Around the great avalanche of pornographic content of various types available on the Internet, all parents and representatives would like to suppress this from computers and / or devices to raise their children from a sexually safe and healthy way . Being a totally relevant aspect, since it is considered as one of the keys to prevent sexual abuse that ultimately has become a growing threat worldwide. There is no doubt that pornography is a notable obstacle to the lives of the little ones in the house, given that can prevent them from enjoying a healthy and innocent childhood .
For its part, it may seem that there is not much to do to protect your children in reference to this global problem. But this is not true , since today’s technology offers multiple alternatives that serve as network pornography blockers . Thus helping to prevent children and young people from becoming powerful victims of the lewd content present in hundreds of web pages. In addition to significantly minimizing, the risks of minors finding obscene material .
This is why, in this post we will show you step by step, how to block erotic content on the Internet or, restrict pornographic pages and adult content in the renowned web browser, Google So that, when the children of the house use the search engine, you can be sure that will not generate inappropriate search results .
Steps to block pornographic pages and adult content on Google
There are several methods to restrict the various pornographic platforms currently on the Internet . Which looks totally beneficial to protect the welfare of minors . Then, below we will announce the most effective alternatives for it .
In this sense, you must keep in mind that to carry out this process, it is up to you to configure Google searches and said configuration will be subject to the account you have in this browser. Which implies some changes that will be attached to a specific profile, and when you browse Google.es with a different profile, these adjustments will not take effect unless you also make the appropriate changes there.
Activate the secure search in Google
- Logically, the first thing you should do is access Google.es and verify if you are browsing with the profile on which you want to make the adjustments . Then, go to the top right, where you will see an icon with an avatar. In this avatar, you must press and then you will see a drop-down menu in which you can include accounts or log out , in case you want to identify yourself with another one.
- Subsequently, when making the verification, on the same main page where you are, press the “ Configuration ” button located on the top right hand side. Once you do this, a menu will open where you must click on the “ Search settings ” section, since this is the mechanism to make changes to the search results provided by Google .
- When you go to the “ Search settings ” screen, you will go directly to the “ Search results ” section where you are shown several options and you must choose the one that comes out first, that is, “ SafeSearch Filters ” which means “ Safe Search Filter ”. There you must click on the box next to “ Activate Safe Search ” to enable this function. As long as you keep it that way, the browser will hide the results that you consider inappropriate.
It’s important to keep in mind that what Google does is remove inappropriate pages from the results you provide . But not references to it on other websites. For example, may stop appearing Pornhub but similarly, will show other texts with news about that portal and even in some of it, there may be some link .
Use parental control
It is also recommended to use the services of the family’s security and privacy tool, the famous “ parental controls ”. These allow to establish specific filters to restrict certain types of content that are considered inappropriate , as is the case for adult material. Since this is a topic that can not only affect children, but older people also prefer to filter pornographic content and other types of formats that incite hatred and violence.
Thus, to get the tools that best suit your family’s requirements, seeks reviews of parental control or family safety . Taking into account that these mechanisms must be installed on all the devices that minors use to connect to the network . Be it video game consoles, Tablets, personal laptops, computers and mobile phones. So the less devices you use, the easier the monitoring will be
Here we show you how to activate parental control in Windows 10, for example:
- Press the Start button and in the lower left corner of the desktop, press the Settings icon .
- Located in that window, go to the “ Accounts ” menu shown.
- Then click on where it says “ Family and other people “.
- With this, you must click on “ Add family ”. To proceed to include the family member you want.
- Then a window will appear asking if you want to add a minor or an adult. As we are in the area of protection for the little ones in the house, click on “ Add a child ”, enter your email address and select “ Next ”.
- If the child does not have their own Microsoft email address, create it by clicking on “ The person I want to add has no email address ”. To create an account, placing your date of birth and the password provided.
This way you can be sure of what your child does while browsing the Internet.
Review browser history h3>
Another of the most accurate recommendations to restrict your children’s access to pornographic content is periodically reviewing browsing history . For this you can rely on a series of characteristic phrases that young people currently use to search for this type of online materials, an example of them are: “ childbirth ”, “ breastfeeding ”and some quick slang from filters you can’t detect, such as“ walking the dog ”which is a specific term to refer to sexual issues.
Indeed, if you notice some of these phrases or similar to them in your children’s browsing history (on any device), it is a clear symptom of access to pornographic material . So in this way, you can know which xxx sites you should restrict them and since then, become banned pages through the options provided above.
Better tools and content blockers for adults h2 >
To restrict obscene content on the computer, it is also appropriate to make use of free porn blockers . Here are the most recognized:
K9 Web Protection
It is considered the best blocker of erotic material on the Internet . In addition to being free software to restrict pornography, it is also capable of blocking more than 70 categories of other websites that are inappropriate. Be it violent games, racism, hate, drugs, malware, phishing, etc.
Among its key features, it is important to note that allows you to customize the lists of the web pages that you would like to allow or disable . A blocked website can be overridden with just one password and has an integrated optimized anti-tamper function that makes it unbreakable .
Norton Family
It has been one of the most commonly used pornography restriction platforms of all time . It is one of the safest and most reliable brands, when it comes to protecting people’s well-being through the Internet. Norton Family has administrator access for fully effective monitoring that allows you to customize its features . One of its most valuable advantages is that you have the option of setting up automatic emails to provide weekly or monthly reports .
Pic Block
This software has been a successful alternative for many paid porn blockers today. Pic Block is totally free in its own league, because it works especially by filtering pornography images when children in the Internet surf the Internet.
Among its advantages it is good to distinguish that uses its own easy recognition algorithms to differentiate between safe content and obscene materials . Added to this, it works in all browsers and is independent of them. It also prevents your children from using bad words online, recognizing “mature language” (even rudeness).