It is no coincidence that when we are visiting a web page we see banner ads and when we see them we think it is pure coincidence. It shouldn’t surprise you that you’ve ever been inclined to buy the advertised , since you were seeing those articles recently.
This happens because our privacy is not covered by what personal data and other tastes we have are being handled by companies that direct invasive advertising to us without us noticing.
We will point out to you the importance of having our privacy and privacy protected on the Internet . For this we will show you the different methods that exist to protect yourself from intruders when we browse the web.
Why is it important to take care of our privacy while browsing the Internet?
The answer to this question seems, in principle simple, but when we begin to analyze and realize each of the risks that are latent when our information is in the hands of intruders it really becomes a deep question.
It is important to maintain the privacy of our data on the Internet because if they are known by different companies or people, we can have quite unpleasant consequences , either when we browse the web or in our own lives .
If a third party knows our data they can send us invasive advertisements to our email or directly to the banners that use the pages through which we navigate, making this an uncomfortable and unpleasant experience. Our focus is dispersed .
Related to the previous point, our information is sold to companies without our consent , and above all, if these steps were inevitable if we want to acquire some of these products we do not get any extra benefits .
If you know our location or usual route, we can be prey to an assault or some other kind of ambush, so we always recommend deactivating the GPS for these issues.
When they know about our profession and our domicile, they can send us false invitations to seminars or trainings , often losing our time or simply getting us to leave our homes alone for criminal purposes.
It is necessary that our family activity is always invisible to Internet surfers , since with this we take care of the integrity of our children or any other member of our family. We have to avoid being related to avoid major headaches.
There are many other reasons why we must protect our privacy , in Europe it is a citizen’s right for companies to prevent information leaks from people using the Internet.
In Europe there is a cookie policy with which it is mandatory, for all pages, to make a warning before we start interacting with it, indicating that they use these spy files.
Although this is often not true, but there is also a penalty for violators.
What kind of tools can we use to increase security and privacy on the Internet?
There are different ways to protect our privacy when we browse the Internet, many are focused on ourselves and others are focused on the networks we want to access.
To make this happen, that is, we can protect our own data information, we can use different tools.
Next, we name all the possible tools that exist for you to navigate safely on the web :
A VPN, of the English Virtual Private Network «, is a technology that is used in computer networks which allows secure access to a LAN network, that is to say a virtual private network with which we can create a local network over another public access network.
To put it in simpler words, if we are connected to a wireless WiFi network, we can be seen by the other members that are connected to the same network, if we activate VPN this will prevent us from being detected.
Therefore, a VPN is very useful for our data if we do not want to be detected through navigation, and that this information is not filtered and thus prevent them from being passed on to unscrupulous third parties.
Safe browsers
There are many browsers that offer their quality of being safe from the point of view of our privacy , but unfortunately not all of them are. In addition, it is difficult to know precisely if their privacy policies coincide with the computer development that these platforms have.
This is why we have analyzed the issue and decided to share which are the safest according to our analysis. You will find this information later .
Extensions are different Internet sites with which we can prevent our data from being delivered to indiscreet and make them advertisements directed at us, theft of our data, etc.
These extensions work with codes that allow blocking of malware and advertising files, as well as track and prevent cookies.
Don’t worry, they are all programmable and we’ll see you later in this article .
Operating systems
When we have to talk about safe operating systems we are getting into a big discussion, because for many Windows it is safe and for other people it is not so much.
To avoid entering this endless discussion, what we can tell you is that if you work with a Linux operating system your security will be guaranteed and also with those Apple software .
If we have to address the issue of a DNS server, by its acronym in English « Domain Name System «, we are mentioning that thanks to a DNS we can know the IP of each member of the network computer to which we want to connect.
By knowing the IP of any member, we can establish its location and other necessary data to know if our privacy is in danger or not. It is a really useful tool and many times it is not so used.
As we have already developed the different tools that exist, it is time to analyze each of them so that our privacy is in good hands.
Remember that it is necessary to keep our data hidden from people or intrusive companies, to avoid inconvenience and improve our user experience.
Here are the best tools you can use :
This browser, perhaps one of the browsers that are best known and that we trust less in it. We clarify that is an excellent browser that includes a VPN and allows you to block ads through its blocker that has it integrated, the latter being a tool that very few possess it.
Download Opera Windows
Download Opera MacOS
If we need a secure browser, with Tor we can navigate calmly from this platform, knowing that all our data is permanently hidden, it is the quintessential browser of the “ Deep Web ”.
Download Tor Windows
Download Tor MacOS
Epic Browser
The browser was designed for MacOS and Windows operating systems, it brings preconfigured not to accept third-party Cookies or DNS. Also, browsing history and all cache information are automatically deleted when we leave the browser.
Download Epic Browser Windows
Download Epic Browser MacOS
SRWare Iron Browser
Our privacy will be protected when we use this browser, since it guarantees that our data is really in good hands, it can also be used on mobile devices with Android operating system.
Download SRWare Iron Browser Windows
Comodo Dragon
This excellent browser is available for different operating systems and can block cookies and other spy files that jeopardize our privacy.
Download Comodo Dragon Windows
Mac OS X
This operating system is developed by Apple, it has important advantages in different aspects, especially in everything that refers to the safety of its users. Their codes are based on invisibility, allowing our Dock not to display any folder or file that we do not want to be visible by third parties.
Also developed and designed by Apple, this operating system has the same security as any product manufactured by the company. It is intended for mobile devices.
Being an open source and free operating system, it has great advantages when we need to protect our security. It is developed by many professionals and computer engineers, who are also users of it, making this operating system robust software.
This extension is related to authentication under the 2-step procedure . When we activate this security mechanism we can block those Internet services that cannot pass this filter, for example adware and other kinds of garbage files.
IotScanner.bullguard.com span>
Your work is based on the detection of those devices that can be detected publicly. It is based on the permanent verification of the IP addresses of each of the devices that are connected to the same network.
With this extension we can do a network analysis and inform us with a green alert if it is possible to connect.