You may have never heard of the launchers and that is normal, they are not applications that are very mentioned, but they are an important base in your phone, since thanks to these you can have a unique operation and improve your user experience
One of the most prominent features of Android is personalization. Regardless of the manufacturer and version you own, you can improve and replace parts of the system to change its appearance. You must also take into account that one of the fundamental parts are the distinguished launchers or launchers, with these you can take a lot of advantage to smartphones and tablets. Generally these are pre-installed in each terminal, but it is possible to download external launchers that improve the operation of the originals.
That is why in this guide you can discover what they are and how to know if you have one in your team. In turn, we will give you a detailed list with the best ones on the market so you can get the most out of it. Set up your Android with all the tricks that only this operating system can offer you.
What are the «launchers» and how to know if I have one installed in my Android phone?
Launchers in English, pitchers in Spanish, This may be one of the simplest ways to describe its meaning. But to understand it better; are applications that by default come pre installed on mobile devices.
When you start a device, everything you see on the screen, color, icons, buttons, widgets and more, is what is commonly known by this denomination. In other words, it is the one that makes all the tools shown and that you can organize them to your liking.
Your task is nothing more than launching the applications used on your mobile. It should be noted that each company personalizes its own launcher, it is there when we realize that although the Android can be the same version, each one has a different interface.
List of the 15 best launchers to improve your Android mobile
Apart from the one that brings your device you can download other launchers to your mobile device to complete its capacity, taking into account that there are thousands of them, making it difficult to find the most suitable for your needs.
It should be noted that the perfect launchers do not exist, since there are some who impersonate them and are not at all, if not they make you a screen or bring you viruses. That’s why in this section you will discover which are the best in this market.
Nova Launchers
It is one of the few that despite having enough time in the market is still one of the main ones, due to its proper functioning. This allows you to customize it so that it is completely to your liking, in addition to that you can install the icon pack, modify your desktop size and style.
At the same time you agree to make backup copies of the modifications you make. The application can be found in two ways, in the free or paid version, with it you can get an unread notification counter, touch gestures, among other things. You will find this version as Nova Launchers Prime.
Evie Launcher
This launcher was born to compete with Nova, but not in order to be a clone but something much better with a little grace. This has a search bar to find different elements such as apps, content recommendations, movies, songs and more. Apart from its functions you can install icons and configure certain features.
It only offers a free version, so you won’t have problems when using its tools. It is considered one of the most optimal, its performance and easy handling make it ideal for those who are not experts in the field.
Arrow Launcher
This is a bit off the beaten path because was created by Microsoft, so it is totally different from what is used to this type of launchers. With this you will not have to include your Widgets or have several app tabs on your computer, since she creates specific windows for each thing, for example, one for your contacts, another for your tasks, calls and so on .
But this is not the case, because it has its own icon themes and quick settings package incorporated in addition to other functions. This tool is available for the latest Android update version 4.0.3 onwards. Best of all, it’s totally free.
Action Launcher
The app is not new, only as time has passed it has been improving, so much so that it was almost completely redesigned and now offers more features than you can imagine. This brings with it an Android Pie or Android 9.0 style Dock, and a Widgets panel is incorporated.
It also includes support for Google Now through the download of another additional platform. In turn brings an app drawer with some search engines and applications, colors that you can customize, quick editing of the icons with proportionate size, among other things. It is available for Android version 8.0 onwards and pixel 2.
The free version is a bit limited, but with the paid version you can modify the colors of the themes you are configuring, when you do a search it gives you more options, enter other things.
This launcher has something special, the reason is that it works for adults, because allows you to make the app icons and functions of your mobile device look a proportionate size or Suitable for the sight of them. In addition to being colorful, it has a very simple interface to handle so that older people do not get to present a problem at the time of using it and know how to differentiate each one.
Necta Launcher
This is very similar to the app we presented earlier. Its way of working is very simple and it covers the basic functions, the information that an older person or a child may need when moving through the equipment tools.
Its features are based on reading and writing design with large characters, wide buttons that facilitate pressing and avoid errors, internet search bar, flashlight, shortcuts for some apps you may need, be it calls or messages, among others, all this at your fingertips. This can be customized for the applications you want to be displayed.
Lens Launcher
This app is very similar to that of Arrow Launcher , the difference is that this program shows you all the apps and functions you have in your Tiny phone. The moment you press the screen, your finger performs the function of a magnifying glass, so that it expands so that you can easily enter your tools.
You can configure the size to which you want the icons to be displayed. You can also adjust the appearance of the lens, distortion, scale, vibration when pressing, among others. It is available as of version 4.1. and offers a totally free service.
It has two unique characteristics:
- An equidistant from grid that shows all applications.
- A graph of fisheye to zoom quickly .
Lightweight Android Launcher: Smart Launcher 3
This launcher is not very unusual, since it offers you the same as the other apps, what makes it original is its sophisticated and intelligent design that it offers. It also allows you a simpler and lighter service, so that at the time of using it you do not consume so much RAM space of your mobile device.
It is very good for devices that do not have a large storage capacity. Like the others you can customize it to your liking and offers a free service.
ZEDGE Ringtones & Wallpapers
This app is also very functional for those older people or for oneself who wants their mobile device to sound as hard as possible.
Particularly provides you with a unique customization for your device, offers ringtones, alarm sounds, notifications, wallpapers, screensavers and much more. Ideal for people who never listen when they call them!
Launcher 8WP Style
The fact that you have an Android does not imply that you cannot change the format of your phone. Do you want to try a new style like Windows Phone? Maybe you ever thought about the possibility of completely modifying the design of your device, but you couldn’t find how.
Today with this app you can transform the interface of your device with Windows operating system if you wish. You can even download iOS themes or the one you prefer. It is available for Android 2.3.3 onwards, which means that no phone will be left without being personalized. The best that is totally free.
If what you want is to change the look of your phone, this platform and the one you saw earlier are completely useful, since are special launchers to improve the appearance or visualization of your mobile device . The good thing is that it has such a simple interface to work that you will think that it is not an app but that it is yourself.
Its great advantage is that its themes are totally free and not only that, it also helps you organize the tools by categories automatically. It’s free and serves version 4.1 onwards.
Kiss Launcher
This launcher is designed for its users, because it has a very light platform so that it doesn’t take up much space or your mobile device is downloaded very quickly. It works through its search bar, either to research on the internet or for your applications, it creates a history of the functions you use most on your device.
It will keep everything organized and synchronized so that when you look for something it is effective and if your phone is rooted, the application will show you some extra options. As many mentioned it is free.
Flick launcher
This launcher resembles the Nova Launcher, has similar or better functions. You can customize it, receive notifications as if your Android were 8.0 style, create shortcuts to the applications and even configure the device so that when you slide the screen a tool of your choice opens, you can block apps or folders you want with a password, among others functions. This app is completely free and available for any version of Android.
X launcher
It allows you to change the appearance of your device by placing an interface of an iPhone X or iOS11 and not only that but also allows you to hide the apps that have encryption, do quick searches and more. In turn it gives you a transition effect on the 3D desktop and on the wallpaper.
It is considered the best launcher for Android users who want to experience another operating system. It is the smallest (4 MB), fast and elegant.
Luna Launcher
Este lanzador es muy bueno cuando tienes niños porque puedes crear un control parental para que tus hijos no vean o se metan en aplicaciones que no deben, puedes incluso colocarle protección por un tiempo en específico. Los más pequeño pueden personalizar los colores y fondos, pero no lo ajustes generales de tu equipos móvil.
If you want, you can also limit the installation of apps or games without your permission. In the same way you can establish who can send text messages or who can open them, also with the calls and other options offered to you. Best of all, it’s totally free.