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Linux Tricks: Become an expert with these secret tips and advice – 2022 List

Linux Tricks: Become an expert with these secret tips and advice - 2020 List

Linux came to change the world of computer networks and the Internet. This operating system, considered by many to be the safest, cheapest and most sincere of all, is used by large companies to manage their databases and servers.

Being open source users interact with each other, benefiting from each other (among these are programmers and developers, which solve all the problems that common users discovered)

In this article, you can read the characteristics of why it is the operating system chosen by many . You will also find the best tricks so that every time you have to use a command between the route lines you can do it in the most efficient way.

What features make Linux a unique operating system?

One of the most efficient operating systems that exist. Many of its users highlight the following features:

  • The capabilities it offers for networks and telecommunications are very important as it supports ethernet, synchronous and asynchronous serial lines, ISDN, among others.
  • The system can run several programs at the same time without impeding the execution of any of them.
  • Linux can connect to a local network and work as a server of different operating systems , including Windows, MacOS, MS-DOS, etc.
  • Provides the option that two or more users are working at the same time in the processing of a single software, from the same terminal or separated.
  • It is an open source system, so their errors are quickly detected and corrected by the same users.

3 Curiosities about Linux that you probably didn’t know about this OS

There is a lot of information behind this giant operating system. We will tell you the 3 curiosities that you probably did not know about Linux:

Used in Google and Facebook servers

Being a system created with open source, it supports different network interfaces that are used and used by many servers.

Google and Facebook, for example, need to have their servers secure and Linux is ideal for that , since Windows has big problems regarding this point.

Another point by which these two greats of computing use Linux is for the versatility in their components , since they are adaptable to Token Ring, FDDI, X.25, Arcnet , and those named above.

It’s a Kernel

We already told you that Linux is an open source system in which many people who permanently develop and perfect their codes work.

Most of these developers work on Kernel Linux, which is the core or central part of the operating system which ensures that the communication between the software and the computer is the best possible.

His penguin is called Tux

Curiosidades sobre Linux. Su pingüino se llama Tux

Its creator is Larry Ewing and presented it on the market in 1996. There are two theories about the origin of his name, the first is that “Tux” comes from T orvalds U or x and the second theory refers that, being a penguin, they seem to be dressed in tuxedos (“ tuxedo” in English)

List of the top 20 Linux tricks to get the most out of it

Los mejores 20 trucos de Linux para sacarle el máximo provecho

Every time we write lines on long routes and you don’t know how to return or how to look for a certain file, with these tricks that we present you will get all those doubts.

We show you the best Linux tricks below :

Home directory

To return to the home directory after a long line of commands, we can type «cd ~»

Another way to return to the home directory is to write directly “cd” , since Linux has the “~” character preconfigured.

List content

We cite listing the content you have for example in a directory we can write the letter l twice, that is “ll” .

Multiple commands

When we want to save time we need to perform multiple commands through one we can only type «command_1; command_2; command_3 » since it is not necessary to wait for each command to finish its work in order to write the other one.

Multiple commands only if your predecessor succeeded

We can also write many commands in one and save time, the problem that arises is when the last command was unsuccessful, then the sequence of the point mentioned above would end.

We can solve this by writing the following «command_1 && command_2»

Using the previous command

If we need to use our last command, we will have to type accounted for !!

Help for any command

When we don’t really know how to use a command, we will have to type “command_tool –help” , for example, for “tool”.

Correct typographical errors

When we write many times we press keys that are not correct and our line produces errors.

For this we can use for example «alias cta = cat»

Copy and paste

There are two functions we use permanently and they save us a lot of time, for this we will need to select the text we want to copy, and then we will write «Ctrl + Shift + C» (copy) and then « Ctrl + Shift + V » (paste)

Stop executing a command

When we need to write a command, but another command is running in the foreground, we will have to stop the execution of the one that is working.

For this we will write “Ctrl + C”

Autofill tab

When we are using Linux and copying a file, we can write “cp m” and it will return all possible options to complete the commands.

Last different path directory

If we need to go back to the last directory when we are on a long route and we need to go back to a completely different route we can type the «cd -« command and we will return to our last directory.

User interaction

If we need to work with those commands or scripts that need the action of each one of us we will have to develop «yes | command_or_script »

Clean a file without deleting it

When we need to have that file name, but delete its content we will use the «> filename»

Search for files with a particular text

When we need to find a text that has any of the files, we can search for it by typing «grep -Pri Search_Term path_to_directory»

Search for commands

If we need to find those commands we used previously, we will have to type «ctrl + r search_term»

Unlock the command line

Trucos de Linux. Desbloquear la línea de comandos

When we block a command line we use “Ctrl + S” , to unlock it we will use accountedCtrl+Qplay

Go to the beginning of the line

When we are on a long route and we need to go to the beginning of the line we can write accounCtrl+Ad

If we want to go to the end of the line, we have to go to the end of all the commands, we will have to type “Ctrl + E”

Read the file

When we need to read a file in real time we can use «tail -f path_to_Log» or also «tail -f path_to_log | grep search_term »

Reading compressed files

If we need to read or extract information from server logs, which are usually compressed, we can do so with the «z» commands:

  • «zcat» if we need to see the compressed file
  • «zgrep» when we search inside the compressed file
  • “zless” or “zmore” we can find the file in pages

  • “zdiff” if we want to compare two compressed files

Read large files

Many people use “cat” to read large files, but the command does not display the entire file on the screen.

There is a better option and it is to use the «less path_to_file» command.

Many times we need to use the last command we have written, for this we need to use «! $ »