Nowadays security has become one of the most fundamental things of our lives, especially when we are surfing the internet and using our mobile phones, we must take into account that currently most Android devices have with your own password managers. With them you will be able to save all the keys and passwords you use on the internet every time you enter a site, this will allow you to access quickly and easily.
Making use of these managers gives you the possibility to create strong passwords and it is not necessary to have to remember them all, since you are only going to have to use a master key for your administration . As for the operation of this tool, it is usually quite basic, since it will only be in charge of reminding you your password, taking care of them and managing them.
There are currently many password managers available in the market , in this case on Google Play for Android devices . However, not all of them end up convincing users, which is why we are going to show you which are the best mobile applications that you can install on your device to be able to carry out this function easily, quickly and safely.
List of the best password managers you have to install on your Android mobile
Nowadays you will find endless applications that will allow you to carry out this function. But, you have to keep in mind that not all of them are really good. When you want to choose which program to use for our mobile devices it is important to keep in mind that that App is really safe , easy to use, which allows you to use the fingerprint on the device > and above all that allows to generate secure keys.
That is why we bring you some of the best App so you can install on your Android and start enjoying this service in the best possible way.
Dashlane Password manager
This program is considered one of the best to perform this type of function, in which you will be able to create strong and difficult to reveal passwords . In addition, you will not need to remember it, as it gives you a key where you can save each of the keys that you create under this application.
It is also characterized by sending a violation alert if another person tries to access some of your sites. You can get Dashlane Password through Google Play Store and it’s totally free a. It is mainly characterized by being a lightweight application and you can use it in its Premium version from any Android device.
LastPass Password Manager
This security manager is one of the most recommended currently. It has a great platform and has a great ability to synchronize passwords on any Android device . In addition, it is characterized by saving information in the cloud, therefore, you will be able to access them either using the web version or the mobile App just by entering your credentials.
This App can be found in Google Play completely free. However, it offers you packages with which you will be able to improve the tool and have different costs.
In it you will be able to find a great diversity of functions either save addresses, combinations, application passwords, social networks, lockers, among many others. It has a great security system where it will allow you to create totally secure security keys. In addition, if your mobile becomes stolen or lost, you have the option of being able to access the tool with your access data and block any type of access to it , in this way it will be impossible to access your content.
The security level of this App is so advanced that it has already been verified that not even a hacker would be able to enter it . But, due to its excellent performance 1Password is not free, therefore, if you want to install it you will have to do it under one of its plans through the Google Play Store. But, if we must emphasize that it has a trial mode version that is totally free , but this will only last a few days.
This App will allow you to create completely secure password with which you will be able to protect all your multimedia content of your Android device . In addition, it gives you the ability to block using your fingerprint, which will allow you to have greater security with all your information.
Keeper is characterized by being a very difficult program to hack, which will help you remember the password on the different websites, as well as being able to synchronize the application with other Android phones and it’s totally free.
Enpass Password Manager
Enpass is considered one of the best custom key managers which gives you the option to save all your content locally, as well as save it in the cloud. It’s free and you can get it by the Google Play store.
However, this free version will only allow you to save a maximum of 20 passwords. Once you have reached this limit and want to increase it you will have to make a paid version. The prices of Enpass are not usually as high as those of other App.
Password Safe and Manager
This App will allow you to share data through Dropbox . In addition, you can create a large amount of password for your sites, as well as an access through a master key , widgets to generate new «keys» and a general cleaning.
Password Safe is considered as one of the best programs to carry out this type of functions and above all it has the advantage that you can get it totally free.
My Passwords
Finally we bring you My Passwords , in it you will be able to create passwords for your bank applications, emails, social networks or any other application. It also gives you the possibility of having a single password to access all your content, as well as making use the fingerprint which will give you greater security and comfort.
My Passwords can be found on Google Play and it’s totally free . It has very good ratings by its users and above all it gives you the possibility to make backup copies of each of your keys.