UPDATED ✅ Do you need to know what is the difference between reset and format in computing? ⭐ ENTER HERE ⭐ and discover what you need to know ✅ EASY and FAST ✅
It is very common for these two to be confused. terms in computingbearing in mind that they both sound very similar, but each performs totally different functions.
This doubt or confusion between what is reset and format is basically because in the world of mobile phones, the hard reset is known as a function for erase everything and leave the phone as factory. Basically it is treated as a formattingwhich makes both functions look like the same thing.
However, in The computers All this changes, since in this area the difference between the two is well marked. That is reset is like reboot and format is delete everything. To do this, here we teach you a little more about each of these terms.
What is a computer reset and when should it be done?
Especially in the world of computers and laptops The term is often used reset, which has as main function clean the system before any type of error that is preventing its proper functioning. In this way, the equipment will be able to return to normal or, in such a case, to its initial state before the failure occurred.
In general, every time there is a failure, the internal mechanism of the computer tries to recover, in the event that a long time passes and it is not able to get out of it, then the program or the system stops completely. In this case, the computer begins to work slowly, reaching a point that is impossible to handle and that forces a reset.
It is recommended to carry out this process mainly when problems such as Windows blue screens of death which are commonly caused by driver errors when Windows starts working very slow and is not able to recover, or some software specifically that it presents difficulties for its functioning.
What is a computer format and when should it be done?
When we talk about the term format we refer to what is “format disk”. In this case it is a process that is carried out by the hand of the HDD, and whose objective is to be able to eliminate everything that is inside the storage unit. may be causing a equipment malfunction.
As usual, everything can be erased leaving the machine completely in zero or just erase some parts of the disk. The most common is to remove from healthy installations of the operating system to those with affected or damaged files.
Therefore, it can be said that formatting is basically bringing the computer to its factory state again or to its initial configuration, where the drive is left completely empty and clean to install any software on it. This allows you to erase everything that has been affecting the system and in the same way prepare the computer so that it works correctly.
It is important to mention that there are two types of formatting:
- The first is about low level, where is it left the unit totally clean as of factory
- The high level which causes all data to be lost, removing all those disabled files and all references.
That is does not erase everythingbut allows power keep or retrieve some external programs. However, this will depend more on user requirement and equipment failures.
How do I know when my computer needs to be formatted? Symptoms
Formatting is the complete erasure of existing information on a computer’s storage drive.. On many occasions, a backup of the most important files for users is made in order to avoid their loss.
In general, this process should be carried out whenever the computer shows any of the following symptoms:
- When the system is unstable or a total installation of the operating system.
- If suspected the presence of viruses that cannot be destroyed.
- the computer is working very slow.
- For delete junk files inside your hard drive that cannot be easily erased.
- It allows to clean the system of any kind of bug what is affecting PC performance.
Going through this process will basically help you rejuvenate your hard drivethat is why a system that is freshly formatted and installed It will be a lot faster than those who already have some time (weeks or months).