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WDS What is it, what is it for and what types are there?

Surely you haven't heard of the wds or also known as Wireless Distribution Systemwhich is a wireless distribution system which will allow you Wireless connection between what is the Access Points in an IEEE 802.11 network.

It should be mentioned that this is a non-standardized norm entirely by the IEEE, considering that the standard is who defines using two levels of the OSI model, What are they physical and link, regards of the signal and binary transmission, as it is Mac / LLC physical addressing for a Wireless LAN (WLAN).

Taking all this into account, and knowing that you know very little about this technology, then here we will explain a little more what it is the wds, for what is it and what types of them can be found currently. For this, follow in detail everything that we will teach you below.

What is a WDS and what is it for in wireless networks?

The WDS (Wireless Distribution System or Wireless Distribution System) It is a system that will give you the possibility of wirelessly interconnect the access points on an IEEE 802.1 network. All this will allow you to wireless network can be expanded using multiple access points without the need for a wired backbone connect it.

In other words, this allows a wireless network can be expanded by different reasons, without the need of make use of multiple APs without the requirement of a wired network to link them. In this way you can begin to solve many problems in what are the work and home environments. All of this can be done as long as all necessary steps are taken to keep safe, as shared data is on the air.

What are the most commonly used linking methods to create access bridges?

What are the most commonly used linking methods to create access bridges?

As already mentioned above, Wireless Distribution System it is a form of power connect two devices without the need to use wiring.

As you already know, both access points and routers allow this to be done in two ways:

  • The first one is expanding the coverage of an SSID that are issued by a router.
  • And the second is connecting two devices to interconnect different subnets.

Taking into account these two options, as you can see the first one is the more feasible or interesting. The second not so much, since the wireless platform remains reserved in its entirety what they are for the links between the devices. Which means, that in this case no wireless client could connect.

Naming this in a way more technical, the first way would be to WDS or Wireless repeater, while the second would be WDS-AP. Finally, it is important that you take into account do not confuse WDS with WPS, even though they have many similarities the purpose of each is different. As WDS allows the management of connections to a wireless network in a much simpler way, without the need to resort to keys for it.

WDS modalities What are the most used?

As to WDS modalities you can tell that when a device has the option to apply WDS, exist three different ways of doing it and which are the most used currently.

Each of them will allow you a different way of doing it and which we will show you below:

  • It works like a 100% dedicated bridge to this function and it's not available for you other devices connect to it.
  • As a access point so they can connect clients.
  • And finally with a dual operation. In this case it offers a customer access point and a jumper to connect another device.

This last point mentioned has as purpose of creating a wireless network where routers or access points connect to each other wirelessly. In this way you can allow client connection through the wireless interface or network ports.

Main advantages of WDS Why should you use them?

To carry out this tool it is important to know what are the advantages it offers, since having this clear point will allow you know whether or not they are worth using.

Accordingly, here we show you the main benefits that can be obtained with WDS:

  • The most important advantage that can be achieved in this case is that you can keep original MAC addresses of client packets on their way among all the APs that jump. However, it should be mentioned that among so many jumps the data transfer usually decreases so the speed will be lower.
  • Another of the benefits that this contributes is that Allows you to expand WiFi coverage in homes or businesses.