One of the greatest uses for Internet today, is for downloading files from the web, among them movies and videos. That is why there are currently a large number of websites where users can enter and download these types of files in a very easy and fast way.
When download a video file usually you can see the name of the reproduction and its format, this will allow the user to automatically know what it is the resolution, compression quality and source of the video. Since depending on the video extension you will be able to know these and other details.
Considering the importance of the formats in the reproductions, here we are going to teach you which of them are currently on the market and likewise the quality of each of them. This will let you know what kind of videos you must download to enjoy excellent quality Of reproductionTo do this, follow in detail everything that we will teach you in the post.
List of all movie formats sorted from worst to best quality
It is important to mention that not all movie formats mean excellent quality, some of them usually offer a very low quality and resolution with which users they will not be able to enjoy its content comfortably. In this way, it is very important to know what types of extensions are available and which of them are the best and the worstTo do this, follow in detail the list that we will show you below:
- MPEG-1: Became the first digital video format, where it is known by many as VCD, he himself admits very little resolution (352 x 240 pixels) so the quality of their videos is usually very low quality.
- FLV: Flash Video has been designed primarily for what is the streaming videos over the internet, mostly the reproductions offered by the portal of Youtube use this format, as well as most of the advertising that is seen on the different web pages. To be able to use this extension it is necessary that the user has installed on their computer the Flash Player plugin unless you make use of Google Chrome that already includes this plugin.
- MOV: Another of the formats that can currently be found for the video playback, MOV is offered by QuickTime, Apple’s multimedia system, and which is used for a long time in most of digital cameras. This type of extension is not supported by many players currently, its newer versions usually use H.264 codecs and AAC audio.
- WMV: Known as Windows Media Video format and which groups different Microsoft’s own technologies. It makes use of a non-standardized version of MPEG-4 that allows reproductions to be carried out with high resolutions. Makes use of WMV codec and WMA audio, some of the files in this format may have extensions.asf, .avi or .wmv.
- DVD-Video: It hit the market as a replacement to VCD format used in CDs where they were only capable of support up to 700MB. It has been used for several years for commercial film distribution, But due to the limitations in its resolutions it has been a bit isolated, since it only offers 720×480 pixel resolutions.
It can currently be found in different payment platforms. However, in order to extract content from there it is necessary to have applications for rip the disc, since this kind of files are not supported by common players.
- MPEG-2: This standard was used in digital television both by satellite DTV and HDTV, as cable and on DVD discs. However, it does not offer a very high video resolution, where can you find 720 x 480 pixels at most.
- RealMedia: This is another of the currently available formats, this is used mostly by web pages and they are usually found with extensions .ra, .rv, .rm for audio reproductions Y .rmvb for video views.
- WebM: Known as a free and open source standard which has been developed by Google, the same can use with HTML5, and it is a very popular extension on the internet, it has a VP8 codec and of Vorbis audio, its extension is usually .webm.
- 3GP: used mostly for view multimedia files and can be found in smartphones, tablet and any other device with small screen that they have very few hardware features. This format allows you to use MPEG-4 or H.263 extensions.
- AVI: Has been created by Microsoft to be used mainly in computers, it can present a video stream and various audios using different codecs, being these DivX, Xvid or Motion JPEG for videos. This type of extension can be played by any player, although this will also depend on the codecs installed on the computer.
- MP4: This format is used today by almost everyone technological gadgets as they are smartphones, tablets, desktops and laptops, among many others. It allows encode playback In almost any resolution thus allowing to get a very high quality of the same. It has 2K resolutions up to the latest 4K versions thus using a H.264 codec and AAC audio.
- MKV: It is known mostly as the format of movies and series par excellence, it is a modern multimedia container of any type of content, whether videogames, images, texts, books, movies, 3D animations, series, among many others. One of its greatest advantages is that it can be used in computers, smart tv, smartphone, among others.
MKV it is usually used for what are the reproductions of series and movies thanks to the fact that it has a excellent video quality that allows to ensure a excellent content. For this it makes use of H.264 codec and for AC3, AAC and DTS audio.
What is the best format to watch series and movies downloaded from the Internet?
It is important to mention that MKV it is not a file format like MP4 or AVI format is, both of very good quality also for playing videos. But nevertheless, MKV is a container extension containing different file types that are used during video execution, this being what makes it ideal for the reproductions of files of movies and television series.
All this has led to MKV to become an industry accepted format as is as are the formats MP4 for videos, JPG for images or PNG for images with transparency. Therefore, getting players capable of reading these types of files today is very easy, since most of them are compatible with the extension. all this is because MKV is a free and open source extension that allows it to be available to everyone.
What are the differences between the format of a movie and that of an audio or video?
It is important to mention that even though the MKV format proper for what they are the reproductions of movies and series, has some differences mainly with video MP4 format, this being the most important of them. In this way, here we are going to teach you the main differences that can be found between what is a film and video format, for this follow the following comparison chart that we present below: