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POP3, Post Office Protocol: What is it, what is it for, and how is it different from IMAP?


The email is one of the most important tools for what is the communication between people and companies worldwide. The The same came to replace traditional communication by means of letters through mail carriers used in almost all countries. Thus offering a faster delivery and security.

In order for these mail servers to function properly and at high speed it is necessary that they are within certain standards , which allows the system to be safe and transparent .

It is also important to mention that emails have tools from protocols, which are responsible for ensuring the sending and reception of each message. Currently there are three fundamental protocols IMAP, POP and SMTP . With this in mind, here we will teach you a little more about the POP3 protocol .

What is the «post office protocol» POP3 and what is it for? use on a network?

¿Qué es el

This protocol used in computing known as Post Office Protocol or Post Office Protocol , is used to obtain messages that are sent by email and stored in a remote server, which is known as POP.

POP has different versions, where both POP1 and POP2 versions have already become old due to the appearance of the new POP3 version . It has been designed primarily to help its users with the use of the server , especially when they have a slow connection .

This is how users can download their email and then check it even on those occasions where they don’t have an Internet connection. Also, the Post Office Protocol , has been designed to receive emails and not to send them or at least not always.

In other words, the main function of this is for a client to connect and get all the messages he has in the mail, there download them to the computer and then removes them from the server and disconnects . This way you can check them without a connection.

What are the main features of the POP protocol and how does it work?

When we refer to POP3 , we refer to what is the latest version of the POP protocol, which started working at the beginning of 1980, where two previous versions POP1 and POP2 came out, which have become obsolete over time. In addition, this POP protocol is currently the most used in the email servers , being used by Windows Mail, Gmail, Outlook, among others .

It is also frequently used by applications and services that are responsible for picking up messages on the email server, running simultaneously with SMTP, > other mail protocol .

With this in mind, here we show you its main features:

  • It gives you the possibility to leave the messages on the server .
  • It has three versions since its launch , where currently only POP3 works, being this the most recently launched.
  • It gives its users the ability to download emails to their computers to read them without having an Internet connection , or when the connection is very slow.
  • Each time the user connects to the server the emails are sent from the server to the local computer.
  • Once the messages have been received, the connection to the server can be interrupted or closed , this will not affect the reading of the messages.

POP versions How many are they and what are they characterized? >

This email protocol started working in 1980, since then it has managed to have a total of three versions, where its first two have already become obsolete after the new advances in technology . This was how in 1984 the first version was officially known that was the original of this protocol and which would only last 1 year.

This is how in 1985 the second version called POP2 was launched and to which port 109 was assigned as default. This version would also last a short time in the market, this is how for 1988, the latest version called POP3 is launched, and which is still active today.

It is the one that will allow you to download all your emails to your computer and in that way be able to read it without needing to stay connected to the computer or have an Internet connection . This is a very important feature for most users who have a slow Internet connection.

How to configure POP3 in the main email services?

If you want to configure POP3 in your email to start enjoying its benefits, especially to be able to use it without having an Internet connection, then here you We will explain how you can perform this configuration in the main email services . To do this, follow each of these methods that we will teach you below:

Google Gmail

In the case of the Gmail service , you can only configure the account with POP and not with IMAP, > This means that you can download each of your messages , but that does not sync with the server. In addition, you can only download the messages you have in the tray input , you cannot download those from the other folders.

It is also important to clarify that those emails that you download to the PC will be deleted from the server by default. Therefore, the most advisable thing in this case is to check the box to leave a copy on the server.

With this in mind, here we explain how to configure POP3 in Google Gmail:

  • Enter Gmail and log in with your access data.
  • When you have entered your inbox click on the icon of the wheel located in the upper right corner of your screen.
  • In the options that have been selected, select accounConfiguration†.

Google Gmail

  • Here click on “Account and import” located in the top menu.
  • Then select the option of “Add an email account” .

Google Gmail

  • The following will be to enter the email address you want to add to Gmail.
  • Once added click on “Next”.

Google Gmail

  • Please note that some of the accounts are linked to Gmailfy, it is not available for accounts hosted with . Therefore, the following is to confirm that you want to import with POP .
  • Here we select the “Import mail from my other account” section and select subsequentlyNext†.

Google Gmail

  • Once this is done, you must enter the POP3 server data . To do this, it is recommended to use this setting for incoming emails:
    • Username: Your email address.
    • Password: The same as email.
    • POP server:
    • Port: 995
    • Select the “Leave a copy on the server” and “Use SSL” box.
  • The following will be to select “Add account” to continue.

Google Gmail

Once this is done, the protocol will be configured to the Gmail account , that way you can start enjoying its services and benefits .

Microsoft Outlook / Hotmail

If you have an Outlook account and want to add it to another mail program that uses POP then you need to know this information. Note that by default access to POP is disabled , so it must be activated for use.

  • POP server name:
  • POP port: 995
  • Method POP encryption: TLS

Knowing this data we can enable POP in the Outlook account . Therefore, in order to configure and access the protocol it is necessary to enable access to it.

To do this follow these steps:

  • Enter the “Settings” of your Outlook account.
  • There, select the option to see all Outlook settings .
  • Then select the “Synchronize email” section.
  • Now in the POP option check the box “Yes” in “Allow devices and applications to use POP”.
  • Finally click on “Save” .
  • Yahoo!

    If you are a Yahoo! user and you have a free account you can also start using the POP3 service , taking into account that this was available only for paid users . This will help you achieve improvements in the service, especially because it will allow you to receive emails directly on your PC and check it regardless of whether you have a Internet connection.

    The data you need to configure POP are the following:

    • POP3 incoming mail server:
    • Inbound port: 995
    • Outgoing mail server:
    • SSL / TLS outbound port: 465, 587, 25
    • Requires authentication from email and password
    • The email address will be the same as your yahoo!
    • The password will be the same as entering your Yahoo account !.

    With all this information in mind, you can start activate POP3 in your Yahoo account!

    To do this, follow the steps we will show you below:

    • Login to your Yahoo! and at the top right of your screen select the “Options” tab.
    • There will appear several options where we select “Mail options”.
    • In the new window that appears, select the “POP3 Access and Forwarding” section.
    • Then check the option of “Web access and POP3”.
    • Finally select “Save.”

    When you’ve done all this, you’ll be ready to start downloading your emails directly to your computer .

    POP3 or IMAP Which is better and how is each one different?

    POP3 o IMAP ¿Cuál es mejor y en qué se diferencia cada uno?

    POP2 and IMAP are standard Internet protocols used for emails and that allows your program to access account accounts emails from users in your web space.

    In the case of IMAP , work directly on the mail server , therefore, to be able to make an inquiry of the emails you have to connect to the server that will show you the content stored there. At the time of sharing a message, this is usually saved on the server being accessible from any other device where the account is accessed.

    One of the advantages of this protocol is that mail is accessible from any device as long as has internet, also work directly with the server and emails have a kind of security since they are not lost or deleted from the server being stored there.

    While in the case of POP3 , it connects to the server and downloads all messages to the computer. However, the messages are deleted so Automatic server , that is, there is no backup left, being stored only on the local device.

    But the current managers offer an option that will allow you to save a kind of copy of the emails that are downloaded from the server . In addition, it allows you to keep a history of local mail without the need for a network connection. Deleting downloaded messages makes the server always have available storage space.

    POP3 or SMTP protocol What are the differences between them and which is better ?

    POP3 o protocolo SMTP ¿Cuáles son las diferencias entre ambos y cuál es mejor?

    Each time is sent and received an email you need the action of two protocols, where one of them must be a transfer agent messages, while another message access agent . In this case the transfer agent is responsible for transferring the data from the PC to the server, and the job of the access agent is to extract the data from the mailbox of the server and transfer it to the recipient’s computer.

    In this case the transfer agent is SMTP, and the POP3 access agent , and also acts as an IMAP access agent . Therefore, one of the main differences between these two is that SMTP is a transfer agent while POP3 is an access agent that is used to receive messages .

    We can also say that in the case of SMTP is a simple mail transfer protocol, where it helps to transfer the information from the sender’s computer to the mail box present on the server of the recipient. In the case of POP3, is a protocol of the version 3 email office, and aims to retrieve and organize emails Mailbox on the receiver server to the receiver computer . Its main function is to receive the messages and download them to the computer.