The video calls on Skype have become a resource widely used and valued by users, because they are used for different purposes. In this sense, they are used to have casual conversations with friends, work meetings and even to teach classes online.
However, the environment is not in the best conditions all the time. For this reason, some programs such as Skype allow modify the background and place one that suits your tastes or needs.
This will get you out of trouble every time you need to have a meeting through the platform and you don’t have your space in order. If you want to learnHow to customize the wallpaper for Skype video calls? keep reading this step by step guide.
Learn step by step how to modify and customize the wallpaper of Skype video calls from any device
When you wish that the image focuses solely on you or you want to hide the background In your video calls, it is very convenient to opt for personalization or blurring of the backgrounds. Skype allows you to do it in a very practical way.
For this reason, we are going to share with you the different options available:
Blur or customize the background in a video call on Windows, MacOs, and Linux
- While you’re on the call move the pointer over the button corresponding to video. You can also click on the menu Plus, which has an icon with three horizontal dots.
- Tap on Choose background effect.
- Select the icon with the three horizontal dotsTo blur the room where you are, choose one of the predefined images, a previously added image or a new image to customize the background.
An important point to mention is that it is recommended that the images be in a horizontal orientation and that, in case of using a personalized image, it is saved locally on the desktop.
Blur or customize the background in all Skype video calls
- Click on your profile picture.
- Tap on Setting, which has a gear icon.
- Go to the button with microphone and video icon.
- Within Choose background effect, you can blur the room, choose a previously used image or add a new one.
- If you want to see all the predefined image categories, select the plus icon, which has three horizontal points. Then, click on Choose background effect.
Blur the background on Android, iPhone and iPad
- During your call, tap Plus which has an icon with three horizontal dots.
- Active Blur the background.
We show you how to create your own background for Skype video calls quickly and easily
If you don’t like the predesigned backgrounds of the platform, you can always choose to design yours. You do not require more knowledge in the area of design, since it is enough to search the Internet for the elements you want and organize them in applications to design, such as Photoshop or Canva.
Here’s how to quickly and easily create your own background for Skype video calls:
What are the dimensions?
The first thing to keep in mind are the image dimensions. From this information, you can start designing according to your tastes and with the exact measurements so that the background fits perfectly. So the image should be of 16: 9 aspect ratio. Regarding its dimensions, it can be 1280 pixels by 720. It also supports 1920 pixels by 1080. This means that the image orientation must always be horizontal.
Create background in Photoshop
Design in Photoshop not highly recommended for beginners, since it is usually a somewhat complicated program to handle if you are not familiar with it.
But if you want to try it, we show you what is the procedure to follow:
- Search the Internet for all items that you are going to integrate into your fund. It is recommended to use images in PNG format. You can also search for landscape backgrounds, etc. Save this file on your PC.
- Enter Photoshop.
- In the menu that appears, click Create new.
- Set the dimensions which will have your design, file name, etc. Remember to use the measurements suggested by Skype.
- Press on To accept.
- Start incorporating the elements that you searched on the Internet, going to the upper menu of Photoshop and clicking on File / Open.
- Choose the elements and click To accept.
- To drag them onto your canvas, in the left menu select the tool Move. This is the first one in the left bar.
- Later, click on the image and drag to your design.
- Locate the elements as you prefer.
- You can too change background color, going to the left bar and pressing on the tool Paint pot, which has an icon just like its name. Then, in the colored boxes displayed at the end of the bar, click on the first box. There, select the color and press To accept. Lastly, tap on your canvas to get it painted.
- Once everything looks the way you want it, go to File / Save As and proceed to select the folder where you will save your design.
Create background in Canva
Canva is a platform great for beginners or users who do not have knowledge of design. Here you have at hand a wide catalog of pre-designed templates with which you can create the background for your video calls on Skype. One point in its favor is that you can modify different aspects of the templates such as colors, letters, elements, etc. The only limit will be your imagination. Plus, you get free and paid options.
If you want to learn how to make your own background with Canva, follow the step by step:
- Go to the Canva website.
- Sign up or log in, in case you have your account already created.
- On top, go to the text box that has a magnifying glass icon. That is the search engine for the platform.
- There, write “Wallpaper”.
- The design page will open. You will be able to see a blank space in the center and a menu with multiple options on the left.
- In the section of Templates, you get preset layouts. Hover over the one you like the most, and the terms “free” or ones with a crown icon are displayed at the bottom of the design. The latter are the designs that you can access on a paid basis.
- Once you get the one you like the most, click on it. You will see that it is located on the blank canvas.
- If you want to customize aspects such as colors, font, size, etc, you just have to click on the object and in the upper menu choose the fields you need to modify.
- To add other items, go back to the left menu and tap on options like Photos, Items, Text, Background, etc.
- When you get what you wanted, you just have to press the button Download located in the upper right and voila.
List of the best backgrounds for Skype video calls that you can use to personalize your profile
To get specifically backgrounds for Skype video calls it can be a bit tricky. Therefore, it is better to look for them as “Wallpapers”. There are many websites where you have access to a wide catalog of options.
We will share with you the 5 best places where you can download funds for your Skype video calls:
Be part of the main options available on the Internet to find attractive wallpapers. It is quite popular for its wide catalog of free photographs of rights and of high quality. Specifically in the category of wallpapers, you will find more than 4,500.
It is another website where you can download photos of all kinds. You simply have to go to your search engine and enter the keyword of the fund you want. One aspect in its favor is that it has a category intended for wallpapers, so you don’t waste a lot of time looking for the one you like the most.
On this website you have access to royalty-free photos that you can include in your video call background. One of the main differences here is that the photos are out of the ordinary. Varied shapes and colors predominate, mixed in a single space so that you can have a unique background.
For lovers of minimalism, Simple Desktops is an excellent option. Here very simple designs predominate, based on small elements in combination with solid colors as a background. They are ideal if you do not want funds that are distracting to the eye.
This is a community of international artists well known on the Internet. Here, thousands of talented people share their creations of all kinds. It is highly recommended for those who want unique designs. You just have to go to the category of wallpapers and you will be able to appreciate the available options.