While it is true, Amazon is a world famous e-commerce and cloud computing services company. Which, offers different alternatives for the entertainment of its users and as any time is ideal for reading a book, especially in electronic format, created for this an option known as “Amazon Kindle” .
In this sense, Amazon Kindle is responsible for offering a huge catalog of electronic books also identified as “e-books” . Which, currently, show a remarkable distribution over the network in the vast majority of countries. Therefore, Amazon’s Kindle offers digital books in several languages, as well as graphic novels and comics.
In addition to this, it should be noted that its devices simplify the reading of books from Amazon and even other platforms. But, since to date there are different versions of the Kindle eReader of this service , it is valuable to know them and then we tell you all about it including their prices.
Amazon Kindle to the market?
For starters, it should be noted that the “Kindle” refers to an electronic or digital book reader that is based on a portable device capable of simplifying the purchase, storage and storage. possibility to read any number of digitized books you want. Thus, a device designed and created by the same Amazon virtual store, which until several years ago had already sold more than 4 million of these devices.
On the other hand, you will wonder when its first version was launched to the market and well, how it emerged so that, today, it has such fame. Therefore, we mentioned that in the beginning the original project was called “Fiona” in 2004 and from there, the Amazon eReader was born.
This being an order that Jeff Bezos , founder and CEO of Amazon; gave its employees in order to develop the best digital book reader that could exist worldwide .
For its part, three years later (that is, in 2007), these employees obtained the desired result by the renowned e-commerce company. Therefore, specifically on November 19, 2007, the first Kindle with a unique format was released for sale , since it was a 6-inch electronic ink screen with a physical keyboard that it remained for later generations.
However, Amazon’s Kindle has evolved significantly, to this day.
Timeline of each version of Amazon’s Kindle eReader and your prices
As we have indicated in the previous section of the post, since 2007, the eReader of the world’s largest e-commerce company has shown a great evolution until today, since have been developed and sold various types of such devices . Which, it is of great importance to know in detail because they are the versions of this Kindle and then.
We indicate the most special chronologically:
Release date: November 19, 2007
As we noted earlier, this was the Amazon device that kicked off the important era of the Kindle . Therefore, he showed a truly excessive demand for more than four consecutive months.
Main features :
- It offered a memory capacity of 250 MB .
- It had an SD reader , as with a speaker that allowed to listen to audio files with good quality.
- It allowed to search and make purchases of books or subscriptions to newspapers that you wanted, through the Sprint 3G network. Since, was released along with the debut of “Whispernet” .
Price: It had a cost of 364.69 euros , approximately.
Kindle 2
Release date: February 10, 2009
Thus, as its name implies, this was the second generation Amazon eReader. Therefore, exhibited certain improvements over the first device launched on the market , two years later.
Main features:
- With regard to memory, it was much larger than that of the Kindle launched first. Well, it provided a total capacity of 2 GB .
- It stands out for being the first eReader to be marketed internationally . Since, as of October 2009, it did so with a notable boom.
- However, as a disadvantage, the Kindle 2 did not have an SD reader .
Price: It was sold for a price of around 328 euros, that is, more accessible than the first Amazon Kindle.
Kindle DX
Release date: June 10, 2009
Also launched in 2009, this device was designed by the e-commerce company in order to bet on a new large format eReader . This, mainly, to be able to visualize how it was digested by the public and thus continue designing similar proposals.
Main features:
- The Kindle DX screen reached up to 7 inches . Thus, so far, the largest Amazon Kindle eReader.
- It is a device that has support for the PDF format .
- Provides a optimal 3G connectivity .
- It was also a version that was distributed outside the United States .
- It had a successor called “Kindle DX Graphite” (DX) that displayed a screen with superior contrast thanks to Pearl technology, but had no WiFi connectivity.
Price: From its launch, it was priced at 446.95 euros . So, in its short history, it was the device with the highest price.
Kindle Keyboard
Release date: July 28, 2010
A year later, the third generation of the Amazon Kindle began. Which, began its boom with a model that modified the design of the keyboard to offer greater novelty. Taking into account that, much of the users and the industry in general, ended up calling this device as the “Kindle 3” .
Main features:
- Back to the 6-inch screen (as in Kindle 1), but with a better resolution. Since, this was 600 × 800 pixels .
- On this device, for the first time, there was a 3G variant and another WiFi . li>
- It was the first and only Amazon eReader with a full QWERTY keyboard .
Price: It had truly competitive prices. Thanks to that, the one that contained the WiFi function had only a cost of 127 euros . While the 3G variant, it was sold for a price of 172.75 euros .
Kindle 4 and Kindle Touch h3>
Release date: September 28, 2011
We have reached the fourth generation of the Kindle family , because these models were the only two representatives of the Amazon eReader range. Taking into account that, although they were launched only one year later, they showed the absence of QWERTY keyboards.
Main features:
- Both the Kindle 4 and the Touch, the 6 inch screen was maintained in total.
- The best news of these versions is based in which they had the presence of a basic browser . But, this could only be used over a WiFi connection.
- With respect to the Kindle 4, this was the base model and was launched with ads .
- Detailing the Kindle Touch, it should be noted that two versions were sold. One of them was the one that contained the WiFi and the other was 3G with the presence of an electronic and tactile ink screen (both versions did not show ads).
- The Kindle 4 with ads cost 72 euros and no ads, 63 euros .
- The Kindle Touch WiFi version for 127 euros and the Touch 3G for 75 euros .
Kindle 5 and Kindle Paperwhite h3>
Release date: September 06, 2012
With these versions of Amazon’s Kindle eReader, the fifth generation began, which, like the previous one, was also represented by two devices that were launched to the market at the same time .
Main features:
- In reference to the specifics of the Kindle 5, we note that this model returned to black with respect to the design .
- The screen contrast and the speed of changing the pages , was also another great feature of the eReader number 5.
- Before the arrival of the Oasis, the Kindle 5 was the lightest of all, as it simply weighed around 170 grams .
- With respect to the Kindle Paperwhite, it had a 6-inch screen and a resolution of 758 × 1024 pixels . li>
- The best of the first Paperwhite version, without a doubt, was all the four LED backlight system that was displayed on the screen.
- For just 82 euros and without ads, you could buy the Kindle 5.
- The Kindle Paperwhite without 3G had a cost of 90 euros and with 3G the price was 164.50 euros (both without ads).
Kindle Paperwhite – 2nd generation h3>
Release date: September 03, 2013
As the title indicates, this version was the second generation of the powerful Paperwhite model of the Kindle designed by Amazon. Which, although it didn’t have many changes, introduced certain additional features of great interest .
Main features:
- This new technology, a year later, improved the contrast and lighting of the LEDs .
- It had a much faster processor strong> to turn the pages of e-books.
- He added the particularity “Page Flip” that, fortunately, allowed the text to go back or forward in a much easier way.
- It also had integration with the reader service, Goodreads.
Price: The WiFi version was priced at 127 euros (with ads) and 191 euros (without ads, which was launched in November of that same year).
Kindle 7 and Kindle Voyage h3>
Release date: September 18 / October 21, 2014
Although the Kindle 7 and Voyage were not released on the same day, both belong to the seventh generation of the device family. Which, were published to the market in order to complete their catalog of the year with a basic model and another of a higher range.
Main features:
- As for the Kindle number 7, we must emphasize that this model refers to the basic range of the year 2014. Which, was equipped with a touch screen .
- It should be noted that Voyage also stood out for s u resolution of 300 dots per inch . Just like because it had the highest contrast of absolutely the entire eReader market.
The Kindle Voyage was one of the most ambitious versions of all, but it also kept the screen 6 inches .
- For 91 euros and without ads , you could get the Kindle 7.
- The Kindle Voyage with WiFi and without ads, was priced at 200 euros , approximately. While the model with WiFi, 3G and without ads cost 265 euros .