In the world of P2P downloads, KickAss Torrent is one of the most recognized and also the most recognized brands currently . It is not surprising, since it was launched in 2009, they have offered quality material that is always well received by its users.
As expected, the authorities have him in the spotlight since the downloads offered by this website are completely illegal. That’s why they constantly block their domains to prevent them from continuing online , but it’s not as easy as saying it, because their developers always manage to avoid these blockages.
However, these constant changes torpedo the user experience, so if you are one of them, it is best that you know more options. In this article we will present a list of the 10 best websites to download torrents that are the perfect alternative to KickAss Torrent .
What happened to KickAss Torrent? Doesn’t work or have they closed?
In 2009 KickAss Torrent was born as a direct competition to ThePirateBay , which was the reference portal in the world of P2P downloads. Therefore, in this decade they have faced more of a blockade of the authorities such as the FBI or the Civil Guard. The last one they suffered was in 2019 , when they blocked several of their domains. However, this has been another shot in the air since they have not been able to completely end them.
If you want to enjoy the content that this portal has always offered, you can use kickass2.cc which is the current official website , which even the project developers themselves have announced through their social networks. This is not the first time they manage to circumvent a blockade and it may not be the last.
Is it possible to enter the KickAss Torrent website from Spain? How?
One of the strategies that the authorities put into practice is to block using the DNS of the telecommunications companies that are responsible for providing the internet service in a given country. The Civil Guard did the same with Movistar and other operators , who have currently blocked access to all known domains of KickAss Torrent , including the one we mentioned earlier.
Therefore, one of the things you can do to continue accessing this portal is change the DNS of the server of your internet connection. To do this you can use the Google Public DNS other of the many servers that currently exist.
How to change the DNS of your network to access KickAss Torrent?
In case you don’t know how to change your network’s DNS, we’ll show you right away. It is a very simple process for which you simply have to follow the steps that we explain below:
- You must enter the “Network and Sharing Center” of your computer.
- Once there you must click on «Change settings adapter » and once there you select the connection you are using (WiFi, Bluetooht or Ethernet).
- A window will open with information about the connection and you must click on « Properties ».
- When the network properties window opens you must select the option « Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4)» or «Internet Protocol version 6 ( TCP / IPv6) » depending on the server used by your router (which is usually version 4).
- Once there you must click on the “Use the following DNS server addresses” box and enter the DNS addresses you want.
- Now you simply have to do click “Accept” for the changes to take effect.
In this simple way you can modify the DNS of your network and you can continue entering the domains of KickAss Torrent that are currently available. In case you do not want to do this, you can simply use a VPN network to change your IP to that of a country where these portals are not blocked .
List of the best Torrent download websites alternatives to KickAss that still still open
We already show you how to continue using the services of KickAss Torrent , but at the outset we tell you that the best thing you can do is to know other portals for future blockades that we are sure will happen. Here are 10 Torrent P2P download websites that are the perfect alternative to KickAss.
ThePirateBay (piratebay-proxylist.se)
ThePirateBay is the best alternative to KickAss because both portals are direct competitors, so if you want a service of the same quality the best thing you can do is use this one. On this website you can find a large number of downloadable files via P2P that are generally 100% verified.
In addition, its servers have a huge number of seeders, so the download speed is quite good . The only mole is that you will have to deal with a lot of publicity and pop-up ads , since this is the main way they have to monetize their portal.
This portal is not as well known as it is not a database as such, but its services are very good. It is a torrent link metasearch engine through which you can access all the downloadables via P2P that are loaded on the network. Its operation is like that of other search engines; you simply enter the name of the file you want to download and the language, and it will show you all existing matches .
After that you will simply have to run the download to proceed to download the content from your favorite client. In addition, it is quite safe because only shows you those links that are 100% verified .
BestTorrent1 is a portal that is a benchmark of downloads in Spanish. In it you will find a large number of links to download content via P2P completely free and in our language. They have very varied content, although what they download most are series and movies , but you can also find softwares and video games. In less than a decade they have been characterized as one of the most secure portals, since they offer 100% verified links to guarantee that there will be no virus that affects your computer .
This website has little time in the market, so it is possible that you have never heard of it, but in 2018 it was one of the best performance offered for all those lovers of film and TV series. Their links are 100% verified and their database is constantly updated so you can always find the titles that are on the billboard as soon as possible.
This is another relatively new website that you may not know either. In it you can find all kinds of files, although its strength is the series and movies. Best of all, since it is not so popular, it goes unnoticed by the authorities and at the moment it has not been sanctioned with any type of blockade, so it is more than likely to continue online for a long time without interruptions So it is one of the best alternatives to any torrent website.
A little known website, which until now has not been blocked once, which offers 100% Spanish content so you can enjoy the best series and movies in our language. It has many benefits since its database is always up to date and its links are 100% verified , but it also has its moles. One of them, perhaps the most notorious, is that has too much publicity , so you’ll have to go through a minefield of pop-up ads before you can get the link to download via torrent.
Do you want to watch movies in Spanish and in the best possible quality? Well, this portal is the best alternative you have to keep getting the best torrents to download audiovisuals. It has a very simple interface, but also very complete.
In it you can find a movie even if you don’t know its title , since you can use the multiple search filters that it puts at your disposal, and it will show you the matches found in its database. Because it is so new, it does not have a very large register of links (1200 audiovisuals currently), but there is no doubt that in the future it will be much wider .
This is a torrent metasearch that works very similar to Google. To use it you simply have to enter the name of the title you want to download and it will show you the links ordered according to its popularity and trust generated among the users.
This is an excellent alternative because you will basically have access to all torrent available on the world wide internet . The problem is that they have a lot of publicity and, although they have not yet blocked it, some authorities have mentioned it as a future goal.
We continue in the line of metasearch engines and we present this one that is currently the most used by the international community of lovers of P2P downloads. It is very simple to use and has the advantage that shows you only 100% verified links so that you do not get unpleasant surprises after finishing the download of a file. However, not everything is rosy since most of the links that it teaches you are in English or, in the best case, subtitled in Spanish if it is a series or movie .
We close with another quality metasearch engine with which you can find all the torrent you need in the language you want. Simply enter the keyword in your search bar and then select the option you want from all the matches that the web shows you. Easy, fast and reliable since it only shows 100% verified links to avoid bad times after finishing the downloads .