Many of our daily activities we do through the mobile. This is because the apps that we have installed on the phone, with which we interact permanently, help us in almost all tasks.
While this is a great advantage, as our work and studies benefit, it is also a big risk. Everything related to our life we have stored in a single device. If this falls into the wrong hands, we can greatly harm ourselves.
For this there is a very good solution, incorporate passwords to certain applications that we consider important. If you want to know how to make your phone an impenetrable bunker, read the following article that we have prepared for you.
Why should you put a security password on some of your applications? Benefits
Current software for mobile devices has the ability to create passwords to access applications installed on the phone. This brings advantages that we will mention below:
You can lend your mobile to anyone
Many people save files that can be harmful to others, so lending the phone to third parties is inconvenient. To solve this type of problem, you can use passwords for installed apps.
This will allow, no matter how much you leave your mobile behind or lend it to anyone, you will be calm. Since they will not be able to access applications that have private information.
Your data will be protected
Perhaps it is the most outstanding advantage of including passwords in mobile applications. That is to say, you can save all the data you consider important without having to worry about where your mobile is or who can access the information.
In case you lose your mobile or it is stolen, and you cannot find it through applications like "Where's my cell phone?" offered by Google and Apple, you will be a little calmer with an app lock.
They will not be able to access the image gallery Nor to any other social media app where they could harm your image or that of yours in a considerable way.
People close to you will not be able to access
Your partner or your children will not be able to enter certain apps. If they want to enter the directory, instant messaging, photos or any other app that may compromise your relationship, they will not be able to do so without your consent.
It's a good tool for parental control of adult content. By the way, we teach you how to do it on Android and iOS.
It is ideal for banking applications or virtual wallets
Currently there are many apps where bank accounts can be downloaded and virtual wallets can be accessed. These have a configuration that with just 1 or 2 clicks, the user can pay for any item or service on the web.
If your mobile phone falls into the wrong hands and they can access these types of platforms, you could lose a lot of money. So incorporating passwords into this class of apps is a good idea.
Triple verification apps
Currently there are applications such as WhatsApp or Facebook in which double verification is required to enter them.
That is, you must enter the mobile with a password and then, when you need to access this type of apps, you must "log in" again with a native password of that program. In general, they are 6 digit pins that you must write frequently according to each app.
If to this, we add a tool that hides the applications with double verification, we add a third stage of identification. So we can say that there is a triple verification: One is that of the phone, the other of access to the app that blocks access and the third is the native password of the application.
Steps to password your applications on Android and iOS
The steps you will need to set passwords for your apps will depend on the operating system you have. Next, we present you how you should do with Android and iOS:
On Android
If you have an Android phone you will not have the possibility of using a native application of this operating system, as it happens with iOS. Consequently, you must use a third-party app. In this case you can use Norton App Lock.
Once you download the application you must grant it the necessary permissions so you can access all the apps you have downloaded. Then, you will have to open it and choose the programs you want to block.
For this you will need to click on the padlock, enter a Pattern as a code. You will be able to see, within the list, the applications that you have activated so that the entrance of third parties is not allowed.
On iOS
If you have an iPhone you will have to follow this guide to secure the installed apps:
- Click on "Settings".
- Choose the option "Time in Use".
- Choose "Limits of use of apps".
- Click on "Add limit".
- Find the option "Select apps" and choose the categories you want to block.
- Click on "Add", after choosing the time.
- Activate the option "Block at the end of the limit."
As you may have noticed, in this case we have blocked the applications by category. In case you want to do it individually you must follow this step by step:
- Go to "Settings".
- Press "Time in Use".
- Select the name of your device located under the Use time option.
- You will notice that a list will open with all the applications you have installed. Choose the one you want to block and then click "Add limit".
- At these times you must choose the time in which the app will be enabled. When you are finished you will have to press "Add".
- Move the option button to the right "Block at the end of the limit."
You can too block applications according to the days of the week. For this, you will have to follow the same steps that we just mentioned, but you will have to choose the option "Customize days".
What are the main applications that you should password protect?
We recommend which apps you should password protect:
Both Gmail and other email apps allow you to access them just by clicking on the icon. That is, it is not necessary to enter the user and the access password every time you need to read or send an email.
This is why in order to have all your messages protected and not be harmed by sending false emails with your name, you should protect this app. You must take into account that it is recommended to have a different password for the email app and to unlock it.
Payment processors
Virtual wallets and bank applications are, like email, one of the most sensitive and where you can receive the most damage. You must bear in mind that these apps can be configured so that with a single touch you can make the payments you want.
Therefore, anyone who finds your phone or accesses it without your permission, you can send money without realizing it.
Photo galleries
According to user surveys on which apps they block frequently, it was shown that the photo gallery is chosen by more than 73%. This is because people keep images and videos that are often compromising your social, work or family life.
Do not forget the practice of the sexting, in which a person sends erotic photos to their partner. So this type of content must be protected.
Messaging apps
It is very important to have blocked all the instant messaging apps that you have installed on your phone. This is necessary you receive messages from family, friends and also work. In addition, if they enter your account, they can send messages with your name without your consent that could harm you.
So that This type of information is confidential and cannot fall into the hands of anyone.
Social networks
One of the most vulnerable points of a mobile device is social networks. That is to say, Anyone who logs into your account can impersonate you and obtain confidential information from others.. As well as obtaining data and records of places and activities where you were.
According to this, it is always convenient to have all social networks blocked.
Ecommerce portals
Few people realize that when one makes a purchase the cards with which the product was purchased are engraved. Therefore, all subsequent purchase processes no longer need to reload financial data.
Any person who enters, without your authorization, this type of apps, It can make you spend money without you realizing it or it can also harm your reputation as a buyer or seller.
Streaming platforms
Netflix, Amazon Fire, or any other on-demand Internet TV service must be protected from outside access. Although in these applications you do not keep confidential information, yes you must protect it because anyone could rent movies or series without your knowledge.
Also, intruders they can hack your password and get benefits for them.
Tips for creating strong passwords for your Android and iOS Apps
Many people they believe that the passwords they choose are strong and cannot be violated since there are no logical patterns on the establishment of it.
Actually, this is not so. By means of a software a password can be hacked or because the intruder knows the victim and easily decipher what is the password.
We will show you below Some tips that you should take into account when creating your passwords so that they are strong and much more difficult to be hacked:
Choose one for each app
Should have as a general criterion choose different passwords for different programs or applications. That is, the one you use to access your bank account should not be the same as the one you use on social networks, nor the one you use for email.
This must be so because if they manage to hack one account, they will not be able to access the others or take longer to do so.
Do not use personal data
When you have to choose letters and numbers, try not to enter birthday dates, your name or that of your children, or your home address. This will make people close to you not be able to easily decipher what password you have chosen.
Use symbols and other special characters
It is necessary to create passwords that have capital letters, numbers, symbols and also special characters in an order. That is, it tries to incorporate a combination of these elements, for example Ab1! @ ».
Illogical patterns
Something that is common in smartphones is choosing a pattern system as the unlock method. Try choose those in which you need to cross the lines and not generate clear drawings. For example, that of a house or a number.
Frequently change your passwords
It goes without saying that an important security measure is to change the passwords and make the ones you enter completely new and as long as possible. This will prevent them from deducing your password and take more time to hack you.
List of the best apps to put password to other apps on Android and iOS
If you want to have your mobile fully protected, you will have to Download any of the applications that we will recommend below:
Lock: AppLock
If you are looking to protect specific applications, you must use this application. It will help you not only to block data And you don't want to show it to others, but it will also allow you to intercept calls and SMS messages, erase data from memory and scan for viruses.
It is available for Android and its download is free.
Folder Locker
This tool is intended for those people who do not want to show others that they have the installation of some applications. What this program does is to change the icon of the apps or directly hide them.
Swipe Stop
When you don't want other people to want to browse your image gallery, you can show them only one photo and in this way they will not have access to the rest of them.
For this, it will be necessary to download the tool that we suggest since with it you will be able to select the photos that you want others to see and fix it in a window.
GO Locker
Download GO Locker APK Android
Applock Material
It will allow you to block applications and disable them. You can do it by means of a PIN, fingerprint or pattern. It is free to download and also allows you to eliminate various unlock attempts.
You will have the possibility of using Bluetooth to access your apps through the devices paired to the unlock of your mobile.