Ah the music. They say that music is an extension of the composer’s soul that connects perfectly with those who listen to it and feel identified with it . That’s why maybe many of us are so selective with what we hear, however much commercial music has taken over the media worldwide.
One of the most important aspects of feeling identified with a song is its lyrics. These words recited with a certain harmony can reach us and make us forge solid ideals like a mountain itself. That is why generally when we hear a song that reaches our soul, the first thing we try to look for is its lyrics , since this is the best way to learn it.
In this article we will present you with a list of the best tools and websites to search and find lyrics of your favorite songs . Each of them are still active and offer you a large database with the lyrics of the performances of all currently existing musical genres. So take note of them so you can easily learn all that music you like so much.
List of the best tools and websites to search and find lyrics favorite songs
The portals or tools that we are going to present below will help you find the lyrics of your favorite topics , being the ones that have the best database so you can find what you are looking for no matter how little known to be the subject or artist you are looking for.
We start with one of the best positioned portals in the music world thanks to its extensive database that allows you to find any song by any artist . In it you can find topics in Spanish and English, as well as the translated versions of the latter, which is a plus that very few portals on this list have. All the content within it is neatly arranged, allowing you to search for what you need according to the artist or according to the song’s title.
That without forgetting the fact that have an alphabetic filter so you can look for everything according to the first letter of the interpreter’s name. Another plus of this page is that allows you to find songs without knowing your name . That’s right, just by writing a phrase or fragment of the lyrics of the song you can find the song in a very easy and practical way.
Another portal where you can find all the lyrics in Spanish you want, as well as the translated versions of songs in English. This website is one of the most audited as it has a powerful search engine that allows you to find music by its artist, musical genre or by the album to which it belongs. In the same way you can search for songs by writing a fragment of the lyrics of the same , in case you don’t know the name of the song.
This portal has one of the largest databases there is . It is linked to YouTube so you can watch the video of the theme, as well as its video lyrics in which the song lyrics appear. Undoubtedly one of the best tools you can access, despite the fact that its interface is not very stylized.
This is an English-speaking portal where you can find an extensive database with songs of all kinds, although they will be mainly those of artists of this language. However, thanks to the Chrome translator tool you can translate each and every one of its pages so you know the meaning of each theme in Spanish . You can access it completely free, but if you register you can receive notifications directly to your email, so that you are aware of each of the new interpretations that upload to your portal.
On this occasion you can also see the lyrics, accompanied by their respective YouTube video, although in this case you can also find a direct link to Spotify or iTunes to download the song by buying it. In addition, this website also has a streaming player that allows you to listen to the songs you like and create your own playlist.
More than a portal, this is a community because it allows you to send lyrics of songs that you like and that are not in your database. In addition, you can rate those shared by other users, to create a complete library free of transcription errors . In it you can also share the ones you like most directly to your social networks, since it has buttons Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other networks.
To complete this wonder, you will be pleased to know that it has no ads, so the browsing experience on it will be quite pleasant. The only moles on this website is that it does not have many letters in Spanish and that Your search algorithm is somewhat slow . Everything else is wonders in this community, which is positioned as one of the best in the world.
Another excellent portal that you will surely love since, despite being English-speaking, contains themes from all languages of the world and virtually all existing artists . So in it you can find the song you want regardless of whether it is performed by a little known artist. One of the most attractive things on the web is that it has an excellent organization, since you can see a top 25 of the most searched lyrics , as well as the most downloaded songs from the main music libraries.
Each of their lyrics is constantly updated to correct errors , and new songs are uploaded every day as they have a great team of moderators who are active at all times. In addition, you will be pleased to know that you can find songs by writing a fragment of the lyrics of the song , which is very useful when you do not know the exact title of the song you want.
One of the best Spanish-speaking portals to search for song lyrics in both Spanish and English, as well as the translated versions of the latter. In addition, has a streaming player on its platform that allows you to play the songs and create your personalized lists to listen to later , although for that you will have to be registered.
If you want to take better advantage of it, what you should do is download its mobile version . An excellent application in which you can have every single letter you want within reach of your smartphone. In addition, allows you to send your own lyrics and even create a profile as an artist so you can share your compositions with the entire world.
The string is one of the largest Spanish-speaking musical communities in the world. In it you can find the lyrics of almost all the artists in the world, both Spanish and English speaking, with the addition that you can also know the guitar and ukulele chords of each and every one of the songs that there are in your database . In addition, it has an excellent classification system so that you can rate from 0 to 5 stars each of the letters in your database.
It has an excellent mobile application and here you can also register to send your own compositions or the versions of your favorite songs that you have released on the guitar. This makes it one of the most interactive platforms in the world .
Chords app
This is an application for Android and iOS that has one of the most complete databases in the world, with themes of Spanish and English-speaking artists, although it concentrates more than anything in the latter . His main idea is that of a community in which the lyrics are shared with the chords of each song , which has allowed him to have a large number of songs available.
To use it you simply have to enter the app after downloading it and writing the name of the artist to see all the available songs, or the specific title of the song you want to know. You can rate each of the letters, although this time you will not be able to send yours because they do not have that kind of support .
An excellent database of song lyrics in English and Spanish that is constantly updated 24 hours a day every day of the week, which has allowed it to accumulate a large number of lyrics which are available for download as soon as possible in word format.
The search response of your query system is very fast and will allow you to find topics just by putting a piece of the letter in case you don’t know its name .
We close with this excellent database of songs that contains a large number of songs from all genres and eras in English, being one of the most audited in the United States. It is one of the most reliable portals since they use Linux servers to manage their downloads , which guarantees that each of the letters you download will be virus free.