Cleaning the solid state hard drive when working with an Ubuntu operating system is a very wise decision to take care of life and hardware . In addition, with the cleaning we can obtain important benefits of yields.
In this way, we will be able to get rid of all those old or duplicate files that are of no use to us, as well as the temporary and garbage files that are generated by the same operating system.
In the following paragraphs of this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about cleaning and maintaining an SSD . We will also analyze each of the programs that best work automatically to perform this task, as well as we can see the different tips that we can recommend.
Why is it important to free up space on your computer with Ubuntu?
Every time we free space on our hard drive we are getting benefits that we detail below:
To optimize the system
When we delete those files that have similar names or empty files, as well as temporary files we are freeing space that will allow us to optimize the operating system.
This is because the system will have more space to work and generate the support files you need to increase our experience as users . In addition, this way you will avoid making logical mistakes by having better organized folders making you work less hard.
Lengthen the life of the SSD
When we clean we are making the hard disk work less because it will turn less times to get the information we are requesting, therefore, the life of the same, as well as its reader will be much higher.
Get rid of old files
This kind of files, in addition to taking place on our disk, also generate complications when performing our work, since they can lead us to errors because there is great visual information every time we enter the storage.
Tips to free up storage on your Ubuntu computer easily and quickly
According to what we have been talking about so far, we realize the importance of freeing space on our computer with Ubuntu operating system. This is why we will show the best tips below so you can optimize the operating system and at the same time improve its useful life:
Uninstall programs you don’t use
We often happen to install applications that we use to perform specific work. But, when we finish fulfilling the same or directly we will not do certain tasks, it is convenient to eliminate all those apps that we have installed and that we will not use more .
It is proven that this kind of files that we do not use represents more than 30% of the SSD occupation.
Free RAM memory
By freeing up space in our RAM, we are benefiting the performance of our entire computer , as it is intended to serve as a link between the processor and the disk.
That is to say, the job that this kind of memory has is to deliver as quickly as possible that information that we use it permanently. When it is full of garbage data, performance decreases considerably because it takes longer to find what we are requesting.
When we clean this memory we can fill it with really useful information and thus increase our user experience.
Delete temporary files
Temporary files are those that are generated by the operating system or by the different applications that we have installed. These are necessary to serve as a base or support for different software to work properly .
The problem is generated, once they were used, they are no longer useful for the OS or for the apps, therefore, they occupy space considerably without having any benefit in return.
Use a disk cleaner
Using a disk cleaner is an excellent idea, since these third-party tools, with very few steps, can perform the task efficiently .
In addition to the options that are frequently offered to us, it is very important to have the possibility of configuring periodic maintenance so that our equipment always works in the best way.
There are many applications in stores, but very few can do the job correctly. That is why we will dedicate a special section of our post for this topic (you will find this information in the following paragraphs)
Remove files from the kernel you don’t use
The operating system is made up of different folders or files that are used for its proper functioning. There is a lot of data that really does not interest us , either because they came factory installed or because they do not bring great benefits to the operation of our Ubuntu.
It is for all this that it is necessary to eliminate them without any fear, since it will not affect the proper functioning of our computer.
Compress the most important data
Compressing the most important data is a good alternative we have to save space on our disk.
There are many programs that can perform the task of compressing this data . We generally have to perform this task for those who are or are related to images or program installers, who use them not so frequently.
List of the best programs to clean SSD in my Ubuntu OS
We highlight below the best automatic programs that we can find to keep our solid state disk clean :
This is one of the best known cleaning programs for Linux, it also has a version for Windows.
It has a long list of tools that allow us to clean our hard drive.
The main features that BleachBit has are:
- A free and open software.
- It allows you to erase files forever and never recover the data you had.
- Put commands that will allow us to have a scheduled maintenance of our Ubuntu and thus get excellent results.
In order to install it, we just have to open the terminal and type
Download BleachBit for Ubuntu 19.10 Linux
It stands out mainly for having a very intuitive and modern interface, it shows the different graphics of the reports on RAM, CPU and SSD, which is the part that interests us. It allows you to free up space on your hard drive with one click, among others.
With the different functions it has, we will be able to eliminate the cache of the different programs, clear the trash, system logs, etc . This application has an official help system and to install it we will only have to write the following codes in the terminal:
Download Stacer
It is a software that we can find in Kubuntu and with it we can manage in a very easy way the cleaning of the hard disk .
It has a simple graphical user interface because we will be able to manage in a very easy way all those directories, files, broken links and menu entries that are not suitable for any program.
The main features of this app are:
- We will be able to clean our hard disk quickly and easily
- It allows us to keep the cache clean
- We will clean programs that we do not use anymore.
To install it, we will have to open the terminal and execute the following command:
Download Sweeper Linux
Ubuntu Cleaner
It cleans the entire system in a very effective way, deleting all kinds of files that are not needed and those that are in the trash. Repeatedly you can ask us for the root password, which is necessary to put it because, thanks to it, we will be able to clean the system files with protected folders .
This application stands out mainly because it is intended to clean the SSD. We can install it in a very easy way, since this we will be able to find in an external store.
To install it we will write the following:
Download Ubuntu Cleaner Linux
This application directly cleans the duplicate files found on the hard disk, we can also delete the programs we do not want and the residual files. It also finds empty directories, temporary files and bad IDs .
It stands out mainly because simply with a single click we will be able to clean the hard disk. Many users say that when they install it and start with this program it is usually quite complex, but when we get used it becomes very intuitive and simple software .
To install it, we will only use these commands and type the following: