For years, Twitter has positioned itself as one of the main social networks worldwide and from there, its large number of currently registered users. Since, there are already more than 1.3 billion accounts. However, there are still many things to discover and one of those, is the way to delete tweets massively and automatically .
In this sense, many users of social networks find it necessary to delete certain content from their profiles. Whether for security so as not to leave traces of your activity on the network, also for the images they share, for their interaction with friends, the comments made, etc. Especially, if it’s all they’ve posted on their Twitter in the past .
So, to avoid losing your job, not to cause conflicts with close people or win enemies, there is the possibility of deleting all your tweets massively and automatically . Which will allow you to clear your profile and start from scratch, if you want, quickly.
Why would I need to delete all my tweets in bulk?
Now, it is appropriate to refer to the most important reasons why Twitter users should delete their tweets in bulk. Reason why, in this section of the post, we indicate some of the most important causes in this regard :
- This procedure is required to to optimize and clear your profile on the social network in question . Since, if you have had a very active account in recent years, it is possible that you already have more than 50K of published tweets and most of those, do not contribute anything to your profile.
- If you are in Looking for work, it is possible for the company to snoop around some of your social media accounts, especially on Twitter and most likely, you prefer to prevent them from seeing the least recommended tweets you have shared there . Therefore, it is considered very important to eliminate these publications massively.
- In case you like the field of politics and you are thinking of launching a candidate, but you do not want to be discarded during the selection process ; It is also advisable to delete all tweets from your profile, automatically.
- You may also want to delete all tweets to turn your Twitter profile 180 degrees by changing everything that you publish, but still keeping your followers . Either to create a personal brand, a blog or to start some type of business.
What should I keep in mind before using a tool to remove posts from Twitter?
In order to simplify the processes to delete the tweets massively and thus, avoid how annoying it can be to delete them manually one by one, different tools and applications have been designed that offer everything necessary for you to eliminate your posts on that social network, quickly .
However, when making use of any of these helpful tools, it is important that take into account certain premises in this regard and then we detail the most relevant :
Twitter can ban you
To begin, it is important to clarify to the users, to which the well-known computer term “banear” refers. Which is a jargon in this technological field that refers to a restriction (temporary, partial or permanent) of a user to a computer system or a network. That is, Twitter could block your account , in a way.
Therefore, the social network in question does not recommend using these types of tools to eliminate tweets. Of course, because of the blocking they can cause in your profile while this process is taking place .
Reason why, Twitter points out that it is better to create a new account with a temporary user to change your old user and thus, update the new account for the user you had. But, unfortunately, by doing that you will lose all your direct messages and your followers .
Back up your account
Before using a certain tool to delete your posts from the Bluebird social network, it is also valuable to keep a backup copy of your account . Since, through it, you can receive a history of all your publications via email.
Luckily, the same social network has the necessary options for this and allows you to specify this backup as follows :
- Login to your Twitter account and go to the “Settings and privacy” section.
- Following that, click on the “Account “.
- Finally, slide to the bottom of the menu and press ” Request your file “. With this, in a short time, they will send you an email with all the history of your post.
Only the last 3200 posts will be deleted
Another of the most essential premises to take into account when using a tool or application that facilitates the procedure to delete tweets in a massive and automatic way, is that only the 3200 most recent posts of your profile will be deleted. Twitter .
Being this, a limitation that shows the same social network and that requires repeating the process as many times as necessary with these tools. Which means that if you have 32,000 published tweets, you will have to perform the same procedure 10 times to be able to clear your profile completely.
It should also be noted that, the social network in question restricts the display of your posts to that number , that is, 3200; on any other platform.
Steps to remove all tweets from my profile massively easy and fast
Although there are several tools and many apps to delete tweets in bulk on a Twitter profile, without any complications; There are two of these tools that are considered the most famous and powerful to carry out this procedure easily and quickly.
Here are the step-by-step steps that should be carried out in each of those:
With TweetDeleter.com
This, basically, is an alternative that has been designed in order to simplify for Twitter users the possibility of managing their account optimally. Either to search and find several posts in the social network simultaneously and in the same way, to eliminate them with a few simple steps. Taking into account that, it has the function of “Automatic Elimination” to clear your profile and keep it in complete order.
Among its most interesting features, we highlight that it allows you to search for tweets quickly, even if they are many years old. Since, it will simply be necessary to enter a date and even select keywords or media type to place them in seconds.
Now, to proceed to delete tweets abundantly , you can make any of the following options, once you enter your social network account directly from the website of this tool:
- If you want the same tool to run periodic cleanings automatically , you can specify a period in it (such as 30 days) and every time that time is met, It will do it optimally.
- To delete several tweets at the same time, only you will have to select them with a single click and thus proceed to delete them instantly and permanently.
- In case you want to delete the complete history on your Twitter profile, it’s much simpler. Since, you simply have to make use of its “Total Elimination” option and with a single click, in a matter of seconds, your profile will have zero tweets, keeping everything else (followers, direct messages, etc. .).
With TweetEraser.com
Another of the most effective and at the same time, simple and direct tools that exist to eliminate all the tweets you want, is Tweet Eraser. Which, has been designed in order to help your customers to filter and delete post on Twitter profiles in bulk and in just seconds .
In this sense, to proceed to do it, you have to enter their website and enter your social network account from the «Register with Twitter» tab using your username and password . To subsequently allow the application to access your account and with it, use all available tools to clean and clear your profile.
It should be noted that you can delete these tweets using specific dates or time intervals , as well as keywords and even hashtags to delete more than one tweet simultaneously. This can be done from a computer or directly from your mobile or tablet with its mobile version, if you prefer. Taking into account that, for both cases, it has a free version and two other premiums that add more features.
Steps to delete posts from your Twitter profile manually
On the other hand, if you want to delete your Twitter posts manually, because you want to keep certain tweets in your profile and empty only some specific , there is also a way to do it without having to do use of tools or applications. Because, Twitter itself has the option to do it quickly.
In this sense, the steps to be performed are very few and are based on :
- To start, access your social network account of the little blue bird from your computer or smartphone (it’s indifferent).
- Then, located on the left side of the screen, click on the “Profile” tab .
- After that, browse your entire profile and select the tweet you want to remove from your account . These can be your own publications or RT’s.
- Once you are in the specific tweet, click on the button that is in the upper right corner .
- Now, in the menu that is displayed, click on the first option that prints “Delete” , to proceed to confirm the action and voila.
Of course, you will have to repeat the same process to delete each of the tweets you need to disappear from your profile.
List of the best applications and extensions to delete posts on Twitter in bulk
In addition to Tweet Deleter and Tweet Eraser, there are also other tools and applications ideal for deleting posts on your Twitter profile in a massive and automatic way. Therefore, in order to have more alternatives to manage these procedures and thus select the one that appeals to you most.
Next, we present five additional solutions :
It is considered one of the most practical online tools to delete all Twitter posts immediately and without leaving traces in the search results. This, in view of that, has a very decisive function that is about “delete everything at once” . So, it does not offer extra options, either to perform advanced searches based on filters or perform specific cleaning schedules.
In reference to the procedure to follow in this tool, it is based on entering the official website of the same and from there, access your account . After that, you must confirm the action and automatically delete all the posts from your profile . As indicated above, it only allows 3,200 tweets to be deleted simultaneously and in case you have a larger amount, it is necessary to repeat the process.
It is another of the most outstanding solutions to delete tweets, thanks to its remarkable simplicity, efficiency and speed when managing all these processes . Therefore, it is highly recognized and used by many users in the world. Like the others, it only allows you to delete 3,200 posts simultaneously.
For its part, once you access its website, you will have to register with your social network account and in that way, start cleaning your profile . However, it is valuable to note that the website contains a lot of invasive advertising and because of that, if you have an ad blocker in your web browser, you must deactivate it in order to use the tool.
Although it is estimated as one of the simplest alternatives of the majority, it is also very effective to delete tweets in bulk . Taking into account that, the tool allows you to observe all your posts in the social network profile and choose the ones you want to delete, in order to delete them at once.
For its part, in terms of its operation, the app is responsible for showing around 100 tweets by default (you can select the option of 500 or 3000 tweets if you want to do it with larger volumes ) and from there, the user must start choosing which ones he wants to remove .
But, if it’s not just a few tweets, but you need to delete all , fortunately you can bookmark them at once to ensure faster.
It is an application compatible with Android and iOS devices, which has the ability to delete your tweets very easily so that you do not have to do it manually and thus, keep your Twitter profile completely optimized and clean. Thanks to that, its main function is based on suppressing all traces of tweets in bulk .
Now, referring to its operation, it is necessary to specify that it allows to eliminate complete batches of Twitter posts just by specifying the required period of time. Either for hours, one day, one week, months, years or even all at the same time.
It should be noted that, is completely free and for Android, you can locate it in third-party app stores with its APK file; while on iPhone it can be downloaded directly from the Apple Store.
Download DLTTR Android APK
Twitter Archive Eraser
This, unlike the other solutions, is a web service that offers a program to install on a Windows or Mac computer . Which works perfectly to delete Twitter post very quickly, once you run it. Bearing in mind that, it also shows the restriction of deleting 3,200 tweets or retweets only in each process .
In addition, it has the ability to delete thousands of direct messages from your Twitter account in a matter of seconds, in case you need it. Among other features, it has a function called “Smart Analytics & Sync” that is responsible for removing only the tweets you choose and looking for your most successful tweets in order to discuss them in the profile. also offers search by date and time , as well as privacy control.