Having an email today is almost as important as having an identification document. On the internet, mail is the door with which to access numerous platforms in which you have to register, which in turn opens the doors to many different services and products. Of course, without leaving out its main work, which is none other than sending and receiving emails with text, documents or any type of multimedia content.
Thus, it is easy to find a multitude of companies that are responsible for offering this mail service to consumers. Here we are going to focus on the case of Yahoo , one of the pioneers in this field and in the field of search engines, which has been providing online messaging services to the public of the networks for more than a decade with the addition to have a large amount of storage space and robust security measures to prevent the entry of undesirable third parties.
It is a system with many functions and possibilities, but it may also lack interest for people who are more attracted to proposals such as Microsoft or Google . The offer of the competition, preferring something like Gmail to be fully linked to Android devices or wanting to enjoy tools that take advantage of the possibilities of the cloud can be encouraging to want to abandon the proposal of this company and lead to how delete a Yahoo account .
Steps to cancel the Yahoo! definitely
In this guide we will focus on explaining how to act to request cancellation in this email system , in addition to offering additional help for those who do not remember their access code or wonder if There is an alternative that does not require its use. We give all possible facilities to proceed.
To reach your Yahoo email account forever, you have to proceed through your computer, following an easy and fast procedure. Pay attention below and follow the guidelines that we indicate to complete the process without complications of any kind.
Delete from PC
To delete your Yahoo email account from the PC, you have to follow these steps:
- Open your web browser and enter the following URL in the address bar: https://es.yahoo.com
- Go to the upper right corner and click “Sign in.”
- Enter your account email and then the access password to enter.
- Now, go back to the address bar and click on this URL . With it you will directly access the Yahoo account closing section >.
- Read the informational text and descend to press the “Continue delete my account” or “Continue to delete my account” button.
- On the next screen, type the email to be deleted in the field that exists and press the “Yes, terminate this account” or «Yes, close my account».
- In a few days, your account will disappear. The deregistration process is over.
Unsubscribe from your mobile (Android and iOS)
From the mobile, the process to follow is identical to the previous one. However, we will explain how to disable account synchronization with the Yahoo Mail app on Android and iOS:
- Open the Yahoo Mail application on your phone.
- Once inside, press the button to sign in and enter the your account details.
- In the inbox, press the symbol with 3 horizontal lines and, inside from the drop-down, in “ Manage accounts ”.
- Click on “Account information” , within the section you want to modify.
- Now, press “Edit” , available in the upper right corner.
- Press the “Delete” option now next to the email address you want to unlink.
- On the pop-up screen, press “Delete” again and you’re done, you’re done!
How to delete Yahoo mail if I forgot my password?
You cannot delete Yahoo mail without a password. The process to follow is the one we have explained before; but, if you don’t remember the password, you will have to recover it by following these steps:
- Open your web browser and go to Yahoo with this URL: en.yahoo.com
- Press the “ Sign in " button > ”To log in .
- Enter the mail in the field indicated and continue.
- Now, click on “I forgot my password.”
- Enter the requested digits of the phone linked to your account and press “Send” . Then, accept again.
- Copy the 8-digit password that you receive via SMS in the browser and press “ Verify ”.
- Click now on “Create a new password” and then continue.
- Type now twice what you want your new password to be sign in and continue.
- Now, repeat the process explained in the previous section to delete your Yahoo mail.
* Trick: To directly access the password recovery url, enter the following in your browser’s bar: https://login.yahoo.com/forgot