If you have started using WhatsApp Business it is important that you apply the correct strategies that will help you achieve positive results in it, taking into account that the app is directly oriented for companies.
However, on many occasions users they do not apply the correct strategies so they do not obtain the expected results or Business it doesn’t work the way they really want it to.
This is because many people make many mistakes when use the app, that is why here we are going to show you which are the main types of errors to avoid.
The main mistakes when using WhatsApp Business that make your strategies not work
Currently many mistakes can be made when using WhatsApp Business, what will your strategy is clearly not working the right way.
That is why below we show you which are the most common mistakes that keep you from success:
Only use text messages
The main base of a business is its customers, so poor communication with them could affect your business in different ways, either as you perceive your attention to the public or how they can get to perceive your brand. Thus send text-only messages only it will not be very favorable. So you must include what they are images or audiovisual memes that improve the visualization of it.
Be the one who is in charge of communicating with all your clients
If you are the business owner surely you are going to have many other occupations so you may not have time to attend Business as you shouldEspecially if there are many clients who write to you or interact with you there. All of this could cause bad attention on your part, so you can create a bad image in front of the public.
The most advisable thing in this case is that you assign another person to do it, which if you have all the time necessary to serve people by that means. Keep in mind that responding hours later or simply not responding will give you a bad reputation that can affect the future of your business.
Reply to messages without preparation
Marketing by WhatsApp is one of the best strategies to attract customers, since it allows you create messages with valuable and important information for the reader. But if at any time a client contacts you to clarify a doubt or to ask a question, it is important that your answer is concise and correct.
So offering wrong or half answers will make you lose many points. It is important that you try to answer all the questions that your clients have, since it is presumed that it is very difficult for consumers to communicate with companies.
Take a long time to answer
Most of the people complain about the bad attention of the companies by means of WhatsApp Business, and it is that when a consumer writes something either to ask or clarify a doubt, expect a quick response, so responding to hours or days will no longer matter.
Not having a calendar for him to send news
Bad communication is always going to affect your relationship with customers, so you should always strive to generate details that are pleasant. The best way to do it is creating a calendar for what is he sent from news, that is, every so often you must send promotions or offers, as well as notify the launch of new products. All this can help you increase the economic income for your business.
Not assigning an office hours
The messaging app gives you the possibility to assign a Customer service hours, this will allow consumers when they write to you to know if you are still in working hours or they just have to wait for the next workday To be served. This is how many of the companies make the mistake of not assigning an office hours despite being very easy to apply.
Use unofficial integrations
Many of the companies make the mistake of not using WhatsApp official integrations in order to save money, but the truth of this is that if you miss messaging policies You can lose your business account, as these are very strict rules where unofficial integration is clearly prohibited.
Use your personal number to answer customers
When starting an entrepreneurship process, the most recommended in these cases is to use a individual number For this, that is, you must immediately separate the personal from the work. However, many people still make the mistake that a consumer write to their business number and ends up answering by staff.
This will cause those people to have to be saving your personal phone number. manual way, which clearly seems tedious to everyone and will also make your business look unprofessional. So it is recommended to handle everything from Business.
Not spending time personalizing messages
Personalization is usually one of the most important aspects for companies, keep in mind that all people like to be given all the attention in the world, so having prerecorded messages it is not always the best. In this case, you should try to provide all possible attention to each of your consumers, for this, have a conversation one by one and always offer a quick response.
Saturate customers with bulk messages
There is nothing more tedious than one person sending each instant broadcast messages or chains as they are also known. This is how many companies currently make this mistake. Keep in mind that consumers also have their jobs and occupations, so you can not spend all day or every day sending them advertisements for your products or services, since you will simply seem SPAM via WhatsApp.
Use it only as a sales tool
Another common misconception is that people only use it as a sales medium and they do not take advantage of all the possibilities that this offers, but the truth is that Business let you have one internal communication with your entire team, you can also use it to do marketing, send promotions, as a support for clients, among some other uses that you can give it.
Sending messages without people’s permission
You should never send messages without people’s permission, keep in mind that your customers will not be happy if a stranger contacts them, so never give your numbers to other people without your permissionas this can lead to misunderstandings or annoyance.
Tips to take better advantage of WhatsApp Business functions to grow your business online
This app of business instant messaging offers you a good variety of functions, so you will be able to get the most out of it and thus make grow your business online.
So that you can take advantage of all this, follow each of these tips:
Set up your business account
The first thing you should do is configure your business profile, for this you must enter the name of the company, indicate its exact physical address, if it has a website you must provide it, as well as the profiles of social networks, select the type of offer either “Products or services”, indicates the customer service hours, and the business objective. When you have added all this information, the consumers They will be able to know what you do and they will be able to locate you more easily.
Get the most out of your profile
If you have a Company profile it is essential that this is quite attractive for you to achieve attract the attention of the public, For this you must select a very good profile image, constantly update your status, this will make you present in your contacts, use appropriate tools to schedule tasks and manage customers.
Take advantage of WhatsApp Business analytics
So far the analytics of the messaging is not the best of all, but surely you will be able to take advantage of it for what it will be for you quite useful. With it, you will have the opportunity to know how many messages you have sent, delivered, received, read, as well as locate users by interaction groups. For now, we are waiting to establish some interaction with the different social networks.
Automate your responses
You will be able to automate the responses so that predetermined messages are sent every time another person writes to you, as they can be messages from welcomes, greetings, farewells, answers to frequently asked questions, you can indicate your hours of operation, leave an absence message, among other messages that you can apply there. This option also allows you to disable specific notifications.
Avoid spam
You can apply some measures that allow you to reach your potential customers without being considered as a Spam, so you will be able to introduce the use of this new service channel through social networks, Newsletter or websites. This type of action will allow you to reach a larger audience.