Alexa is the voice-controlled virtual assistant of the Amazon brand. You may have already heard of it, and you may even already have one in your house. With it, you can carry out endless tasks that you can command using your voice.
It is compatible with a wide variety of equipment, to make life easier for users. Therefore, in this post we want to talk to you about How to use Skype with Alexa and register on the platform without creating an account?, through a step-by-step guide.
Added to that, we will teach you what are the different ways you can create a Skype account automatically on all your devices. If you are interested in the subject and want to become an expert, keep reading.
Learn step by step how to sign up for Skype using your Amazon Alexa account fast and easy
Calls from Skype that are done with Alexa, They allow you to make and receive calls from the platform by using said virtual assistant through the sound of your voice.
Note that to start making Skype calls with Alexa, you need the following:
- A device that is compatible with Alexa. It should be noted that it must be enabled with the most recent version of the wizard.
- The person you are going to communicate with, you must have the latest version of Skype
- You should enable Alexa communications in the assistant’s app.
- Link Skype with your Amazon account in the app Alexa.
But at this point you will ask yourself: How to sign up for Skype using your Amazon Alexa account?. The procedure is pretty easy.
You must apply the following step by step:
- Open the Alexa app.
- Go to him Menu.
- Click on Setting.
- Choose Communications and, immediately afterwards, Skype.
- Login to your Skype account and then follow the onscreen steps to link Skype to Alexa.
Once that is done, you can start making calls with the assistant. To do this, you must speak to him using your voice. For example: “Alexa, Skype Dad”. On the other hand, if you receive a call that you want to answer, you will hear the ringtone of Skype Y Alexa will tell you who is calling. To answer it, you just have to say “Alexa, answer”. In this simple way, you can get the most out of your virtual assistant.
We show you other ways to create a Skype account automatically on all devices
Skype it is quite a useful platform when it comes to communicating with other users from all over the world via chat, call or video call. Through the Internet connection, you can start a conversation with anyone. However, you should know that there are different ways you can take when creating a Skype account automatically on all devices.
Therefore, below we will explain what you must do to have an account on this platform using Gmail, Microsoft 365 or as a guest:
With Gmail
- Enter the Skype application or on the platform’s website.
- Go to the section Create Account and enter there.
- You will be prompted to write a phone number, to skip that step just click on Use email address instead.
- Register the Gmail account that you are going to use and press on Next.
- Set a password make it safe and click again Next.
- Fill in the fields shown below, where there is mandatory information that must be filled in such as name, surname, etc.
- Verify your account entering the code that is sent to the email address you used for registration.
- Tap on Next and ready. You will be able to enter Skype using your account Gmail.
With Microsoft 365
If you have a Microsoft account created, you have to follow the following steps:
- Open Skype and click on a Skype username, email address, or phone number.
- Write your username, email or mobile number.
- Click on Log in.
- Set a password and select on the arrow to continue. You will have already entered the platform.
It is worth mentioning that once logged in, Skype Remember your login details once you close it.
On the other hand, if you do not have a Microsoft account you will have to:
- To visit from the browser.
- Download the app.
- Start Skype and tap on Create new account.
- Follow the steps shown to you for the registration process.
Like invited
Yes you don’t want to create an account on Skype, but there is a conference scheduled with colleagues within the platform, you can start as a guest.
To do this, do the following:
- Press the link to join your friends. You can join as a guest at Skype for the Internet on your desktop.
- Click on the option Join as guest.
After doing that, you should know that your guest conversation will only last 24 hours. Therefore, the ideal is to follow the registration process, which is quite quick and easy. Thus, you have the possibility to enjoy the benefits of the service.