Email is an indispensable element for anyone moving on the internet. Any user with a mobile phone, when you start using it for the first time, automatically gets a Google or Apple email account (if you have an Android smartphone or iPhone) . Its versatility and the tremendous utility it has are the main reasons why everyone uses e-mails .
In fact, in addition to becoming a way to share information and communicate with others conveniently and directly , with little waiting time; They are also part of our identity in the network of networks. Currently, there are countless companies that offer their own mail systems. We have gigantic companies like Google already mentioned offering its Gmail or even Microsoft with Outlook .
There are as many proposals as we want, sharing similar functions and adding our own incentives to finally attract the public (storage space in the cloud, video calls, chats and much more). Although there are some that capture the eyes of all points of the globe, there are others that enjoy a lot of fame in certain territories , which also have the backing of other technological giants but that, for certain reasons , have failed to extend beyond a certain region.
Register a new email account in Aol Mail in Spanish
This is the case of AOL Mail , a system that has the support of Verizon . With English as the base language, this platform has a slope designed for the Spanish public, AOL Mail Latino , incorporating several functions that make it a very interesting proposal. So much, that here we will explain how to create an email account in AOL Mail Latino step by step so you can check why it has the support of one of the most important companies on the planet.
The only way to register an email account in Aol Mail in Spanish is by going to its Latin side. Any normal search on Google will always send directly to its American version, the most popular, so you have to establish a very specific starting point to prevent the internet from always leading to the same place.
Next we will explain with this little tutorial , everything you need to do to be able to register in Spanish and avoid any hint of foreign language while creating your email account.
1 – Enter the AOL Mail Latino website
Open your trusted web browser and, in the search bar, enter the URL we leave below to directly enter the main page of AOL Mail Latino: https://mail.latino.aol.com / .
2 – Registration begins
The window that appears when entering the main web of this group is oriented to the beginning of a session already created previously. Since it is not what interests us, instead of filling in the field that appears on the screen, you should go a little further down and click on “ Register ”. By doing so, you will enter the section dedicated to the registration of new users . The place we are looking to create the email account.
3 – Enter your user data
Now, you must fill in the form that appears on the screen with a series of fairly simple data. First, you must start by entering both your name and your last name. Be careful, as they will appear as part of the email account holder.
After this, the next section is to choose the identity of the mail, which will accompany the “@ aol.com” . Choose something distinctive and easy to memorize, so that anyone who has to contact you in this way has it easy. After this, also enter the password with which to restrict access (remember that, the more complex it is, the more security it will give).
The following information to be filled in is a mobile phone number (you must set the prefix +34 if it is in Spain, or choose the one that corresponds to the country where your terminal operates) to link to the user account and also a date of birth with which to determine your age. The last step before continuing is to indicate your gender in the field enabled for it (it is optional) and, after doing so, click on the “Continue” button to be able to proceed with the registration procedure.
4 – Verify your number
In order to verify your identity and the veracity of the indicated number, the AOL system must verify your phone by sending a code . On the screen that will appear after completing the previous step, the mobile you indicated previously will be displayed. Confirm that it is correct and click on the “ Send a verification code by text message ” button.
The terminal to which the indicated number belongs will receive an SMS with a 5-digit code . Type them in the field enabled in the web browser and click on “ Verify ” to proceed.
5 – Account created!
After completing the previous step, your AOL email account in Spanish will have already been created . You just have to click on the “ Let’s start ” button and you will access the main panel of your new and newly created e-mail. From it you have access, as you can see, to your input and output trays, drafts, copywriting and other sections of any email manager.
Is it safe to open an account in Aol Mail to have an email electronic?
Aol Mail , despite lacking the popularity of other large free email systems such as Gmail, Outlook or Yahoo! , has a user base behind it big enough to think of it as an effective and, above all, secure platform .
When encountering a little known system in certain territories, and knowing the importance of some information in their e-mail profiles, it is common to ask if it is safe to open an account in Aol Mail , for example, when you have an email. But it is important to keep in mind that yes, Aol is tremendously safe, despite the leaks spilled by some critics of this system.
Great specialists influence the domain “ @ aol.com ” is one of the most strengthened of all internet against attacks of computer viruses, hackers, agencies or even malware To begin with, its operation is so solid that Verizon , one of the great internet and telecommunications giants worldwide, recently announced that it would migrate all email accounts from its platform to AOL because to a reverse in its services intended for it. By relying on this proposal, the company confirmed the reliability of this popular platform in the United States, sending hundreds of thousands of new users to it.
Of course, this platform also relies on the use of SSL certificates to confirm its reliability , in addition to the relevant digital protocols that confirm its robustness and strength against possible computer attacks. For users, it also includes some functions designed to improve security in the login process, where most problems usually occur.
One of the mechanisms it incorporates is the 2-step verification , something that is becoming a standard in modern times. This system consists of using not only a password to access your user profile and your corresponding email account, but also the sending of a security key to the mobile phone , assigned when creating the account, for immediate introduction.
This procedure must be repeated every time you want to log in safely. In that sense, when it starts on a device other than the usual one, the Aol team sends a message notifying the user that this connection has been made to inform them in case it was made without permission . It is a mechanism that has been extended by numerous services, this platform being one of the first to use it to satisfy its users.
All these reasons show that, in effect, AOL Mail Latino is one of the most reliable proposals that we can find in the sector. It may not be as popular as those provided by Gmail, Outlook or even Yahoo , but its robustness is something that has been patent for years, such as its desire to acquire the latest news in order to ensure security of its users and their satisfaction with the user experience.