We will show you in this article the benefits you can achieve by using workflows in Slack. For this you will have to read to the end so that you find the reasons to carry out this task.
But this is not all you will find in this post, We’ll also talk about the step-by-step you have to go through to successfully create a Slack workflow from scratch.
Finally, you will see how create automated mechanisms in a channel using Webhooks. Pay attention to all the details because we will also explain how to view the activity of the workflow.
What are the benefits of using workflows in Slack? Reasons to do it
The workflow is a native Slack tool that allows to perform automatically routine tasks within a task space. This is why, the members that belong to this group can interact with that workflow, taking into account that it is possible to send personalized forms and messages easily. In addition, you can add steps to the workflow and manage the collaborators that will make up this group.
Therefore, it can be mentioned that when using a workflow in Slack the communications within the company will have the following benefits:
- It is possible to limit the use of a flow working to certain members. This makes it possible to keep private information safe at all times.
- As routine jobs are automated, with this tool Slack generates greater productivity in tasks. This is because the members will not focus on always performing the same tasks and will therefore use their time in other aspects that may be more useful in the results.
- Authorization to enter a workflow rests with the administrator or owner of the workspace or organization. Therefore, any member can be included and expelled to maintain communication security.
- Once a workflow is created it is possible to edit it during the same, so it becomes a dynamic tool that always adapts to the needs of the company.
- If you wish, you can export a workflow to another channel and in this way save steps in manufacturing. You must bear in mind that a workflow cannot be shared between several channels.
Learn step by step how to create a workflow with Slack from scratch without errors
Check out:
Download workflow files
The steps you’ll have to do in Slack when you want to download a document from a workflow are:
- Head to the workspace in which this tool is located.
- Then click Tools.
- Then click on the function Workflow Builder.
- Select flow work you need.
- Click on the icon 3 points that you will find next to the function.
- Click on Download a workflow file.
- Choose the file and click save.
Download form responses
When you need to download responses to forms created in the workgroup, you will have to follow this guide:
- Open Slack in your browser and go to the workspace. You can find it in the upper left corner of the screen.
- Click on Tools.
- This will bring up a menu in which you must choose the function Workflow Builder.
- Next, click on the details menu represented by 3 horizontal points.
- Tap on Download form responses.
- In case of exist more than one form in the workflow, you will have to display the menu and choose the one you need.
- After these steps go to the function Slackbot in which you will receive a message with the link to download the form in CSV format.
Edit workflow
One of the advantages that we mentioned in the previous paragraphs is that Slack allows you to edit a workflow when it is operational, which generates a great benefit in terms of the adaptability of the tool.
We will show you below how you should do to edit any workflow:
- In your browser go to workspace where the workflow is located.
- Click on Tools and then in Workflow Builder.
- Then, click on the workflow correspondent.
- Select the tool Edit, which you will find next to the step you want Modify.
- Perform all necessary modifications and then click save.
- If for any reason, you want to change what you have just modified, you will have to choose the button Remove.
- To finish, you will have to select Post changes.
Cancel publication or delete a workflow
The first thing to keep in mind before delete a workflow is that this action is permanent, so you will not be able to recover the forms or files it contains. Further, any member who is using it will lose it too.
Once you know the dimensions of this task, you can delete any workflow in a very easy way, the steps you will have to do are:
- Open the Slack workspace from your Pc or Mac.
- Then go to Workflow Builder. You will find this function on the left side of the screen, within Tools.
- Click on the icon 3 horizontal points to display the options menu.
- Find the tool Remove and click on it.
- The platform will warn you that the action you are about to do is final, so you will have to choose the button Remove if you are sure.
Discover how to create more advanced workflows using Webhooks step by step
Webhook is a tool that will allow you to create a little more complex workflows of those that we show you so far. With this function you will automate tasks and share them from external applications with total ease, but you should be a little familiar with code development.
But do not worry! if you are not yet an expert computer user because we will show you below the simple steps you must take to send information to the channel of your choice, give a format to the messages that send and use HTTP protocol requests in JSON format.
Let’s get started:
Create an app in Slack
The first thing you will have to do is create an application in which you must choose the name and link it to the workspace development that you will use in Slack. For that you can enter the URL address with your trusted browser https://api.slack.com/apps?new_app=1
in which you will have to press the button Create a Slack app.
Configure webhooks
Once you have completed the previous step, the platform it will automatically redirect you to the settings of the new app, so what you’ll have to do now is customize the incoming webhooks. For it go to the control panel and choose the tool Incoming Webhooks.
This will display a menu in which you will have to activate the function Activate Incoming Webhooks to create an incoming webhook. Wait a few seconds until the configuration page is updated in which new options will appear so that you can click on Add new webhook to workspace. This step will allow you to activate a shortcut for installing the apps from Slack.
Choose the channel to publish the application
When you have created the shortcut for the information flow of the application you want to install in Slack You must choose the name of the channel on the screen that will appear. This will link the webhook to the channel, for this you will have to click on Authorize.
Go back to the application settings you want to install and click Webhook URL for your workspace so that the URL of the new webhook appears. For example, you can read https://hooks.slack.com/services/T00000000/B00000000/ipap
Post a message via URL
Right now check that you can send a message to the workflow through Url of webhook incoming.
For that you will have to make an HTTP POST request like the one in the following example:
You can also add a bit more complex code using the Block Kit framework like the ones shown below:
You can also do it through of the change of viewers generating the webhook URL through a schedule.
The codes you will have to use are:
Open the Workflow Builder
What you can do now is include steps to verify that you have configured your webhook correctly. Therefore, you will have to open the workflow and go to the option Workflow Builder. Then click Add step and customize the start of the task you want to do. You can send a publication to the URL of the application to verify that all the steps are well done. Come back to Workflow Builder, update the first step and send the modifications you made.
Learn how to view workflow activity in the Workflow Builder
We will show you below how you can see the activity that was carried out within the workflow through the Workflow Generator tool. This will help you to know the interaction that the members have which are included in this workflow, what are the tasks that were completed successfully and what errors may exist within this tool.
See below:
Access the workspace
Enter the workspace with your browser located in the left corner of the screen. After this you will have to select the button in the menu Tools to enter the function Workflow Builder.
Choose the workflow
Once you have entered the Workflow Builder, you will have to choose the tab Your workflows. This will cause a list to be displayed with each of the automated processes that exist. Choose the workflow you need to open it.
Know all the activity
What you should do in this step is click on the tab Exercise and explore all the actions that have been performed in the workflow. If you prefer, you can use filters to narrow down the results and get a better analysis sorted by person names, dates and statuses. If you click on the option Show details You will find the member who activated the workflow and all the steps that have been completed so far.