UPDATED ✅ A Hyperlink is a digital text element that refers to another and is connected to it ⭐ ENTER HERE ⭐ and Find out more about it
Hyperlinks are one of the tools most used to connect one site to another (bridge), very common when creating documents and nowadays for the web pages. There are many types of hyperlinks, which differ according to their functions and environment where they are found.
So that you know everything about this topic, we recommend that you read belowbecause you will find information about what they are, what they are for and how they are usedIn addition, hyperlinks today have the function of positioning our website through the relationship with the SEO.
This tool for websites is known as link building, its function being to indicate to Google (only a reference) if our page is worth being in the first index of results or not.
What is a hyperlink or hyperlink and what is it for?
hyperlinks are those that direct us to another place or document, these are also known with link link, or links. Its main function is to reference other documents and even websites, called a specific point.
This is structured with a data network and an access protocol, which allows us to access the reference resource with a simple click. it’s a tool widely used to present the under references cLike they were dating.
They are very fundamental to the operation of the www (World Wide Web), since it is thanks to its different protocols that it allows access or visit to the destination address, so that we can visualize it, or if we want to download it.
They have infinities of uses, from a simple presentation, even to split our websitebut since computer systems are not perfect, there are some hyperlinks that they can break on the waythese being the ones They call broken links.
This tool has become a fundamental piece since, thanks to its protocol allows access or visit to the destination address contained in it, thus allowing you to view a new information or download it to your computer. Therefore, these links have a large number of uses that vary depending on their objective, whether it is to be part of a presentation, split the web page, or send the reader to another URL.
What are the parts of a hyperlink and what is the function of each?
The bonds are made up of three fundamental partsas it is the bookmark, the link title and the destination anchor. This is how here we are going to explain what each of them consists of:
Origin marker or anchor
This part is known as linkand that is when the user click on it and automatically sends it to the indicated position or destination.
link title
The link title is the part that acts as main marker since it is he who define the link.
Target marker or anchor
Finally, the destination anchor is the one who allows the jump to the indicated destinationin this case the most common destination is a urlsjust as it happens when you want to enter the web of https.//internetstepbystep.com where the world wide web allows to invoke the website so that it can be viewed by the reader. In this case you are calling elements like images, text, audio, videoamong many others that may appear there.
What are the ends of a Hyperlink?
All hyperlinks or links They are formed by two ends as mentioned above, which they are the source anchor and the destination anchor. This is how the origin marker is the one that is associated with those that are highlighted in web browsers or digital documents and that they are usually underlined and colored blue.
When the reader selects said link in his point of origin This gives you access to a only destiny and which is the one that is inserted in it, it can be a page of the same website or just send it to another page. In the case that the hyperlink stops working or no longer redirects the user to the URL contained in it, it is because said link presents a failed to track address and these are called broken linksthat is, they no longer work or are not operational.
What are the types of hyperlinks that currently exist?
Hyperlinks can be of different formsand when we talk about shapes we mean types, since they are classified according to their functions and their environment.
The most common are the following:
Of text
the text links They are that send the reader to a digital text document or web page where you specify a part of the text, either a note at the end of the document. This is how they end up creating a network of meaning between two or more reading texts to which the user can access with a single click.
Of image
These hyperlinks are very similar to those mentioned above, but instead of drive the reader to a part of the text send it to a image in specific either within a web page or in some digital document. There are also cases where a image contains a link and which sends you to new resources how they end up being billboards.
Hyperlink to email
This type of hyperlink has a command to open and send messages by email, it works as a kind of shortcut, so it is very useful in many occasions, such as reporting bugs or other things.
Specific functions
It is responsible for activating allThe mechanisms already pre-established to perform a certain function within the orderlyr, it can be print a document, save a file, change the font size, change the fontamong many other functions.
Hyperlinks can also be qualified according to the location of the resource, where we group them as follows:
Local or internal hyperlink
Link or search only those files or documents with a local address, that is, located on the same computer, or on the same web.
external hyperlink
This is the opposite of the previous hyperlink, because it is the one used to search or direct us to a site or document outside the web or PC.
Linkbuilding, what is it and what is this hyperlink strategy for?
One of the most used and practical marketing tools online is link building, since it is that Its function is to improve our positioning in Google or any other search engine.this complies with artificial intelligence, which allows us to obtain and improve incoming links to our website (and outgoing).
Today there are SEO professionals who specialize in the “linkbuilders“, to offer us link building services, such are very useful to attract good traffic thanks to the location in the search engine indexes.
This new marketing strategy was born because search engines such as Google, DuckDuck Go or Bingthey focus on this most of the time, it is what is known as SEO Onpage and SEO Offpage, where the latter is the one in charge of positioning by external factors, being totally the opposite of Onpage.
For him marketing everything is important and everything is related to each otherso no, we can leave aside or ignore the links that may or may not position us in search engines.
How does links to Google work?
Its function is closely related to the PageRank conceptwhich is a ranking from 0 to 10 that search engines, especially Google score on websitesawarded based on the number of incoming links that the site has.
This valuealong with the quality of the link, (length, coherence, keywords), indicates the importance of the site. This is a great reference, because the more links we have, the better our PageRank will be. But these also work in reverse, that is, if we copy on our website, links from sites or blogs with high traffic (important), since this tells Google to position us in its first index.