more shipping addresses , although we will have to mark one of them as the first option.
4 – Set up payment methods
Now it is the time to enter our credit card information with which we will make our payments on this platform, for this, as in the previous step, we access «Accounts and Lists»> « My account »>« Payment methods ».
We go to « Add a card » and we fill in the following information:
- Name on the card (The full name that appears on our credit or debit card)
- Card number (It will be a 16-digit series in 4 sets of 4 numbers)
- Expiration date (Month and year)
With this step we provide the payment data that we will use in our purchases, is totally secure since Amazon uses the greatest security measures in terms of ecommerce.
You already have it! If you have completed the entire process, you already have your own Amazon account. Take advantage and start using this impressive online shopping tool.
How to open an account to sell on Amazon? FBA professional seller
A very succulent form of general income is through the platform for sellers at Amazon, and that if this website is so large in content and products, it is because thousands of sellers display their own products as well as their products. third parties. If you want to start selling on Amazon we give you the steps to follow so that you start off on a good footing.
1 – Enter the official website of sellers
To start with the Amazon FBA registration go to the following URL:
- https://services.amazon.es/ (this is the website for Amazon.es users)
- https: // services .amazon.com / (For sellers on Amazon.com)
Once there, click on the orange button that says « Register now » or failing « Start the free 30-day trial * «.
2 – Fill in the registration form
If we already had a particular user account, you will ask us to enter our email and password information, in case you do not want to use this account, we will choose « Create your Amazon account «. We will follow the same steps as in the previous case, it is recommended to use a company email to be able to separate our seller and buyer account.
Once done in the previous process, and access the aforementioned urls, we proceed to start the registration for professional sellers properly , in this first step we will be asked for the following:
- The country where the headquarters of our company is located
- The type of company (Private, publicly traded, public, charitable or private)
We select the options that fit our circumstances and then another option will appear, that of our personal data if we choose particular , or the company name if we select one of the other options , in this case we fill in the fields with reliable data and click on « Accept and continue «, with this we accept Amazon’s policies.
3 – We begin to fill in business or personal data
This step may change as we have chosen a particular company or seller, in this case we will explain what data we will have to fill out for private sellers.
- Country of nationality
- Country of birth
- Date of birth
- Identity document
- Expiration date of document
- Registered office (Address, zip code, city, country etc)
- Contact phone number (* this must be verified by entering a PIN code , we can choose to send the PIN via SMS or phone call)
It is very important to fill in the fields with truthful data since in the future we will have to corroborate this information with the delivery of official documents. We give “ Save ” and go to the next step.
4 – Payment information
In order to receive payments from our future sales at Amazon, we will have to provide our card details, for this we enter the card number, expiration date, cardholder, and assign it a postal address . It is recommended to use a card in which the holder matches the holder of the Amazon FBA account. And we click on “ Save ” to go to the next step.
5 – Additional information

In this case we will only have to select the card where both expenses and income will be charged. If we choose in the registration process that we are a company, we will have to provide billing information, taxes and other information until all fields are completed. It is always recommended to use real data, since as we have commented, in the future we will be asked to verify all these data to confirm the veracity of it through official documents.
6 – Store name
We’re almost finishing, in this last step, Amazon will ask us to give a name to our store , the most common is to choose a name that can relate to the type of products we are offering. Click on the “ Start publishing products ” button and the registration process for Amazon professional sellers will be finished, and you can start including your new products to sell. Good luck in your new career!
Is it possible to create an account on Amazon without having a credit card?
In principle it is not possible to create an account on Amazon without having a credit card , however, as we have said before, in the creation process they do not ask us for any card data, since We must include this later or in our first purchase.
But if what we want is to download free applications, books or music (mostly multimedia content) from the Kindle store , it will not be necessary to include any data from our credit or debit card. To do this we go back to “Accounts and Lists” in the drop-down select “Manage content and devices”.
We look for the option of «Settings», Once this tab is open we go directly to « Kindle payment settings » and select « Edit payment method »and we introduce the required fields one by one. We will also have to change the “ Country settings ” option and select our country of residence.
Now you can enter the Amazon Kindle Store and download all the free content that it finds without the need to enter any data from our credit card.