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What are the best free and paid VPS servers to host your website? 2022 list

What are the best free and paid VPS servers to host your website? 2020 list

There comes a time in the life of every website where it is necessary to move to a bigger house . The shared hosting was fine, but there is already so much content that it is impossible to keep the portal stable in such a small closet.

That’s when you understand the importance of VPS. To put it in context, moving from a shared hosting to a VPS is like moving from a room to an apartment. This change usually implies a bigger investment, but the fact that you have to do it means that you are already big enough to pay for it .

If your website has overcome digital puberty and urgently needs a change to a virtual server , here we will show you everything you need to know to make a good choice before moving in, introducing you the best paid or free VPS you can hire .

What is a VPS server and what is it for?

que es vps

The acronym VPS is a reference to the term Virtual Private Server , which in Spanish is nothing more than a private virtual server. As the name implies, it is a completely private virtual server where you can host data from a website. It’s basically the same principle of hosting, with the difference that you should not share it with anyone else .

You may not know it but a shared hosting is a space on a computer in the cloud that you share with other websites, which can be your own or others. What the virtual server does is that it hosts only one portal , which means that it will have more resources to make it work fully.

Virtual servers are used for large websites, which have already exceeded or are about to exceed the storage space of their basic hosting, and need something much more powerful .

An example would be a personal blog that has already exceeded or is exceeding 150 published entries, since generally with that amount of content already begin to take over the resources offered by its rate.

Differences between virtual server and dedicated server Which is better?

The inexperienced webmaster usually confuses VPS with dedicated servers , but they are not the same thing. There is a clear difference between one that is related to the resources offered to the client. Both are web hosting plans, but one is far above the other .

A VPS is a virtual server , that is a space within a computer that is reserved only for a website or project. In contrast a dedicated server is the whole computer , a very powerful CPU that offers all its resources to a single client. If we see it as a «Russian matroska doll», the dedicated server would be the largest, within this are the VPS , and within the VPS the shared hosting .


If above we tell you that the VPS is like an apartment, the dedicated server is the entire building . This obviously has its advantages. To start, in the latter you will have much more space and more resources to ensure excellent operation of your website . And finally, it is much more stable. Therefore the dedicated server is the best of both .

Why hire a private virtual server to host your website? Advantages and Benefits

A private server will sooner or later become an option to an imperative need, since your web as it grows grows needs more space. But this has its advantages, which are undoubtedly the most profitable for your project .

  • More storage space . With a server you will have more GB to save all the content.
  • Physical disk . All your information will be protected on a physical disk to avoid losses.
  • More resources . Being a dedicated space only for your website, you will have more resources at your disposal.
  • More locations . When you hire your plan you can choose the city where you want the server to be located.

What features should the best free or paid VPS have?

Private servers are different depending on the company that offers them, since each one has its own way of interpreting how many and what resources are necessary for a good VPS service. However, we have determined, based on our experience, certain essential characteristics that the plan you hire must have .

More than 5GB of storage

On average, a shared hosting gives you between 1GB and 2GB of storage space, so without a doubt the VPS you hire should at least exceed those figures. Many companies have low-cost plans that offer 5GB storage that you can scale up to 50GB or exceed.

More than 512 RAM

RAM is also an indispensable element for a private server. Again we use the most powerful shared hosting plans as a base, which have up to 512MB of RAM , so we expect the VPS to exceed that figure until it reaches at least 1GB.

More than 20GB of transfer

Transfer refers to the amount of data that can be transferred via FTP when a user enters our website. This is important because depending on the type of content you share, this will greatly limit the amount of traffic the server can support . A basic hosting has approximately 10GB of transfer, so the VPS you hire should at least double these figures.

Encryption technologies

To ensure that your website will never be directly attacked and it is important that the company implements the best data encryption technologies.

Multiple locations

One of the main advantages of VPS is that you can choose the location of the server, so it is quite important that the one you hire offers you multiple locations .

List of the best free or paid VPS servers to host your website

The hosting providers are currently hundreds, practically in every country in the world there are dozens of them, but not all of them can be trusted when delegating the accommodation of our ambitious project. That’s why we will help you with your choice by presenting you with 10 of the best VPS providers worldwide .


This is an American company that became popular for offering excellent free plans for servers in your country , mainly in Dallas, your datacenter, Los Angeles, New York and Seattle. However, the most attractive plans are undoubtedly the paid ones , much more powerful than the previous ones.

InstaFree stands out for having stable servers , endowed with a good capacity in resources and better support for its paying customers. Ideally, start with the free plan that is not wasted either and then escalate to more powerful rates.

Features of the free InstaFree plan:

  • 5GB of physical disk storage (SSD).
  • 50GB of data transfer.
  • 256MB of RAM.
  • 256mb vSWAP .
  • 1 CPU.
  • 1 NAT IPv4 address.
  • 1 IPv6 address.
  • Protection with DDoS.
  • InstaFree payment plan features:

    • 10GB, 25GB or 50GB of physical disk storage (SSD).
    • 100GB, 500GB or 1TB data transfer.
    • 512MB, 1GB or 2GB of RAM.
    • 512MB, 1GB or 2GB of vSWAP
    • 1, 2 or 4 CPUs.
    • 1 IPv4 address.
    • 1 address IPv6.
    • Protection with DDoS.

    The price of the plans is € 3 to € 12 per year , the amount of resources being the differential in the cost of each.


    This is a company that provides VPS exclusively for payment. Its servers are characterized by having a large amount of resources , especially in terms of transfer and bandwidth, being one of the best in that regard.

    Another thing that has positioned it high is its user control panel interface, which in addition to being very aesthetic is also easy to understand .

    Features of Bluehost VPS plans:

    • 2 or 4-core CPU .
    • 30GB, 60GB or 120GB physical disk storage (SSD).
    • 2GB, 4GB or 8GB of RAM.
    • 1TB, 2TB or 3TB of bandwidth and transfer.
    • 1, 2 or 3 IP addresses.

    Plan prices range from from € 29.99 to € 59.


    This is a company that has earned its fame thanks to its completely free VPS service, which is quite powerful. Coming to compete even with some paid offers on this list , as it offers a lot of resources to its users.

    This does not offer payment plans, so you will have to hire another provider once your website has grown , although it may take a long time until you can collect everything that this free service offers you .

    WoomHost free VPS plan features:

    • 4GB RAM.
    • 2-core CPU .
    • 165GB of storage space.

    • Free domain.
    • 2TB bandwidth.
    • Live chat support .


    Since he was born in 2013 he has offered an excellent free VPS service, with an excellent amount of resources that he has nothing to envy to many payment providers. This is a project that loves to help entrepreneurs start their digital projects , that’s why so many facilities. With your VPS plan you will have access to a very attractive interface and a lot of resources to launch your website whenever you like.

    GigaRocket free VPS plan features:

    • 25GB of storage space.
    • 150GB of monthly bandwidth.
    • 1GB RAM.
    • 1CPC vCore.
    • Total access to SSH.


    You should already know it because it is one of the most popular hosting providers in the world, with one of the largest user databases that any company could have. By hiring any of the payment services of this company you will be getting one of the best VPS services there is .

    With Hostgator you can be sure that your website will be stable 99.99% of the time , taking advantage of every business that your plan offers.

    Hostgator payment plan features:

    • 2GB, 4GB or 8GB of RAM.
    • 2 or 4 CPU Cores.
    • 120GB, 165GB or 240GB of physical disk space.
    • 1.5 TB bandwidth.


    This hosting provider is one of the best reviews you receive in relation to value for money. This does not mean that it is cheap, at all, it is a higher investment than others on this list, but you will get one of the best services worldwide. To start, has 4 datacenters worldwide in the cities of Seattle, Ansterdam, Dallas and Baltimore, allowing you to select servers in both North America and Europe.

    All your servers are computers with the most advanced technologies in hosting and information backup. In addition to VPS, it also offers shared hosting, dedicated servers and cloud servers. All your plans are paid .

    Knownhost payment plan features:

    • 2, 4 or 6 Core CPU.
    • 2 GB, 4GB, 6GB and 8GB of RAM
    • 50GB, 100GB, 150GB or 200GB of physical disk storage (SSD).

    • 2TB, 3TB, 4TB or 5TB bandwidth Premium.
    • 2 IP addresses.
    • You can choose between cPanel / WHM or DirectAdmin.

    The price of each plan goes from € 28 to € 80.50 .