Ubuntu is a distribution of the operating system Linux
completely free and distributed as free software. It is quite easy to use and is constantly evolving to get a better user experience. That’s why it’s very important to know how to update Ubuntu to the latest version . Read on to know the steps you should follow.
It has a tool called “ Ubuntu Software Center ” that allows you to search, install and uninstall applications. Initially no payment applications were allowed, but as of 2010 the sale of apps of this type is introduced. In 2012 , it begins to enter the world of Android , allowing you to run the Ubuntu desktop from a smartphone with this OS The interface uses tactile movements to move around the screen. Ubuntu is also compatible for other devices such as tablets.
These have an interface that allows the multi-user system, the coexistence of different user accounts, voice controls and the loading of a user interface to be able to use it with an external keyboard and mouse. The ISO images for downloading can be found on the official site, where you can choose between a desktop version or a server version. You can download official versions every six months . The update is always done incrementally since the last update.
Update Ubuntu to the latest version, several methods
Ubuntu has a large number of applications that can be used in all daily tasks, games and system configuration applications. It comes with the Mozilla Firefox browser as standard, Thunderbird mail client, Gedit text editor, LibreOffice office suite, BitTorrent client and the “Ubuntu Software Center” application store.
When there is a new version to download, a box appears at the top of the “Update Manager” to inform the user . You can only upgrade to a new version of this operating system when the last existing version is running before the update.
For example, if you are in the version 7.10 , you will not be able to directly access the version 7.12 , previously you will have to upgrade to the version 7.11 > of the program, and always like this, which entails a little work if you have not been installing the corresponding improvements on each occasion.
Update Ubuntu using the official method
This is the Linux recommended method for Make the update to the latest version available. Ubuntu
has many different firmware versions. When you access the official download website it will be specified how long this update will be available and from here download it for free.
If you had to download the system from scratch , you can do it very quickly from the Ubuntu website itself, as indicated below.
Use UCareSystem to have the latest version of Ubuntu
It is simply update Ubuntu using the terminal of the same > as a means to perform the update. It is not necessary to do it from the update manager or from synaptics because from the terminal itself you can proceed with the commands proposed below:
This option compares the versions installed in the system with the new versions that are available in the repositories so that they can be downloaded and finally updated, easy, simple and very fast.
How to update Ubuntu from the terminal console with a single command?
There is a method called “ zzupdate ” to perform an update very easily and that any of the users can do to automatically put themselves in the most modern version of the system. The update using this method is automatic and unattended , as user intervention is not required. It is a free and open source installation.
If you are interested in this update method, continue with the following steps to carry it out.
From that moment you will not have to do anything else, since the program itself is responsible for performing the update automatically . The user can change parameters and different aspects of the program itself internally to adapt the configuration to the needs of the user. So with all this data, now is the time to reread the possibilities and decide how to update Ubuntu to the latest version .