Today, various people are interested in knowing how to change the times of their audio files , without having to change their tones. Since this is a great help for people who want to hear a specific section of a piece of music , their favorite song at a faster or slower pace or even, This is an excellent support for those who want to transcribe a song and even play it with their musical instruments. Luckily, for some time now tools have been developed that allow you to easily do it from a computer, a mobile or even a Tablet.
In this sense, we refer to the programs and applications that are responsible for modifying the speed of a certain audio , in this case we focus on those that do so in reference to a song . Fortunately, are ideal mechanisms to alter the speed of audio playback without unnecessarily affecting or impacting your tone . Which are optimized especially to slow down or accelerate it. Taking into account that, these programs can be full audio editors, make edits to a song or even some of them are used to compose music.
In this way, through this post we want to let you know the best qualified software to achieve this task . Thus, we will section several sections depending on the operating system, that is, for Windows, MacOS, Android and iOS . In addition to this, you will meet other totally free online speed changers at the end of the text.
List of the best programs to accelerate or slow down music or songs for Windows and MacOS
Let’s start by knowing the best softwares to change the speed of your favorite songs on the computer you use:
Amazing Slow Downer
Specifically, it refers to a program that slows down the songs without altering the tone of the sound . Which, is available for both Windows (any version), as well as for MacOS. As for its download and installation, is extremely fast and although its interface may appear somewhat outdated, works immediately once you have unzipped the DMG file . Being also, very easy to use because it can even be handled without reading its instructions, it is indeed indicated for beginners who have never used this type of program.
For its part, Amazing Slow Downer allows you to play the part of the song you want and go slowing down slowly with each repetition and get your Speed is up to 400% slower than the original . Where you can do it with any track of the MP3 library or a CD. In short, the whole process is done in real time and finally, you can create an MP3 file with the slowed portion of the song and use it in other mixing or editing programs audios.
Power Sound Editor
This totally free software for Windows is used for audio editing, as it provides very good functions to modify, mix and record your audio files. In this way, it allows you to change the speed of the songs you want , where you only have to enter the percentage you want to accelerate or decrease the speed of it and then simply click on “ OK ”. In reference to its interface, Power Sound Editor exhibits a very intuitive interface that allows you to carry out various things.
Additionally, this program gives you the ability to add sound effects or special effects to music . Which, is displayed graphically by means of icons that represent each action performed there. Highlighting in particular, the equalization of cuts, ripping tracks and sounds, as well as reduce noise . Also includes voice synthesizer .
WavePad Audio Editor
If you want to accelerate or decrease the speed of a specific song in MacOS, this is an excellent option that through its simple interface to use , offers you various features, great flexibility and ideal operation . Since in addition to being free, supports many file formats and allows you to easily record and edit music and even voices and other audio recordings. Also, has bookmarks that provide easy search and montage of clips in long audio files .
Additionally, this editor supports sampling rates of 6 to 192 kHz , offers noise amplification and reduction , and has powerful tools that are designed to take any project to Audio to another level. This, thanks to its sound editing functions, such as silence, insertion, among others.
List of the best applications to accelerate or slow down music or songs on Android e iOS
Now we have to know what are the best apps to change the speed of your favorite songs on the Android phone or iPhone you prefer:
It is a free speed variator that is available for both operating systems and is perfect for modifying the playback speed of any song in real time and well, of any audio file The best thing about it is that does not change its tone and indeed, you can speed up or slow down very easily.
In reference to its interface, Audipo is a very interesting, attractive and simple to use mobile app. In addition, on the screen full of search bars, the platform gives you more control and in such a way, it is extremely easy to find the position where you want to listen to the audio . It also adds really fun effects when you download any audio file and in it, you can make the edits you want.
Music Speed Changer
It’s a free app for Android that is estimated as one of the most popular for slowing down music and has an excellent speed setting that modifies the tone and timing of the audio at same time , from 10% to 500% of the original speed. This, you can do in real time from your mobile device and also, the application allows you to play music cycles and has the ability to reverse the audio, that is, play the songs in the opposite direction .
Also, Music Speed Changer uses the professional quality of the time and the tone change engine, offers a waveform view that shows the contours of the audio for a more precise search , repeat the audio sections smoothly and practice again and again; this thanks to the AB repeat player . It is also able to export your settings to an MP3 or WAV file in order to share or play on any other music player and shows a very renewed interface, with a modern design.
It’s a free app that is available in the iTunes Store , which means that only iOS users can use it. It has been cataloged as one of the most recommended softwares for professional music editing , especially for its great ability to slow down the music whenever you want, taking into account that you can change the speed of the song in a range of 0% to 200% and without any change in the tone of the song. Similarly, it allows to change the tone of the song and without any alteration in its speed .
For its part, although it is considered for professional use, it can actually be used by anyone, thanks to its simple and practical interface . Given that to start editing audios, you simply need to load a song from your mobile library and that’s it. However, you should keep in mind that songs in iCloud downloaded from iTunesMusic or copy protected , cannot be played on SpeedPitch .
List of the best online tools to edit the speed of music playback and songs
Finally we go over the tools and utilities that are on the internet to edit and change the speed of your favorite songs online and free:
TimeStretch Player
This online speed changer can be considered as one of the best that exists today. Therefore, it has gained much fame and is widely used worldwide, due to several reasons. The first is that it integrates the function of “ time-stretch ” and “ pitch-shift “; the first refers to the increase or decrease of the speed of an audio file without changing its tone and the second, to the change of its tone but without causing negative effects on its tempo >. Best of all, it is a free service available in all web browsers.
Additionally, TimeStretch adds waveform transformation, harmonic tempo scale, sinusoidal and spectral modeling. In addition to avoid sound artifacts and the entubo effect that is a kind of cave voice . Also offers independent or automatic adjustments to improve the comfort of its users .
Another online option is AudioTrimmer , which you can use from any web browser and it works, mainly, to modify the times of your songs without altering their tones . Fortunately, this page supports various audio formats (MP3, WAV, WMA, M4R, M4A, AAC, AIF, OGG, etc.). Now, in reference to its operation, it is very easy because you just have to load your audio tracks , select a time setting and click on the button “ Change speed ”, that way, the algorithm will process the song and you can download it in no time.
In this sense, AudioTrimmer transcribes songs with great simplicity and gives you the option of slowing down any music completely to your liking to start practicing , without installing software on your device.
Tune Transcriber
Finally, we recommend using Tune Transcriber that apart from being a good online solution, is completely free and supports any web browser >. In this way, the platform allows you to slow down or accelerate the songs you want , through a time bar with which this function is handled very easily.
In addition, it shows a completely simple interface , in which you just have to drag the file and from there, you will access a player that contains several tools with which the speed is controlled audio playback , allowing it to be completely to your liking. However, before you start using it, keep in mind that Tune Transcriber only works with YouTube files and MP3 files ; This is certainly the only limitation it presents.