Over time, Telegram has managed to place itself between one of the best instant messaging apps in the world, thanks to the popularity it has gained since its creation in 2013. In this way, it has a remarkable number of users who, on many occasions, choose to use the service instead of other alternatives such as WhatsApp, for example. In view of the benefits it guarantees.
In this sense, it is characterized by providing a high level of security and privacy, like by support great customization by each user to optimize their experience and also stands out for being a multiplatform service that has a web version, a desktop version and a mobile version. In addition to this, it has certain functions that increase automation on the platform.
One of these functions, refers to the possibility of programming messages to be published at a specific time. Which, grants different uses and is of great help for all users. So, in this post, we want to teach you what do you have to do to schedule your Telegram messages on any device.
Learn step by step how to schedule Telegram messages from any of your devices
While it is true, Telegram has managed to distinguish itself from other instant messaging apps for the various functions and tools it includes to ensure a much more complete experience. One of these utilities consists of the possibility of schedule messages easily that, it is not yet possible to do it in other services. Thus, a functionality that can be used both in individual and / or group chats.
To meet any objective and even, it is of great help to get reminders directly in the “Saved Messages” chat. Additionally, it allows to capture the attention of other users when achieve many more interactions And it also offers the advantage of saving time and effort for it. Thus, for these and many other reasons, it is worth learning to schedule Telegram messages step by step to do it correctly and get the most out of it.
Therefore, below, we explain what you must do on Android and iOS, as well as on your computer and on Telegram Web to do it:
On Android
Fortunately, via an Android mobile phone or tablet, it is very easy to program your messages Telegram to automate your experience from there.
So, next, we show you what you have to do specifically:
- From the mobile application of Telegram, access your account like you normally do.
- After that, search and select the chat where you want to systematize your new message.
- Next, in the text box at the bottom of the chat window, proceed to write the message in question.
- Now, it’s time to press and hold the “Send” button for a few seconds and there, two options will appear. Among them, you have to tap on “Schedule message”.
- After this, at the bottom, they will show you a box where You must indicate the date and time you prefer it to be sent.
- To finish, just subtract press the button that says “Send on (day) of (month) at (time)” and ready.
So, you will scheduled your shipment and at the established time, automatically, you will receive a notification alerting you of the event.
On iOS
Users of iPhone and iPad, they can also schedule their messages Telegram in a very simple and fast way. Of course, making use of the mobile app of the service compatible with this operating system that can be obtained from the Apple Store.
In this case, the steps to follow are:
- To start, enter the aforementioned app and enter your Telegram account.
- Now, it’s time to choose user chat with which you want to share a previously programmed message.
- Once you access the chat in question, proceed to write the message you want in the text box.
- Next, locate the Send button and hold it down for several consecutive seconds.
- Once this is done, you will be able to see the small menu available there and in it, you have to click on the option “Schedule message”. In the case of iOS, unlike Android, this option is in the second position.
- Then, sets the arrow and the time to program so that the message in question is shared.
- To save the changes made, touch the button at the bottom that indicates the date and / or time set.
In the computer
If you prefer make use of the desktop version to manage your Telegram account, it is appropriate that you know the process to follow to program these messages through your computer. Which, for many users, is more comfortable and easy than for others.
In this case, the step by step to be specified is based on the following:
- Open the desktop version of Telegram in your team and enter your account as you usually do.
- Second, through the search bar located in the upper left, locate the chat of the user to whom you want to send your scheduled message. Or look for that conversion in the chat panel.
- Once you enter the indicated conversation, go to the text box at the bottom and write everything you want to share through your new message.
- Later, right click the submit button and through the menu, select the option “Schedule message”.
- Then, in the box that says “Send this message on …”, you have to choose the specific date and time for the shipment to take place.
- In case you prefer to send your message of Telegram just when the other user is online, within “Send this message on …”, press the three vertical dots in the upper right corner and click “Submit when online”.
- After setting the above, just subtract click on “Schedule”. That’s it.
On Telegram Web
To avoid having to download and install the Telegram on their mobile device or on their computer, there are also many people who choose make use of the service through its web version known as “Telegram Web”. Therefore, if you are one of these users, it is worth knowing that it is not possible to program the sending of messages specifically.
So, in exchange for that, it only allows you to forward the messages as saved to use them at another time and here, we detail how it is done:
- Using your preferred web browser, search Telegram Web and enter the data they request. Thus, they can send you an access code to enter your account with greater security.
- Once you write the corresponding access code, automatically, Telegram Web will grant you the entry to your account to enjoy the service.
- After that, proceed to find the chat in which you want to schedule your message. Either through the chats section, through the search bar located in the upper left or by clicking on the Telegram to choose “Contacts” and locate it.
- Now, when you are in the right chat, write the message in question starting from the text box at the bottom.
- After that, click the submit button to share the message.
- When it is sent, click on it and choose the option “Resend”. There, select “Saved messages” and in such a way, they will be stored there.
Discover the best external programs to schedule messages in your chats and Telegram channels
Apart from providing the required function to schedule messages in your chats and / or channels, Telegram also supports the possibility of use external programs or applications to do this. Therefore, if you prefer to use a third-party alternative instead of using the option Telegram, it is appropriate that you know which programs are suitable for it.
Which is why, here are two recommended solutions:
AutoResponder for Telegram
Free and available at Google Play Store, consists of an app for Android that allows you to respond to personalized messages received via Telegram, automatically. Being so, an external bot that has the ability to carry out this task with complete effectiveness. Since, it has numerous settings that each user can customize for your automatic responses, according to your requirements.
Thus, regarding its operation, we highlight that, with the permission granted by Telegram, users can start creating their first response rule. Well, the free version of Autoresponder for Telegram allows you to configure responses for all messages you receive or that include a certain word, specifically.
In addition to this, it has other characteristics that are worth knowing, such as: It allows add multiple responses to a rule, add a welcome message for new chats, it has a function to reply to all messages, it is able to reply to specific messages, supports reply replacements (name, time, etc.), has delayed programming, you can ignore certain contacts or groups, etc..
TForwarder – auto message forwarding for telegram
Basically, it is a mobile app compatible with Android that manages to link with Telegram to provide a better user experience. In this sense, free of charge, TForwarder shows the ability to forward Telegram messages to certain chats, channels or groups of the application that you select, specifically. Which, he manages to do by keyword or using other filters in order to meet the needs of each user.
Thus, beyond programming the sending of messages, this mobile app works as a message distribution service that fits into any Telegram conversation. In this way, it is useful to minimize efforts when sharing the same message to different users of the app and thus, provides great time savings along with remarkable efficiency.