One of the main impediments by which users do not go to Linux is because of the large amount of the command they handle on it. However, you can also handle it with the mouse and keyboard in a very simple way , as this will allow you to do things faster.
This is how a user who is accustomed to manage Windows , may not want to start learning command and orders to handle a new operating system . Taking into account that all the adjustments made within the graphical interface can be executed through the command lines .
Therefore, today there are a lot of them available in this OS, which provide us with a lot of very important and interesting functions . But that with the passage of time and practice are gradually learning. According to this, here we will show you the most important commands in Linux .
What are Linux operating system commands and what are they for?
These Linux commands are small programs that are built into the operating system and have the function of carrying out a task .
However, there is a difference between what is a command and a program , usually the commands are always in a specific folder that are always in the same place regardless of whether you logged in with your user or superuser. While with the programs you have to be specifying their location.
Nowadays most of the modern OS use this tool in order to offer two ways of handling the user, considering that all system settings can be executed through of the command line which is also known as Shell.
Therefore, a Shell acts as a mediator between the system and the user , which receives all entries made through the keyboard, either to start a program or indicate a system exit .
What can be done with the Linux terminal commands?
As we mentioned earlier, these commands specialize in performing some specific task inside the computer , either to indicate a system entry, an exit, start the task manager , execute a program, link orders , among many other activities that can be executed from them.
In addition, it is important to mention that each Shell handles a own language of orders that allow you to perform the task for which they were created.
Every time you turn on the computer activates the Shell in the operating system as a standard to the system settings. From that moment you can start indicating your inputs or outputs for handling it . A different way to make use of the equipment, and enter certain options just by typing a code with your keyboard.
List of the 50 best commands of the Linux operating system and its utility
Usually there are two types of people , those who prefer to operate the computer with the mouse and those who prefer to do so with the keyboard .
Therefore, if you belong to the group of people who prefer to interact with the system through the keyboard, here we will show you what are the 50 best Linux commands so you can start improving your OS experience and become an expert on it.
To do this, follow the following table that we will show you with each of the most important commands used today in Linux: