I will be lucky it was one of those tests in which Google worked continuously to know how the user works , what interests him and to what extent, among many other things.
In this case, we talk about a resource that already disappeared as it was known in its origins and that passed without pain or glory for years, leaving, in fact, the network quite poor as to information about him.
We will take care of telling you what it is – or, rather, what it was – how it works compared to the conventional Google search and what tricks and thanks it offered and offers.
What is it and what is the Google button for «I’m going to have luck »?
Let’s start by indicating what the button was in the beginning:
The origin of «I’m going to get lucky»
If you go to www.google.com, and only if you do it this way (that is, it is not useful to open Chrome and that’s it, you have to type the address www …) you will find two buttons under the bar of the seeker. One of them is precisely “I’m going to be lucky.”
This began as an option to go to result number 1 that the search engine offered when you did a search . That is, when you put anything on the bar and press Enter, there are hundreds and hundreds of results for you to choose between.
Pressing this button you saved the step and went directly to the first of the results that the search engine gave you in relation.
In the image we see that, by typing «Internet» and pressing on the button, the search engine takes us directly to the wikipedia page in which it is described what is internet, which is the first that you would find if you did a conventional search (except for advertising, of course).
That meant a lot of things :
- The first one is that there was a monopoly of the stage . By always entering the first search, it received more traffic each time, becoming more famous and, with it, staying first. A real blow for SEO!
- This meant, in turn, that internet was not really useful for those looking for promotion , because who started never had the opportunity to be seen Or go climbing. This is a principle that did not seem really relevant but as online marketing began to gain presence, the situation became totally inconvenient.
- On the other hand, although on many occasions it was right, there is no denying that the results were not too specialized , as they moved according to what was most consulted, which, in turn, we have seen that was conditioned by the button itself. Thus, we entered sites that really did not respond (or not as much as we would like) to our needs.
- Yes, the information to which we had (and have) access is of higher quality . Before you could have more doubt but with the amount of efforts that Google makes for the pages to be positioned based on their quality, it is more than evident that the top positions will be taken by very successful sites.
- The user skipped a very good search point for companies and for Google itself. And, with this button, do not display the ads that appear above the results (nor any other, obviously). Thus, they did not click on them, companies did not obtain customers and Google could not charge for clicks.
- This, in turn, implies that companies fail in their SEM campaigns and fewer who wish to use this resource, assuming even less revenue for Google . It was estimated that in 2006 Google had lost more than 1 billion dollars. Interestingly, a former Google employee notes that maintaining this option means that, for Google, the user is ahead of advertising, that people work there for people.
Enrichment of the function
As time went by, the function of this button was modified:
In fact, this option does not translate literally in our country as a result of the language change, which means that it loses part of its meaning. In response to its English version “im feeling lucky”, we see that it is something that mentions how we feel . This is “I feel lucky.” So we are not surprised to think that in Google we worked to offer the user results based on their feelings and feelings .
There was an enrichment of this button produced after thinking in what different ways the user could feel and, with that information, launching different search results . That is, an extra point that could become part of your algorithm .
Because, if you read information on other sites you will realize that this button is talked about as a mere function without more, but let’s not forget that everything, absolutely everything, what Google does (and so many others) is part from a compendium of tests with very different objectives . Thus, it came to the point of believing that knowing people’s feelings when doing a search could be a success when it comes to throwing one or the other results.
To make this option work a scroll of feelings was created from which you could choose and this is how Google took you to the results you considered.
A twist
In 2012 Google Instant is introduced , the option that shows the results at the time we type our search. This meant that the user used, even more, not to press the button and to get carried away by this new function, which is still a suggestion based on the search of people.
Even so, we have to say that the option is below the suggested searches, and that we can use it, although, again, it is just a direct access to the first result that would appear in the search engine, as in its origin (although there are some nice things that we will see later).
However, if you press «I will be lucky» without doing any search, the button shows us «doodles» , an extension of its website where it tells us about this resource. With this, Google offers extra information (mostly commemorative) to the user that appears when we open the search engine.
It usually works based on the day we are. Thus, the Pony Express company commemorates with an obstacle game, the anniversary of the death of a famous writer with a minigame based on his works, the 30th anniversary of the launch of PacMan with the game available to the user in the search , etc.
Well, pressing the button without entering any search concept you will go to www.google.com/doodles/ and you can take a look at everything the company has been creating every day of the year to commemorate dates and events and culture and entertain the user.
Differences between «I’m going to get lucky» and «Search with Google»
These are the two options that the user had (and has) if, as we have indicated, we go to www.google.com.
- One of them is “ Search with Google “, a button which serves to conduct your search in a conventional way , just as if, instead Press it, just press «Enter» on our keyboard. This means that you will find hundreds of thousands of results sorted by pages, with their titles, meta descriptions, ads in the header, search suggestions at the end of the page, number of searches, etc.
- The other button is the one that concerns us today, « I will be lucky «. This, as we have seen, what he did, at the time, was, if we pressed it after entering a search in the bar, get into the first result . This meant that we were not aware of all the information that Google gives in the search engine (other options, advertising, etc.).
Thus, one allows us to know all the information that the company makes available to the user and that is related to their search, which, in our opinion, is very positive, because it allows you, among other things . Consider what result can best meet your need.
The other avoids the entire intermediate process and takes us to a page that Google knows is related to what we want to find (and possibly offer it to us) without any frills or extra steps.
Which is better? What’s worse? It depends on who, of course, although we, considering that information is power, cannot fail to see the benefits of conventional search . This button may have undergone as many changes as we have seen over the years.
Tricks you probably didn’t know when using this Google search button
As we said, the button returns to its origin and works by taking us to the first website in results. However, there are some searches that do some funny things and that we want you to know and try:
- Google Gravity . The interface crumbles and falls and, in addition, we see different doondles and “secret” functions of Google.
- Google Anti Gravity . Gravity tries to make its own and an anti-gravitational energy fights in the opposite direction; The result is a completely messy interface but that allows you to continue doing searches if you wish.
- Google Sphere . All Google interface options move as if they orbited the logo.
- Google Epic . The interface goes, with a modified logo, grows without control,
- Google Tilt . The search engine interface looks crooked.
- Funny Google . A new interface allows us to customize it by entering the name that we like the most so that it replaces «Google» in the search window.
- Google Crazy . The search engine interface falls and breaks apart.
- Google Klingon . We see an inverted interface in all the ways in which this is possible. In addition, secret options are shown again.
- Rainbow Google . It shows you the Google logo with a colorful sign in which we read «RAINBOW». In addition, the search buttons change, showing different colors and blinking.
If you read us often you will have noticed that some of these searches have already been shown in our post on Google tricks . We advise you to take a look if you are interested in these curiosities!
Jokes that Google has for us when you search using the button I’ll be lucky
We end up with a point similar to the previous one but which differs from it for two reasons. The first is that the answer is always given in the form of an error. The second is that the jokes correspond to somewhat controversial topics at the same time that are typical of everyday life.
To see them, you know:
- Type in the URL bar accounted for www.google.com atte.
- Press “Enter” .
- In the search engine, enter any of the phrases you will see below.
- Decent work.
- I can’t find the fuck page.
- You can’t find a serious and reliable mechanic.
- I don’t know You can find parking.
- You cannot find a compelling candidate.
- You cannot find decent housing at a price reasonable.
- Bin Laden cannot be found.
- The weapons of mass destruction cannot be found.
- Those responsible for the prestige disaster cannot be found.
- Wally cannot be found.
- Do not press «Enter». Just keep the phrase typed and click on the button “I’ll be lucky” .
- Have a laugh with the results.