It is no secret to anyone that, technology has revolutionized every area of our lives and of course, it has come to stay and continue to evolve by leaps and bounds. Well, in addition to changing the way we communicate and interact, has also changed the way we can find work .
Many years ago, getting a job via the Internet might seem like a fantasy, but now it is a reality that has helped billions of people in the world with respect to their working lives. Since, it has never been so easy to look for work from the comfort of your home; being also a very effective process .
In this sense, to do without the unemployment that exists in Spain and in many countries, today; A good solution is to look for work through the network and, in addition, this will avoid the annoying task of delivering CV from company to company and having to move around the city. Consequently, below, we announce the best websites to search and find a job online .
What are the main advantages of looking for work online?
Of course, the possibility of looking for a job online reveals important advantages for those who have lost their jobs, want to change theirs or even want to take advantage of their free time and find additional work through the network. Well, then, we point out the most relevant advantages when looking for a job via the Internet :
- It’s comfortable, practical and simple : Directly from the comfort of your home or the place you prefer, you can have access to various job offers. Since, it will not be necessary to go to the offices of employers or to different businesses or companies to find the vacancies that adapt to your professional profile to or to your aspirations.
- It supposes speed and efficiency : The Internet allows you to access profiles and staff requests 7 days a week and at all times. So, with your search and a few clicks, you can apply as many times as you want on different websites.
- It allows you to save money : If you are looking for work through Internet, you can save a lot of money, since you should not spend on the impressions of resumes and cover letters, you do not have the need to move to other places and pay for transportation.
- Provide security and reliability : Taking into account that, since the vast majority of companies manage their same websites, you can be absolutely certain that your resume or job application will be viewed by recruiting staff. Adding that, there will be no possibility that your resume will be lost and the reception of the resumes will be immediate.
- You can find employment with great coverage : If you want to look for employment in another Different geographical area from where you reside, you will not have to go to that place to undertake this search. Well, through the Internet you can explore the opportunities that exist for you on the other side of the country and even on the other side of the world.
If, in addition to getting a job via the Internet, this can run it online, the most notable benefits are:
- You get more autonomy to do the job.
- Accounts with more flexibility in working hours , in order to combine your work life with your personal and / or family life.
- Allow a great job insertion for people with mobility difficulties.
- It means less stress and greater comfort , because you can do it from your home without having to move to other sites.
- It also brings a saving of time and money .
- You can have an economic income internationally , that is, earn more money than you get in a conventional job in your country.
- It allows you to travel and work at the same time , since you can do it from anywhere with just a computer and Internet connection.
List of the best websites to find and find employment easily and quickly
Now, in this section of the post, we want you to know what are some of the best websites where you can start your job search online, as well as find one that suits your needs easily and quickly.
Thus, knows the following 15 solutions of great interest :
In the first place of the list, we place Infojobs that is considered one of the most traditional and recognized websites when looking for work through the network, taking into account that you already have more than 20 years in existence.
In that sense, it is one of the most used websites for it and is characterized by being extremely versatile where you have a private area from which you can manage your profile, your applications and your resumes too.
For its part, it offers you options to create different cover letters and choose between several options, depending on the characteristics of the job you wish to find or the company profile.
Additionally, it should be noted that you can manage several resumes from the same profile, in which you can also link your social networks, your blog and any website that has information about you, in the which people can deepen this data.
As another solution of interest, we present this platform that is based on one of the most optimal and effective when conducting work searches via the Internet. Which, exhibits a very organized user interface that allows you to easily manage this search and, in addition, is easy to handle. Above all, because it allows you to filter the offers to your liking using specific keywords, by a specific area or country.
In addition to this, it allows you to follow, in real time, the evolution of the selection processes in which you decide to participate. In addition, has several categories that you can access according to the particularities of the job you are looking for or your professional profile; These range from administration and architecture, to customer service and transportation. It should also be noted that, thanks to this, is very intuitive .
Other of the most famous websites to look for work on the Internet, it is LinkedIn that, although it has been a social platform mainly, a few years ago became an excellent way to find employment without any complications . That way, it is a website that works as a social network and a platform to look for employment at the same time. Taking into account that, easily, it allows you to know your positions and workplaces.
In addition to this, it has the facility of sending private messages and with it, making the relationship between the applicant and the applicant much more direct and simplified; for which, it will be necessary to register on the platform.
Among other features, we highlight that the website offers different suggestions for jobs that match your aspirations and even allow you to search directly for the company you are interested in. It should be noted that, in addition, it has a search engine based on keywords that makes this process easier.
If you want to get a job related to Marketing, Information Technology, Design and new technologies ; You need to use this online platform to look for work.
In this way, Domestika is considered as the paradise of designers to find the employment of their dreams or, of those who are loyal followers of technology, because there are many positions with these profiles within the Great creative community of Domestika .
In this sense, in order to make use of the web, it will be necessary for you to register on it and once this is completed, you will be able to visualize all the job opportunities it contains. It is appropriate to note that, if you do not want to “log in” with your email address, you can do it from your Facebook profile automatically . One of its highlights is that it provides a PRO account for creatives.
It is defined as a job portal very similar to Infojobs and thus, it is one of the websites to look for more classic jobs. In this regard, the platform encompasses a large number of job offers for those who wish to integrate into the labor market easily.
One of its greatest advantages is that it allows you to search from a basic filter where you can choose the providence in which you are interested in getting the job.
For its part, it does not require any subscription to register, because is completely free and in the same way, it will allow you to upload your CVs so that the demanding companies access it whenever they want . Among other details, we define the following:
It has a section of “First Employment” that is very useful to use if you have just finished your academic training, offers a computer section to know the courses available in Spain , has a blog where they publish news related to employment, etc.
Although it is one of the most recent platforms to undertake the job search, the truth is that it has become one of the most important alternatives for this, both among candidates and for employer companies.
This, mainly, because is based on a website that is completely in tune with social networks, as well as with recruitment 2.0 . Among its most special features, we find that it has a very useful employment blog.
Additionally, it has a professional networking application from Monster for Facebook known as “Beknown” , it allows you to use a private menu where you can modify your resumes to follow the evolution of the selection processes you want to enter.
In addition to this, you can save your searches, filter thousands of available offers and you will even receive notifications of offers that match your professional skills, via email.
Basically, it refers to a website that is focused on jobs linked to the Marketing and communications sector , as the name implies.
In view of the fact that these professional profiles are the ones that have remained most in full swing during the last years, this job search platform has also gained an important reputation. That way, here you can find offers from Social Media Managers, Community Managers and Copywriters, to specialists in WordPress and Digital Designers.
Among other details, EmpleoMarketing has a blog from which you can be aware of information of interest and with respect to its search engine, is truly effective . Bearing in mind that, it has several filters that make it easier for you to search, and through keywords, by region or by all categories .
In addition to being a portal dedicated to job search and location, it consists of a platform that works as a collaborative community of professionals in order to help more people who want to find the job of Your dreams attached to your profession. Thus, to undertake your search on this website, you will have to locate yourself in the “Jobs” section that is seen at the top of the main page.
This community extends to several countries and thanks to that, they already add more than 11 million members in the world. Additionally, has many job offers related to Digital Marketing , being an effective solution for these booming professionals.
On the other hand, it is available in several languages, it allows you to effectively work your personal brand, has a blog in the “Producer” section with information of interest in Spanish and English and supports two search methods:
- Accessing the groups of offers that are in categories
- Searching directly in the search bar.
If you expect to find a job related to the IT sector, technology and telecommunications , this website is ideal for you. Since, the platform is specialized in it and contains numerous offers that are updated daily.
So, you can find freelance jobs or positions for directives, inclusive. It is valuable to distinguish that job offers can be found directly in the “Employment” section .
Among other features, TecnoEmpleo is associated with TecnoSaber which is an ICT course platform, it has an application called “Techno-Calculator” where you can estimate that such Your salary is positioned according to your location and experience.
In addition to this, there are more than 20 thousand companies that advertise their vacancies in this portal, the web is very famous in Spain and offers a service with which you can give your curriculum greater visibility in order to increase the chances of being chosen.
This consists of an online platform specialized in publicizing job offers related to digital jobs and especially oriented to e-commerce . Thanks to this, it is considered a web in full swing and that emits great effectiveness for people who have these profiles and want to get a good salary.
It should be noted that the offers specified there are from Marketing managers to developers and through many other professions based on Digital Marketing.
Now, considering its main characteristics, we find that you have a variety of search filters from which you can get the position of your dreams. However, it is best to not use many filters, as you could lose some offers that are in other sections.
In addition to this, it is a well known website, it is very simple to use and has a section of recommendations to prepare your application in the best way.
As another effective solution to find work, we have this website known as Adecco which consists of a platform that has a high number of job offers throughout the country and apart from that, It provides various possibilities for your training. So, over time, it has been listed as an ideal way for those who are immersed in the labor market.
For its part, one of its greatest benefits is that many companies have stayed on this website to provide their vacancies and locate workers with different professional profiles . Apart from that, to undertake your search, it allows you to include certain filters to locate more precise results, these filters are: the desired position (by keyword) and the location of preference.