Arduino simulators have been created especially for electronics lovers, this is an opportunity with which they will not be able to say no more. With the creation of this software all programmers and designers will be able to start carrying out their daily practice through a digital platform with which they will be able to acquire more knowledge before of going to the real world.
This software will allow you to develop useful tools for what will be the handling of an electronic circuit, that is to say, that the program will offer you to work with different equipment digitally so that You can learn little by little how it is done and without running the risk of breaking down the device, which would happen in the physical world.
This simulator has been created especially for all those of the electronics branch who are not yet professionals and who are starting in the world of the repair of electronic equipment . A way of gradually taking experience before going to the physical. Due to the great importance of this type of programs, here we will introduce you which are the best Arduino simulators so you can start putting into practice what you like.
What is and what is an Arduino simulator for?
An Arduino simulator is software that will allow you to develop electronic circuits through digital platforms, there you will have the possibility to learn all the basic principles and the design of these circuits without having to be affected by real equipment.
A platform that will teach the beginners of the electronics world how to start a repair of a device without the device being affected in real life.
It is a very complete software that currently has a large number of tools available to its users such as components, connection plates, displays, motors, among many others.
Among other options that this program offers is the realization of electrical diagrams , as well as being able to change the colors to the cables or the final PBC design . Thus being one of the most complete tools of today and ideal for those people who are starting in this area and are not yet ready to go out into the physical world.
Types and list of the best Arduino simulators
According to the great importance of these simulators and all the benefits offered to users, here we will explain what are the best types of digital programs where you can create your own electronic circuits without risking damage to real equipment.
For this, we have created a list with the best simulators available for Windows, Mac, iPhone, Android, online, among others, where you will be able to become everything an expert in the area of electronics in an easy and fast way.
Windows PC simulators
UnoArduSim is an Arduino simulation software which is available for Windows, and you will be able to get it for free. In addition, it is characterized by being very easy to use.
This program has been created with the aim that electronics students can start putting their knowledge into practice without the need to have a device in physical form, simply using the tools offered by the simulator.
This program is responsible for simulating on your computer an Arduino board and a large number of input and output devices, all this virtually and includes tools such as L EDs, pulldowns resistors and pullups, analog wave generators, DC motors , among many others.
In it you will be able to take everything step by step so that you can observe each movement in detail. UnoArduSim has become a great alternative to gain experience in electronic circuits before attempting to manipulate an electronic device in physical, thus reducing the risks of causing any type of irreparable damage.
For MacOS computers
Users who usually switch from a Windows operating system to a Mac always have the doubt to know if they can continue using the same programs on their new system. It is very important to mention that not all Windows programs are compatible with Mac, but if there is a large majority that can be used.
Among them are some of electronic circuit simulators, something fundamental for all those apprentices and professionals who use these digital platforms to learn or perfect their techniques.
A proof of this is the Fritzing program of the Arduino simulator , which although it is still in the Beta phase looks very well designed and has a set of Very useful tools for what is the design of electronic circuits . In addition, it is available for both Windows and Mac.
This program is based mainly on the electronics area , is responsible for providing the user with the latest programming such as the Arduino board , a very useful tool for increase knowledge.
Electronic circuit simulators
There is a wide variety of electronic circuit simulators that will help you increase your knowledge in the area. These programs give you the possibility to use a set of tools through a digital platform l before moving on to a physical device.
Other of its great advantages is that they work with the latest Arduino board, which will help you have a more professional experience. Among the electronic circuit simulators we can find the simulators of protoboards and different programs to be able to draw the electrical diagrams but, these do not work as Arduino simulators.
Online simulators
Today you will find different online tools that will allow you to carry out electronic circuit functions, among them the Arduino simulators. Among them you will find TinkerCad Circuits, which is a free software and will allow you to make what are 3D designs.
This online simulator is one of the most complete and in terms of its handling it is really simple and this program is the replacement that Autodesk is preparing for the version of the 123d circuit.io simulator which already It is not available. That is, a new version and of course much more complete, which will make your learning even easier.
This software gives you the possibility to create diagrams and circuits , as well as use microcontrollers. And as for its configuration you will have the possibility to program it both by the block mode or code mode and finally it offers you the possibility of using the shared screen to be able to see both modes simultaneously.
This online platform is ideal for all those people who are starting in this area, in it you will be able to learn about the design and the programming of the circuits and in that way get more experience labor.
For Android
For Android devices you will find simulators such as EasyEDA simulator, a program specialized in circuit design and is currently one of the favorites by users due to the large number of tools it offers. In addition, it is easy to operate, has a very attractive platform and can be used online without the need to download it to the computer.
EasyEDA simulator is compatible for Android, Windows, Mac and Linux devices, for each of these systems offers a free version and the professional version that has a cost of 20 euros per month.
Each of the projects you carry out in the program will be able to save them directly in the cloud, you have to take into account that these projects are totally private therefore Only you will be the one who can access them.
Easy is characterized by features such as PCB design, analog circuit, digital, PCB files , import PCB files and other software such as Eagle, Kicad, LTspice and Altium, among others.
For iPhone
The iOS system is also compatible with Arduino programs , which users will be able to enjoy these electrical circuits from their Smartphone . However, it should be mentioned that for this operating system there is no free version , otherwise, the opposite will be paid.
Learn and DIY Safely, Arduino simulator compatible For iPhone, which will offer you a completely unique feeling, in which you will be able to modify predefined values in the codes to be able to see LEDs, play with the additional modules, make changes to PIN numbers , the state, among many others. A completely ideal program for children, youth and adults, in it you can start to get the first knowledge about electronics.