The largest technology communities around the world have always started thanks to the immense enthusiasm of amateur people, who have put their grain of sand to improve the world.
When we talk about free licensing software, it immediately leads us to think that there is a gigantic community that highlights and obscures all others. Therefore in this extensive article we will enter a prominent community of open source operating systems.
So if you have a complaint with your current operating system or need to work in a specific area, you will surely find the ideal system for you here.
What unique features did the first version of the open source Linux operating system have?
Linux is an open source operating system that is based primarily on the C language.
This was first created by Linus Torvalds, a student of Computer Science, a native of Finland. Its incipient creation of 1991, quickly got the attention of other developers, who with ideas of other open source software, managed to create a solid operating system.
The idea of this was conceived in Helsinki; Capital of the mentioned country. Because Torvalds had access to the Unix servers of his university, the system he used to create his kernel was «Minix».
Like all great creations, this was a personal project that only sought the comfort of Torvalds when using your computer.
The main features that stand out of this software will be known below:
- The main one that defines Linux is that it is of type « Open Source «, or said in Spanish, of open source.
- En totally free and to acquire it, just download it from a distributor on the Internet.
- «Preferred multitasking» is a feature that stands out a lot, since no other system has this ability to work with many applications without that there is interference between them. Unlike the multitasking of Windows which is known as «Multitasking cooperative».
- Among the strengths of Linux we have that from it can be managed with a large Precision all kinds of networks, which also exceeds it in Internet access.
- Given the previous point, this also facilitates the ability to turn the computer into a server, with costs well below the real .
- Originally Linux was not created to be a portable system, but today practically all its distributions are.
- Linux presents all the basic components for the development of solid programs and software using the languages: “C”, “C ++”, “ObjectiveC”, “Pascal”, “Fortran”, “BASIC”, among others that favor the environment of a developer.
- One point very important that undoubtedly makes Linux stand out, is its high security that is accompanied by the great collective contribution of thousands of des overwhelming.
- «Multiuser», is another feature that makes it what it is today, allowing several users to access the same resources without interference.
- Finally The fact that this system can be adapted to any device cannot be left out. A clear example is the Android system, which as we will see much later is also a Linux distribution.
Chronology of all versions of the Linux operating system that exist
A “Distro” as Linux versions are generally known, is simply a distribution of GNU / Linux software that includes a program package, according to the needs for which it was created.
In this case we have prepared an extensive list of the Distro organized according to the chronological order to which they correspond.
We must emphasize that in it we have left out all the versions that do not have support or were failed projects. This in order to save you unnecessary reading time, since if we would not have a list of more than 800 versions of Linux.
Then, after just for fun Linus Torvalds will create his incipient operating system in 1991, the enthusiastic collaborators arrived and the first one emerged:
Linux 0.12
This is the first Linux distribution in the world, created by HJ Lu in 1992.
The installation had to be carried out with 2 floppy disks, of which one was responsible for booting the computer and the other for rooting it. For the process to be successful, the team needed to have a type editor hexadecimal.
MCC Interim Linux
This is a very old Linux distribution developed at the Manchester Computing Center, England also in 1992.
It was created by Owen Le Blanc, and stood out for being the first installment capable of being installed independently on any PC. It was distributed publicly on an FTP server of the university already mentioned.
Tamu Linux
A few months later, in the same year 1992, another Linux installment developed in Texas A&M was created in conjunction with Unix and Linux User Group. This third installment was the first to offer a variety of windows in the system and not just a simple text editor.
Softlanding Linux Systems (SLS)
This version of Linux was released almost in parallel with the previous one, with the difference that it sets the stage for the best Linux deliveries known today.
It was based on MCC Interim Linux and was devised by Peter Mcdonald.
As we mentioned earlier, 2 of the Linux Distro that are still in force were based on SLS, these are « Slackware» and «Debian». p >
This distribution was launched in the middle of the year 1992, and from its exit until almost the end of the decade of the 90 dominated the software market.
Based on SLS and the versions shown previously, this is the oldest one that is still in update and validity.
Developed by a company founded by Adam J. Richter in California, it was the first Distro to be distributed via CD ROM. In addition, this version was the first to be configured through Plug And Play.
The same was launched at the end of 1992 by the company Yggdrasil Computing Inc.
Dated since mid-1993, is the strongest Linux operating system and, despite the years, is constantly updated.
As we said, it was based on SLS and was developed by Ian Murdock. This could be obtained both on CD-ROM and Internet download.
This version can be said to set a before and after in the history of Linux, since many of the other Distros are based on Debian.
This software is very versatile because adapts to multiple devices, apart from being also available in a large number of languages.
Red Hat Linux
It is one of the oldest versions of Linux currently in force. Although, it does this under another name after merging with Fedora.
It was launched by the Red Hat company in 1994 and is one of the few commercial versions. After its merger in 2003 it works under the name of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
It was the first version to use package management tools for programs, and established the basis for other versions to implement.
Mandrake or Mandriva Linux
Launched in 1998, based on Red Hat Linux and aimed at the public with personal computers. It was the ideal system for both beginners and advanced in the areas of computing.
The developer of this system was the Co-founder of the French company MandrakeSoft, Gael Duval.
Vine Linux
This is a Linux distribution for Japanese, it is a fork of the well-known Red Hat sponsored by VineCaves. The development of this delivery began in 1998 and in 2000 it was released to the public.
This is a subsystem that seamlessly carries the Linux kernel and focuses on working on computers with very low architectures, 16 bits for example. It was formerly known as Linux-8086 and began operating in 1999.
Yellow Dog
It is a distribution that is around 1999 developed almost on par with Red Hat Linux and based on it.
With the difference that it was focused on running perfectly on computers with processors Power PC.
This is a version of Linux with industrial applications that improves development on Host computers. All of its packages are usually open source , so it was a breakthrough for 1999 .
This distro was released in 2000 as one of the best Firewall of the time. Which in addition to providing network security service also worked as a server.