It is the portal where people go to watch videos, movies or series, all in a simple way and their functions are similar to the HBO and Netflix platform , it has a huge amount of contents which you can enjoy without any restrictions or costs. We are talking about nothing less than Megadede, a brand that despite being relatively new, has managed to position itself well in the community of torrents.
People who entered this site in the month of December last year, witnessed failures in the service that caused the page to fall as the days went by. But now “he’s back” with everything, to offer you the best services. Now in conjunction with the Plusdede project, which according to the statement has suffered an unfortunate loss of personnel, for which they have been forced to merge their project with Megadede .com .
However, this brand has been persecuted by the authorities for years, so it is possible that the final shutdown of its servers is very close. Therefore, in this article we present a list of the best alternative portals to Megadede , so that when it is not available, you can continue making your P2P downloads without any problem.
What happened to Megadede? They don’t work or have they closed?
The Megadede thing is not surprising, the last five years its developers have done everything to avoid closing their operations due to justice demands. In fact, this new domain is one of those measures since previously the project was called Plusdede and more previously Pordede , and at the time it was also blocked and closed. That is why when you enter its portal it indicates that you can enter with the user that you already had in the aforementioned.
Megadede is not the only portal that is suffering from this harassment. In June 2018, the Civil Guard and other international law enforcement authorities published a list of websites that had been closed or censored . This is due to the pressure exerted by the large content producers who saw how they stopped earning billions of dollars a year because of websites of this type.
List of the best Megadede alternative websites to watch series and movies free online
Fortunately for you, Megadede is not the only portal where you can download content via P2P from the internet . There is a whole machinery that is still working and may never stop working, or at least not in the short term. You just have to know the domains indicated. So below we present the best portals to download audiovisual content via torrent completely free .
This is a site where you can enjoy a large number of content for all ages. Find the movies or serious you want to watch in the best audio and video format. Your page has a great organization in its categories to guarantee you a better search.
With the user registration you can get different benefits of the page, among them is the constant notice for each update of your billboard , you will surely fall in love with VIDCORN.
The recommendation that developers make is that you use a VPN , so that when downloading with your BitTorrent client , your IP is fully secured and without risks of being attacked in the future. It is also recommended that you install an advertising blocker so that your experience is not hindered by it.
This site is well known to movie lovers, although we must not deny that it has undergone some modifications that improve its appearance. This one, has the most current contents of the seventh art , and if you are looking for series there you will also find it because this is the best in terms of meeting the needs of its users.
It currently has an Android app that will allow you to enjoy its audiovisuals on your phone, without any cost .
Again, the recommendation is to use an advertising blocker and a VPN to keep your IP fully secured. It should be noted that in this portal all your links are 100% verified , which guarantees that at the end of the download there is no malicious file.
If you are looking for a site similar to Megadede, then DIXMAX is your alternative website. Like this one, before you start downloading or watching movies online you must be registered. When you log in you will see a huge list of cinematic content for all ages.
It also has an application that you can download and take your series and movies wherever you want. Besides that its contents can be found in different languages and its designs adapt to you .
The problem with this portal is the abnormal amount of advertising it contains , which greatly hinders the user experience when using it. Fortunately you can always use an extension in your browser to block advertising and save you the hassle.
It is the country of the series. In SeriesBlanco you will find all the existing series in the world. Something that should be noted on this page is that it updates its contents daily, and also shows series in different languages. If you have problems with the web or do not know something, you can check it with the other users through their online chat that this page maintains.
This way you can even discuss the content of each series if you wish. Although this portal is designed to view the content via Streaming, has a download section where you can download everything via torrent without problems .
This site is not the same as before. Your design has improved and thanks to this you can perform better and more accurate searches. It contains a huge gallery of movies and series just for you, so if you want to download them this gives you the best ways to do it.
If you don’t know what movies to watch, then ask for recommendations in their online chat located on the same platform , where thousands of people are connected to discuss any topic. Although to be able to enter the chat it is necessary that you make a previous user registration, which will not take you 15 minutes to do so.
This is also an excellent alternative to Megadede , as it allows you to enjoy series and movies for free. Many users know this site because it turns out to be very attractive. Meets all expectations to satisfy the movie fan.
Also, if you wish, you can establish a connection to your Smart TV or Android TV via Chromecast. The only detail that can be very annoying is its enormous amount of advertising that this site has. But the latter can be easily solved with a good blocker .
Aunque anteriormente se podía encontrar como seriesgato.com o .tv, ahora lo puedes encontrar como .xyz. Este sitio cuenta con gran gama de contenidos como películas, documentales, series y hasta contenidos para adultos. No cuenta con mucha publicidad en su sitio lo que lo hace aún más llamativo entre los usuarios.
It has different languages and quality in its content, it all depends on your preference. They do not store any videos on their platform or servers, they only link people to those sites which provide the opportunity to download or watch movies .
Se podría decir que este es el sucesor de Megadede, aunque en estos momentos se encuentra fuera de servicio pronto estarán nuevamente en línea, lo que te recomendamos que te registres si todavía no lo has hecho, ya que su plataforma esta activa para que comiencen con el registro de los usuarios.
As before this site will provide you with a huge amount of content, although now it will include new details that we still don’t know, but what we do know is that it will be to perfect this site.
Although series is not the only thing you can see, since it contains a high content of movies and in this if they are punctual, because they keep a fully updated list of movies, especially for movie fans.
Si lo que quieres ver es Acción, Comedia, Terror, Ciencia ficción y mucho más, esta es la web que necesitas. Es un sitio al igual que otros que se mantiene en actualizaciones constantes de su cartelera de contenido para el agrado de cada uno de sus usuarios.
Each category is made up of more than 5,000 movies and series. This site is well known, although not with this name, was previously called peliculassais.com but its domain update and design change was for the better. It does not have a large number of advertisements something that makes it so special, in addition that each content has excellent video and audio quality.