An open source software allows many users to comment and correct errors about its programming or development. In this way a very robust program is obtained , which benefits all the participants in it, whether they are programmers or ordinary users.
Ubuntu meets these characteristics, as it is an open source operating system geared towards servers and also different electronic devices.
Thanks to this program, today we can have different applications that we use every day on our mobile device , among many other examples. In this post we will show you what the origin of Ubuntu was and also each of the versions and modifications that it was having over time.
What differentiated the first Ubuntu version of its competence of the time ?
Ubuntu is an open source operating system that has its structure based on the Debian call. It is aimed at PCs as well as servers.
It is not only an open source system, it is also free and uses different developers, who belong to the community, to improve every aspect of the operating system permanently.
One of the most outstanding features is that it has different branches or divisions according to its orientation, the system that is designed for servers is called Ubuntu Server or the operating system for companies, is called Ubuntu Business Desktop Remix .
Canonical is the company responsible for maintaining the Ubuntu format , and every 6 months a new version is launched that, during the next nine months, different bucks can be made to improve each of the errors found. These remasters are the updates of the different software that integrate the operating system.
In addition, every two years, it publishes versions “Long Term Support” (LTS) , which receive support from different designers to make patches for 5 years.
Ubuntu is owned by the Canonical company run and created by South African businessman Mark Shuttleworth , who always clarified that Ubuntu’s competition is Windows, but the goal is to become like MacOS .
The operating system began to be created as a project to be able to make the distribution and use of the Debian structure easier, in this way it began to correct different errors that existed architectures of Intel, AMD and AMR >.
Its first release was made in October 2004 where the firewall and proprietary driver software had the difference of not being open source like the rest of the program, being the main difference between the operating systems of the time, which were closed .
Through the passage of time, the company discovered that with this launch and subsequent releases, the installation package and all applications were very fragmented and complex, generating complications for all users of the moment.
That is why, just in 2009 the Ubuntu Software Center is created in order to be able to search, install and uninstall the different applications that were available in those. In addition, with this Ubuntu Center Software, you can enter different patches that are made by third parties.
In this way a big problem is solved for everyone, all the problems with their possible solutions are in one place. It also offers the possibility of creating assistance.
Canonical began working with open source for Linux for those ARM processors. This happened from the company’s statement made on June 3, 2010. In this way it is possible to generate a much more stable version for processors of this kind of technology.
Already in the year 2011, applications created in “qt” begin to be included, which includes a graphical user interface to allow the development of programs with this cross-platform framwork. In this way, it is possible to integrate Ubuntu with all the tools that qt technology has .
The Mir graphic server began to be used since 2013, which included a much more user-friendly interface, so integration and expansion to different devices began, such such as televisions and mobile phones, in addition to PCs.
At the beginning of 2014 the “Ubuntu for phones” is launched, which uses the Unity interface developed with a language that is based on JavaScript QML. Through this interface, you can perform different actions through the screen by means of mobile touch commands.
Among the different features of this change, we can mention the interface that proposes multiple tasks being able to use two applications at the same time, announcing in this way also the integration of Ubuntu for Tablets .
In 2013, Ubuntu Edge is created with the intention of raising money to be able to develop a base and use Ubuntu in the best way for the phone, thus allowing to use a desktop interface that can connect to a mobile device and provide dual boot to use the Android operating system .
The hardware features that are proposed to be used at that time are Dual Core or more, with 128 GB to store, a 4GB RAM, a screen that has an important resolution and is made of Sapphire crystal. In addition, the inclusion of a silicon anode battery with two LTE wireless communication antennas and 2-band WiFi.
In this way it was possible to create most of the operating system that we know today . Subsequently, interface changes and different remasters were made.
Full timeline of all existing versions of Ubuntu and its features
As we said in previous paragraphs, Canonical launches a version every two years that has Long Term Support , which means that they are compared with different security updates for a much longer time than the usual 9 months granted by the company for other extensions.
Ubuntu Version 6.06
It is the first version with LTS which includes a bug fix for the desktop and an improvement on the server in terms of security and general errors.
Version 8.04
Thanks to this remaster it was possible to correct some failures in the maintenance of the operating system.
Ubuntu v10.04
Corrects different operating system software, as well as generates a dynamic process so that codes can be corrected almost automatically . It shows different sections that are oriented to an average user.
12.04, the fourth version of Ubuntu
With this new LTS, which was launched in April 2012, improvements are included for adapting to different multi-universe video boards .
Version 13.10
This is a great year for Canonical, since in 2013 Ubuntu is launched for phones and also for the new ARM systems. In this way each of the different devices is integrated with the operating system.
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
This version brings important changes in different application icons, as well as showing a much more modern on and off design.
Allows you to delete the launcher’s workspace selector, but offers the possibility of including it with an icon that can be attached to the desktop.
Ubuntu Version 16.04
The Ubuntu Software Center is removed by GNOME , which is called “ GNOME Software” . The calendar is included by default and shows improvements in the possibility of drawing cursors and also improves the integration of the different files.
Yakkety Yak, Ubuntu version 16.10
In 2016 the release of this version is carried out, which brings as important improvements in the kernel, as well as changes to the Unity desktop. Other improvements announced for this version were the overclocking support for the AMD , for Nouveau and for Raspberry Pi 3 .
It is also announced that the Unity desktop will definitely be replaced in the next version .
V17.04 called Zesty Zapus
Different patches are created in Mesa and in the core of the operating system. Unity and Mir are used for the last time, so you will start using GNOME and Wayland respectively . It was released on April 13, 2017.
Ubuntu version 17.10
The name of this version is Skillful Pig Hormiguero or in the original language Artful Aardvark . This new LTS brings changes to different operating system media and is also the first time that GNOME and Wayland have been reused.
Bionic Beaver Ubuntu 18.04
It was launched in April 2018. While it is true that it maintains the Ambiance theme since it could not be changed because it did not have enough time to reach the release of this version.
Includes other improvements such as emoji color, default installation of the To-Do app . Xorg becomes the default graphic server and cgroup v2 is incorporated for AMD memory encryption.
Ubuntu version 18.10
We can find in this new version of Ubuntu, called Cosmic Cuttlefish , the kernel update in its version 4.18 and also of Open SSL 1.1.1.
As the most outstanding news, we can mention that it does not include the update for i386 because the company decided not to develop this product for processors that have 32 bits.
Dingo disk version 19.04
With this version of Ubuntu that was launched in April of the year 2019 we can find improvements in Linux kernel 5.0, which adds more technology in terms of synchronization of the FreeSync screen, improves the algorithm Adiantum and offers new components that will improve the USB 3.2 and USB Type-C port.