While it is true, Amazon is the most important online store worldwide and is that, according to the BrandZ index, it is the most valuable retail brand in the world . Thus, an e-commerce and cloud computing services company at all levels, of American origin.
In this sense, being cataloged as the most representative icon of ecommerce and one of the most frequented websites by users from all over the planet, practically; It is an excellent place to start selling your products , in case you are evaluating the possibility of using this type of platform for it. Taking into account that, is also an ideal tool to use as a buyer .
For this reason, in this post, we want to let you know each and every one of the tools and / or services that Amazon provides for its billions of customers in various countries worldwide. Detailing, additionally, the main advantages that guarantees buyers and sellers .
What are the main benefits of buying and selling by Amazon?
As we indicated earlier, it is worth specifying the most important benefits revealed by using Amazon, both to buy and sell products.
Thus, we proceed to mention the advantages of most interest for each case :
For the buyer
To start, we give way to the main benefits that Amazon reveals to buy on its online platform :
- Accounts with a wide catalog : On this website you can find a wide variety of products, brands and services in everything you need. Whether regarding clothing, footwear, household items, electronics, video games and many others. Thanks to this, it is estimated as the online store that offers more products to its customers.
- You can find great prices : Another of Amazon’s most notable benefits is that it allows you get the most accessible prices in the online market. It even contains a high demand for used items in a good state and totally cheap, compared to those you get in physical stores or other online stores.
- It allows you to buy at any time : Amazon users can access the platform and buy 24 hours a day and throughout the week. Being this, one of the benefits best valued by customers, since they should not go to the work schedule established by physical stores to purchase the items whenever they want.
- It guarantees a remarkable security in payments : Thanks to the payment methods that Amazon gives you, you can be sure that the business will be totally reliable. In view of that, you will only have to enter the card details during the order confirmation and, in addition, this platform does not work in conjunction with bank transfers, the use of PayPal, money orders, etc.
- Fast shipments and totally cheap : As a customer, you can choose the shipping method and add the address of your choice to ensure a fast delivery. Bearing in mind that, the dispatch of the shipment is the fastest in the market, because it will only take between two or three days (other online stores take up to 10 days to do so). In addition to this, shipping is free in any city in the United States and in the rest of the world, you can save a good sum of money.
- Has Feedbacks availability : Buyers Amazon have the ability to read the comments of everything sold by this online store, as well as the purchases that were already made and can see first-hand information from the same sellers. This being a very helpful option with which the user can make sure to purchase a certain product with the best quality.
- Offers discounts, constantly : Users can make their purchases at great prices, every day and in addition to that, they have the possibility of finding juicy discounts of up to 70%.
- Comfort : In addition to allowing you to buy at any time, Amazon also provides you with the facility to purchase the products you want from any site and from any device, thus ensuring remarkable comfort.
For the seller
On the other hand, it is also appropriate to mention the best benefits that Amazon reveals for all sellers who want to bet on exhibiting through this recognized online trading platform :
- Gain remarkable visibility : Through Amazon, your products will be exposed to a large number of people and not only locally, but also worldwide. Thanks to this, you can obtain an excellent international expansion and attract the general public.
- Increase the value of the brand : Once you plan to sell on a platform as famous as Amazon, you You will benefit from the value of your brand, because there is a domino effect on the value of your brand. That way, the investment of the same online company to attract more traffic to its platform will impact you in a positive way.
- A greater number of sales : In view of that, by offering their products on Amazon, sellers gain trust and credibility, automatically; It is logical that many buyers will choose to purchase their items and even more, because there are millions of active customers who visit this website every day to buy.
- Minimum marketing costs >: By itself, Amazon attracts millions of customers every day and once you advertise on this platform, you can access them. That way, it will be possible to start your sales from day one and without making any effort. Although, of course, it is important to stand out from the rest to win buyers more easily, as there is a lot of competition.
- An optimal customer service system : You won’t have to worry about constantly innovating to keep your customers satisfied, since the Amazon platform itself is responsible for providing a perfect interface to optimize the experience of its customers and achieve that, through quality assurance controls, improvements in the purchase process and systems of attention to the user, these remain active there.
- Free advertising and on various websites : Due to the great fame that Amazon has obtained, it is estimated as one of the online platforms which has more affiliates, blog owners and websites that talk about the millions of products in existence on Amazon. Thanks to this, you can get free advertising on hundreds of online sites that recommend your articles.
- It is not necessary to make an inventory : Given that this e-commerce company has With more than 100 storage centers around the world, all Amazon sellers will be able to send their products to said online store and it will be responsible for maintaining the inventory of each of these, distributing them to the various buyers.
- Great freedom and comfort to manage your online store : Amazon has different tools that it delivers to you for free, so that you can manage your online store to your liking and that way, it guarantees as much freedom and comfort as possible. Taking into account that, this same company will be in charge of preparing the orders and sending them to the final customer.
List of the best tools to analyze Amazon competition and products
If you are a “seller” or seller interested in promoting your products on Amazon, you should keep in mind that making a dent in this world famous marketplace, it will not be such an easy task. That is why, apart from displaying competitive items and obtaining excellent visibility, it is valuable to know the competition and achieve a good optimization of the product sheet .
Reason why, in this section of the post, we want to introduce you to some of Amazon’s best tools to study competition and products in this online trading company:
Seller Spirit
It is defined as a set of Amazon tools that have the ability to provide you with different actions to get to know the competition better . These actions are based on having knowledge about the keywords that the competition uses, as well as establishing alerts to know, instantly, if you have received any negative criticism and also conduct product and market research, in general .
Asin Seed
Through the ASIN code, it allows sellers to know their competitors . Thanks to this, it provides information about competitors’ products and also about the keywords they use; so that, you will be able to know the most interesting aspects of your adversaries from a reverse search .
However, it should be noted that this tool is only available in Spain, Germany, France, Italy, United Kingdom, United States and Japan.
Keyword Tool
This is a software that has the ability to carry out a keyword research focused on marketplaces and thanks to this, it delivers completely reliable information that includes competition for each of the keywords to be used, volumes of Monthly search and trends too.
If you are an Amazon seller, this tool is one of the most suitable for you. Since, it provides the ability to analyze and study the profitability of your products , easily. It also allows them to track the main KPIs of their sales and has functions with which they can learn to increase their profits.
In case you prefer to use an all-in-one tool, in terms of product analysis and competition, AMZScout is an ideal alternative for you as an Amazon seller. Since, when using it, you can spy on your main competitors , accessing the ranking history and even the sales and prices of a specific list.
Additionally, this tool will allow you to obtain profitable products and niches , when you don’t know what you can sell and want to bet on a market with great demand. Also, you can identify the best trends of the moment.
Jungle Scout
When it comes to analyzing Amazon products, this tool is perfect in making the most accurate decisions about the items to sell in this renowned marketplace. Well, it makes use of some factors such as the number of reviews and the ranking of the best seller to determine a certain niche in Amazon and so, you can bet on an excellent alternative.
That way, it works like a niche tracker, product database and keyword browser .
Best tools of the free Amazon affiliate program
For many SEO specialists and niche creators, the Amazon Affiliates program is one of the most profitable in the market today. Which, is to invite website owners to promote products of this famous marketplace and thus, is considered one of the best possibilities for those who have blogs or online stores in disuse.
Thus, this program has been present since Amazon began its growth and with this, it allows third parties to generate income easily , while provide more sales to this platform .
Well, affiliates must place links on their web pages and redirect traffic to Amazon, which can earn between 1 and 12% of sales produced. Taking into account that, each link contains a tracking ID that allows you to count if the sale comes from these visits.
For its part, it is necessary to keep in mind some of the best tools that can be used during the Amazon affiliate program. Which, the same platform makes available to users to improve the experience of affiliates. Next, we mention the most optimal of all :
The WordPress Link Builder Plugin
Without a doubt, one of the most important tools for the Amazon Affiliates program is this Plugin with which the links to be displayed on third-party websites are created . Basically, it is an ad generator that simplifies the search for products to add them in WordPress editors of these websites.
In this sense, the tool consists of several templates with which you can create the ad to your liking and has different methods to enter the text and prices of the items to offer . It should be noted that, it comes with several default templates and, at the same time, it supports its own designs for greater customization.
The Amazon Affiliates API (Product Advertising API)
It is the best formula to get to link Amazon with the website, easily. Therefore, it is cataloged as an advanced alternative with which it is possible to obtain access to the marketplace in question and its extensive catalog of products . In addition, it also facilitates the application of filters to perform searches.
However, if has not generated three sales , it will be impossible to have access to this Amazon API and apart from that, the Plugin will be useless. For this reason, in order to use it, it will be necessary to look for someone you know who can generate this amount of sales manually and from that, specify the access .
Now, once you get this access, you could use the API to see the comments that other buyers have left on the product before. With which, you would build customer loyalty and even show the recommendations of other related Amazon articles . Also, links can be included dynamically.
This is a toolbar with which ads are handled very simply and quickly . Taking into account that, it is easy to get it when you navigate with the Amazon affiliate account. Among its main functions, we note that SiteStripe allows you to create links directly from the online site and without having to use other additional mechanisms.
Added to this, one of its best advantages is that it facilitates the creation of links to any website on Amazon and all these, you can share on the main social networks of the moment ; such as: Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Amazon Affiliate Web Bar
From this Web Bar, you can create a link directly from any Amazon page and thanks to this, it is not necessary to enter the Affiliate panel of the marketplace platform. Added to this, through this Web Bar, it is possible to make text or text links with image and you can even use a button to directly access the forum and even the summary of your income.
Los Banners
Another of the tools that the Amazon platform makes available to its affiliates, are the banners. Taking into account that, through them, it will be possible to create links with which, mostly, you can get a better conversion . Thus, the most favorable of the case, is that there are various designs with the possibility of coupling to the schematization of your website.
Best Amazon Business tools for sellers and optimize your sales campaigns
Amazon Business is considered one of the best programs for both buyers and sellers of this famous platform. In this regard, with respect to the “sellers” , this program reveals excellent benefits and among the most important, we find the fact of selling more and reaching billions of commercial customers throughout the world .
In this regard, the Amazon Business Seller program offers valuable features for all vendors who are betting on advertising in this marketplace. With which, they can increase their sales, offer products available only to commercial customers, facilitate the search for their products, simplify the purchase in larger quantities through good prices and accessible payments , as well as automate tax exemption on qualified purchases of sellers.
For its part, Amazon also provides some tools that are of great help to sellers, in order to optimize their trade campaigns and gain many more advantages of interest . Next, the best tools of this type:
Sponsored Products
Refers to a cost-per-click advertising solution that Amazon provides to allow you to promote the items you sell with ads that can be displayed in high visibility locations within this online platform . Given that, the advertising will be seen in both desktop and mobile browsers, as in the Amazon Mobile application and once buyers click on the ad in question, they will be redirected to the product detail page.
Regarding the way in which sellers should use this tool, they will basically have to select the items they want to advertise and proceed to choose the keywords or product attributes they prefer segment .
However, you can also opt for the Amazon system itself to automatically segment the most important keywords. In addition, Sponsored Products will also allow you to measure the performance of your ads and control how much you want to spend on bids and budgets (it is important to indicate a daily budget).
Sponsored Brands
These are campaigns that encourage Amazon users to discover your brand and interact with it in leading search sites . Apart from this, it is a tool that allows raising awareness and consideration with fully personalized ads that directly connect to a landing page or online store.
It is appropriate to highlight that, these ads are of type “Cost-per-click” and, for that reason, you will only have to pay when a buyer of the platform clicks on an ad. They are also ads where you can set your budget and even select the price you want to pay for each click . Bearing in mind that, you can set a daily budget and a total budget .
Now, in reference to the main advertising features of Sponsored Brands, we note that these ads add your brand logo together with a purely personalized title and three of your products more specials . Thus, they usually appear on page locations of computers and mobile devices.
Amazon Stores
This basically consists of a free self-service store that is available for brands. In this way, it allows you to provide a totally superior Amazon shopping service and stay focused on your brand, your items to sell and the value proposition .
For its part, this tool has the ability to receive traffic from Amazon organic locations, as well as the link of your brand name on your product detail pages.
In addition to this, this tool can be used as the landing site of any of your commercial transactions within Amazon and even outside this platform. Thus, a help mechanism to optimize your brand awareness globally and increase the sales opportunities of your products .