We will show you in this article how to quickly and easily remove Windows 8 password if you don’t remember it. You must bear in mind that you will have to follow the instructions step by step in which you will not be able to make mistakes.
It is because of that We invite you to continue reading so that you know all the tricks that this task has and you can improve performance on your computer.
Further, We will explain if it is safe to leave the OS without an access password and we will conclude whether or not it is a good idea to do so. Take a look and become a true professional.
Is it safe to leave my operating system without an access password? Is it a good idea to do it?
You should not forget that the operating system is a program that coordinates internal processes with other installed software so that these in turn work with the connected hardware. Therefore, you will not need more than a single OS on the PC, to which you can assign different user accounts to maintain the privacy of data stored on the same computer.
That is, if a Windows 8 PC is managed by two or more people, it is advisable to create different accounts with their corresponding access codes. This will help keep the data saved on each partition safe as well as the configuration of the OS itself. In addition, you will prevent programs from being installed without your authorization and you will be able to make all the parental modifications you want.
On the other hand, if you have a laptop or table computer that only you manage and you do not lend it to anyone, you can have only one account, the administrator’s, and without password to access Windows. But For this you must be careful and make sure that nobody accesses the equipment (with or without your authorization) because they will be able to know all your files and private information.
Likewise, you will have to take greater precautions not to lose the computer, since any third party can enter the operating system. From all this it is possible to conclude that leaving your Windows 8 without a password is not a good idea, even if you are the only user of the device, but you can do it if you take extreme security measures to access the computer to gain OS performance.
Learn step by step how to perform all the methods to remove the Windows 8 user password
If for any reason do you want to remove the Windows 8 user password, we will show you below all the possible methods that you can use to carry out this task.
Check out:
No programs
Access Windows 8 with your administrator password and then continue with this step by step:
- Search the app Desk and click on it.
- Then, slide the mouse pointer across the bottom right corner of the screen. This will open the tool Charm Bar.
- Choose Control Panel.
- Click on Accounts of user and child protection.
- Choose the tool Accounts of user.
- Go to the tab Users.
- You will find a window in which you must deactivate the box Users must enter their name and password to use the equipment.
- Choose the button Apply and then click on To accept. This will make it unnecessary to type in any password to enter Windows 8.
From Bios
The first thing you will have to do is download an external application that will help you boot the USB, it is called Win8USB and you can get it here.
Download Win8USB for Windows
Once you have done these steps, you will need to get Windows 8 ISO image. For this you will have to enter the Microsoft page https://www.microsoft.com/es-es/software-download/windows8ISO
. When you have everything ready you must open Win8USB and choose the USB drive in which you will download the ISO. Then click Format Drive and then in Create to end this stage.
Now, you will have to turn off the computer and connect the USB memory. When you turn it on, and before the OS boots, you must enter the BIOS and choose the booted USB. To enter the BIOS you will have to press F9, F10 or F11, this will depend on the manufacturer of the plate, so they can also be others.
You will see below the same screen as when you want install Windows 8 for the first time. Choose the language, click Following and select Repair Equipment so that a window called System recovery options. Click on Symbol of the system.
Then enter these commands:
Then write YES when I ask you if you want to overwrite Sethc.exe.
These steps will open the Windows 8 start window where you will have to press several times, quickly and continuously, the key Shift. Type control userpasswords2 to access the tool User account and continue with the steps that we mentioned in the previous method.
With CMD
Use the Command Prompt like this:
- The first thing you should do is press the keys at the same time Windows and R. This will open a window with the function Run.
- You will find a field called Open in which you will have to click to activate the tool.
- Write below CMD and press Enter.
- A new black background screen will automatically open in which you will have to write
net user [tu nombre de usuario de Windows 8] [espacio en blanco]
. For example, if the user is Internet Step by Step, you will have to enter the commandnet user Internet Paso a Paso
. - After this you will see a screen that it will show you the operating system with all the changes you just made.
With the netplwiz Command
He netplwiz command is a shortcut to get to the User Accounts tool.
So doing this task is simple, you just have to follow this procedure:
- Access the function Run of Windows 8. For this you will have to press the keys Windows and R.
- Once the window opens write in the field Open the name of the command. That is to say,
. - He SW will automatically open the tool User account. Choose the tab Users.
- You do not need to select the name of the account to which do you want to remove the password why all keys will be removed.
- Disable the box Users must enter their name and password to use the equipment.
- Tap on Apply.
From another user
You must bear in mind that to remove the Windows startup password you will need to have administrator permissions. Therefore, if you are a guest user, you will be able to perform all the steps that we mention in any of the methods shown, but during the process you will have to enter the administrator password.
For example, if you use the tool Run and write the command control userpasswords2 will open a warning window in which, to move forward, you will have to copy the administrator password and click on To accept.
From USB
For this step and you will need the help of an external program. We will take as an example PassFab 4WinKey, which you can download from here.
Download PassFab 4WinKey for Windows
Next, you must follow these steps:
- Once you have downloaded the program PassFab 4WinKey and you gave him the corresponding permissions, you will find a series of functions that you can access. Among these, you will need to use Remove Windows password.
- Connect the USB stick to the computer and prepare it to record the files of the external software, if necessary boot the USB.
- After this open the PassFab 4WinKey program.
- Select the name of the hard drive of your PC, in which the operating system is located.
- Choose the user account you want to remove the password from.
- Click on the option Remove account password and then press the button Next.
After a few seconds the program will have removed the password and you will be able to use the computer again without problems.
With Hirens Boot
Hirens boot is an external tool that will help you solve problems that are related to Windows 8 ISO image. To lower it you will have to click on the following download link ..
Download Hirens boot ISO
Here is a guide with the steps you must do to remove a user password in Windows 8:
Download the executable at
so you can boot the USB. Remember that the data you have saved in this flash memory will be lost, so it is convenient to make a backup copy on another unit. - Open Hirens boot to find all connected USB memories. If you cannot find yours, you will have to format it by entering My PC, then you must do right click in the assigned letter of the USB drive and choose the option Format. After this you will have to click on Restore device defaults, press on Format fast and then on Start. To finish, click To update.
- It is recommended that the ISO2USB ISO image 0 (x86) you download it directly in the USB to activate automatically. Otherwise you will have to drag the ISO to the Flash memory.
- Choose a name of up to 11 characters for USB. You should keep in mind that you have to include uppercase letters and numbers.
- A warning window in which the system will ask you if you are sure you want to format the USB, so you must click on the option And it is.
Once you have the ISO copied correctly on the pendrive, what you should do now is run it, so you will have to continue with this process:
- Connect memory in the computer.
- Go to Windows 8 start menu, through Charms.
- Choose Security.
- Tap on Passwords and then in Edit NT password.
- Then choose your hard drive and open the folder Windows.
- Find the file System32 and click on it.
- Click on config and finally in SAM.
- Choose name user whose password you want to change.
- Click the button Change password.
- As you wish remove password you will have to leave in White fields New Password and check.
- Press To accept.