The Instagram stories are publications made by users, these have a duration in the social network of 24 hours, that is, they are temporary. Therefore, in some cases, if you liked them and want to keep them, you need to know how to download and save them , on your mobile device or computer.
In this medium, you can publish, from photos to videos and the amount of publications already depends on each user and obviously the type of content too, so it is recommended to be careful when reviewing and downloading.
In this tutorial we will explain step by step, how to download the videos and photos that users upload in instegram stories
What are Instagram stories or stories?
The stories or stories , is one of the many functions that Instagram contains, which allows you to upload photos and videos that you have stored on your mobile device, either Tablet or Smartphone
Instagram Stories Features
Storie contains several features that, although you don’t need to know to use it, can improve your experience and that of your followers.
Among them we can name the following:
- The content you upload to Stories has a duration of 24 hours and after that time disappears.
- There is no limit to the amount of stories that you can share , but it’s also not an idea to abuse it, if you want to keep your followers interested in your profile.
- When making a story, there is an option that says “Add to featured stories.” If you choose this option, you will be able to create a segment in your profile, where you will be able to visualize all the time those stories that you consider important, regardless of whether 24 hours have passed since their publication.
Steps and methods to download stories and videos from Instagram
The steps you have to follow to be able to download the stories and videos on Instagram are several, and they can be differentiated according to the tools used. But the procedures for downloading a story and a video are different between them, since the stories do not have a url, which allows you to download these files , unlike the videos and images.
Download from PC
The tools you can use directly from your computer’s browser are many, these are functional and convenient to use, ranging from online such as, websites specialized in downloading stories, videos and photos , to browser add-ons.
Instaview.me is a website that allows its users to download photos, videos and stories from IG users , all quickly and easily.
Just do the following:
- In the search bar you will have to type the username of the person from whom you want to download their story.
- Once spelled correctly, you will click on the button that says “download now.”
- You will see the account information. Here you will have to click on “download now”.
- In the final part of the process. Again you will see the username, additionally the amount of stories that has shared for 24 hours . You can see all the stories available for download, each of them with the time they have been published and how long they will be deleted. You will choose the story you want to download on your computer and click on the green button that says “Download Now” . The story will be downloaded to your computer, this process can take, depending on how much the file weighs and your browsing speed.
The process for downloading videos and images is very similar to the above, the process is as follows:
- Once you got the video or photo you want to download, you will search the post for three points, these will allow you to make various options, in this case you are interested in « Copy the link».
- Once the link is copied, you go to the search bar and paste the information. The rest is just following the steps we already explained so you can exercise the download of the files.
An important fact , the website will only allow you to download the stories, photos and videos of those users who have their profile and the data previously indicated as public.
Using web plugins
There are several add-ons that can be used in web browsers to download stories on Instagram, one of them is Web IG Story which is designed for Google Chrome.
Web IG Story
It is a complement that after completing its download and installation, the use is very simple, and this is because its design is similar to the one you can find using Instagram from a mobile device.
It’s easy to use you just have to do the following:
* Note: It is no longer available for the Google Chrome Store.
- You have to log in with your Instagram account , either by the add-on or the main website.
- Once logged in , you just have to navigate using the program, until you get the stories, images and videos you want to download. (the download for each of these data is the same)
- Once you are in the story you want to download, when you position the cursor on it, in the upper left you will see two options .
- You have to choose the one that has a cloud symbol and a down arrow , to start the download of the file you are interested in.
- You accept the license agreement and you’re done. You can download everything whatever you want.
How to download IG stories from Android mobile or iPhone
In the case of mobile devices there are many applications that can be used on Android and iPhone to be able to download the stories and be able to watch them whenever and whenever you want.
Download stories from Android
On Android there are different applications that you can use, among them we can name the following:
Story Saver for Instagram
It is an easy to use application, it has different positive scores in the Play Store, you can enter and view it, to know if the application is attractive to you.
To use it you just have to perform a series of procedures that we present below:
- Once the application is downloaded and installed on your Android device, you have to sign in with your Instagram account to make use of the application and thus observe the IG users that interest you .
- By completing the previous step, you will be able to see the list of contacts that have published stories in a 24-hour time frame. Obviously from the application.
- To start the download, you have to search for the user you want and then enter their stories .
- Now you just have to Decide which storie you are going to download and store on your device. You just have to press the “Download” button, the download will be completed according to the speed of your connection.
Reposter – Repost & Dowloader For Instagram
This program works similar to the application explained above, and allows you to download from stories, to images and videos from other Instagram profiles.
To use it you just have to do the following:
- Download and install the app.
- Log in on your Instagram account.
- Open the program and look for the profile that interests you.
- Enter the user’s Stories, once you get the one you are interested in downloading, you can do it, with just click on the icon found in the upper right corner of the screen, with the symbol of an arrow pointing down.
- Indicate where you will save the file.
Story Saver
This app is the easiest to use compared to all of the above. And its use is the same, you just have to download and install them on your device. After that, open your account session, so that the application can enter. Once there, you just have to enter the Storie, image or video of the user you are interested in and click on the button that says furtherDownloand•.
Download Stories from IPhone IOS
Although the applications to download stories on Instagram from iOS devices are not so abundant, there are several. That can meet this need. Using them can be a bit more complicated, or require other apps to work.
Among them we can name the following:
Story Reposter for Instagram
This application works in a similar way to those previously explained for Android systems, so you should not have any problems when using it.
You just have to download and install it, open your Instagram account on your iOS device and then enter the app, once there you write the name of the user you are interested in saving your stories, and then enter it to find the one you want to save. Click on the option that says “Share” (Share) and then choose “Save”.
Instagram ++
This application comes from TutuApp , a website that offers applications that you cannot find directly from the Apple Store, the steps to use Instagram ++ are a bit more complex and you have to meet some prerequisites before using it.
To do this you must do the following:
- Enter the browser of your choice on your IPhone device, usually Safari.
- You are going to find an application store which is of Chinese origin, this is called “Tutuapp. vip ”look for it in the browser’s browser and enter it.
- Now that you have entered the web, you just have to download the free version of this web for your IOS device, you have to press in “Regular” and then the “Download” button.
- Once the download process is complete, you have to do the following: Enter Settings> General> Device Management> Trust Beijing Nation Sky Network Technologies ”
You must give permissions to the program, just press the button that says “ trust “, at the end of this process, you will open Tutuapp and in the search engine, you will write “Instagram ++”, after seeing it in the store, you will only proceed to download the application and wait for the download to complete.
You must enter your username and password to use the platform. You can use it to download videos and images, it has an interface completely equal to that of Instagram. You should have no problem using it.
The download process is very simple, once you have entered the history that interests you, in the lower right, you will see an icon with an arrow, click on it to download.
Using online tools
These tools are those websites that allow to download videos, images and even Stories from Instagram users. It has many advantages and some disadvantages.
- Easy to use.
- Can be used from any compatible web browser.
- Available even for use from any mobile device, with a compatible browser.
- Quick and easy download.