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File extension .7Z What are they and how to open these types of files?

UPDATED ✅ Do you want to know which are the best programs and applications to decompress .7Z files on PC and smartphone? ⭐ ENTER HERE ⭐ And learn how

The .7Z Extension It is completely free and it is also Open Source, it is mainly used for create data files which can be printed.

Files with .7z extension they are a bit restricted, since being data files and not documents or media means that they cannot be seen or opened everywhere.

In such a way, that in order to open an extension of this type it will be necessary to install some program or application be able to do this. Especially considering that these types of files are very rare. That is why here we are going to explain how to open this type of file in the computer and Smartphone.

What is it and what are files with the .7Z extension used for?

files with extension .7Z

The .7Z extensions are compressed files that have LZMA algorithms, which are the basic compression specifications open source and coding standards of data displayed by the software. It can be used by own graphical interface or a command line which is mainly associated with the Windows operating system.

This type of file can be uncompressed through the 7-Zip softwarewhich also allows you to open the 7Z files. However, in the case of Windows files for compression and decompression of the extension applications such as PeaZip, WinZip and WinRAR.

Notably WinZip pI want a version for the platforms of Mac which will allow to open this type of extension, unzip and extract the files and folders stored in it.

Being able to open or run an extension of this type either on the computer or Smartphone goes beyond double-clicking on it. For this, all the necessary components must be configured to open the extensionfor this you may have to install or download any specific program.

There is also the case that you already have a program, but the 7Z files they are not associated with it. Therefore, it will be impossible for you to open them. In this way, here we explain how to open this type of extension either from a mobile device or PC.

How to open and unzip .7Z files on smartphones or computers?

It is very possible that at some point in your life you have come across a .7Z file and don’t know how to open it. These types of extensions are one or more files found compressed in a single folder or package. Therefore, the use of a program that allows unzip the file.

Currently on the market there is a large number of Applications that will help you carry this out and which you can find for free and are available to everyone operating systems. In this way, here we show you how to open this type of file on both PC and mobile devices.

On Windows PCs

In the event that you frequently use a windows computer and you need to open this type of file you just have to use the program 7-Zip which is totally free and will allow you to decompress these types of extensions.

To do this, you will need to follow the steps that we will explain below:

Download 7-Zip x32 for Windows

Download 7-Zip x64 for Windows

  • To get started, you need to go to 7-Zip official site.
*Note: You can download the program directly from the links that we provide, they are 100% safe.

On Windows PCs

  • What the 7Z extensions they are compressed packages you will only be able to see their content when you extract them through a program. Therefore, with 7-Zip is a program that will help you unzip this type of file in the windows operating system without any cost.
  • next thing will be “Discharge” the program according to the version of your Windows (32 or 64 bits). In the event that you do not know which version you are using, you can find out by pressing the keys “Windows + S” to start the “Search bar”.
  • There you must write the word “System” and when that option appears, click on it.

On Windows PCs

  • The text that will appear on the screen will indicate the version of your system.

On Windows PCs

  • The next thing will be to click on the version you want to download so that the download starts corresponding to the program.
  • Once downloaded, the next thing will be to select the place where you want save the program, either your document or desktop.
  • When it has already been saved, we look for the program icon and right click on it and select the option “Run”. Follow the instructions to complete its installation on your computer.

On Windows PCs

  • Once installed, you simply have to open 7z file you want to see, there will appear a window of the 7-Zip program with the content of the extension.
  • Now press the key combination “Ctrl + A” to select all the files in the package and then click on “Extract”.
  • Then we must click on the icon the three points to be able to select a folder to save all files.
  • Once the destination of the folder has been selected, we must click on “To accept” to be able to unzip the file into the folder. There will appear a progress bar decompression, the decompression time will depend on the number of files. When the progress bar disappears the files have been unzipped and you can access them simply by double clicking.

On Mac computers

If you are one of the users who has a mac computer and you can’t find a way to open these types of file on your PChere we are going to explain how you can carry out all this through the following steps:

  • The first thing you should do is open the App Store on your Mac computer.
  • In order to open the files that are contained within the 7z pack you need to install an application that allows you to extract them easily and quickly. For this you must download and install “The Unarchiver” in the PC.

On Mac computers

‎The Unarchiver
‎The Unarchiver
MacPaw Inc.

  • Once downloaded, you simply have to follow the instructions to be able to install it on your PC.
  • When it has been installed, the icon will appear. “The Unarchiver” on your computer desktop.

On Mac computers

  • In the list that will appear on the screen with all the file formats you must select “7-Zip file” in this way the program will begin to recognize the 7z files automatically and will open them without any problem.

On Mac computers

  • Now go to the tab that says “Extraction”.
  • In the drop-down menu you must select “Ask for a destination folder”, this will allow you to choose the location to save the files that you will extract from the package.

On Mac computers

  • The next thing will be to find the file you want to extract and click on it. There you must select the folder where you want store these files.
  • Once you select the folder you simply have to select “Extract”. The application “The Unarchiver” will unzip the package and save it in the already selected folder. Once this is complete you can start open 7z content whenever you want just by double clicking on it.

On Android mobile phones

In the case of Android mobile devices they do not bring in their system the possibility of being able compress files. Therefore, it is necessary to use an application to be able to compress and decompress records. For this there is an app called ZArchiverwhich you can get at Play Store totally free.

On Android mobile phones


ZArchiver will allow you to be able to open .7z files on your mobile device in a quick and easy way. In addition, this app allows you to compress extensions such as 7z, zip, XZ, gzip, bzip2. And unpack extensions like: 7z, zip, rar5, cab, xar, Z, tar, among other.

In addition to zip and unzip files it also gives you the possibility to separate said files into several parts, this especially for the extensions 7z or rar. As for its use, it is guaranteed since said app has several processor coreswhich allows its use to be quick and easy.

Simply download the app from the Play Store and launch it on your mobile device. There you should find the 7z file that you want to open and click on it, then the file package will appear on the screen where you can see all the content stored in it.

On Android mobile phones

On iPhone devices with iOS

If you usually use your mobile device to carry out all your activities, including receive and send filesit is very possible that at some point you have found yourself with a 7Z extension and you can’t find a way to open the package contained in it.

This is because you need to install an application to be able to do all this. In the case of iPhone devices, iOS operating system, It will be necessary to download the app from the virtual store of AppStore.

To do this, you must follow the steps that we will explain below:

  • It will be necessary download the iZip app from the App Store. This app will allow open .7Z files, and It is currently one of the most recommended on the market since it will help you work with this type of extensions at no cost.

On iPhone devices with iOS

  • Once installed on your Smartphone, the message will appear on your mobile screen. app icon. You must click on it to open it.

On iPhone devices with iOS

  • Now in the new menu that will appear on the screen you must click on “Local Files” either “Local Files” to be able to browse for the 7Z file you want to open.

On iPhone devices with iOS

  • Once you get the extension you must keep it pressed for a few seconds until the following warning appears on the screen “Would you like to unzip all files”.


  • There you must click on Okay so that the content of the extension is extracted to another folder with the same name.

On iPhone devices with iOS

  • Once the progress bar disappears you can browse for the new folder and start going into your 7Z file package.

List of the best applications and alternative programs to open a document with the .7z extension without using 7-Zip

There are currently many applications available on the market to open documents with different types of extensions, such as .7z. however, it should be noted that some of them are much more efficient than others, as well as being much easier to use.

In this way, here we bring you a small list of the best applications and programs to open .7z extensions either on your computer or Smartphone:



This app is available for Android, iOS devices and Mac and Windows computers, and it can be said that it is one of the most downloaded on the market. This is due to its excellent performance and that it is capable of compress and decompress almost all currently existing extensions, which becomes a great advantage for all its users.

In addition, it offers a cloud support system for both Google Drive and Dropboxsomething that little by little has become one of the main storage tools of people due to the great utility and advantages it brings. WinZip It has a very attractive and modern design, which becomes a point in its favor.



The application RAR available for Android and Windows It has been developed by the same creators of WinRAR, which guarantees that it is a fairly reliable and secure app to be able to work with the different extensions available on the market. With this rar version you can start compress, uncompress, expand and create functions of the most used file formats such as 7z, RAR, Zip, Tar, Bin or GZ.

Within the menu of RAR you can get a function to set partition percentages as well as the ability to encrypt the files with a password to offer greater privacy and security. So, this new version of WinRAR will help you open files 7z in an easy and fast way.

ZIP file manager

Zip file manager

This program is one of the most complete today, it has excellent tools to be able to compress and decompress almost all types of formats existing. In addition, it has become a great app when you want to open .7z files and be able to see all the packages contained in it. It is an application that has been developed by AVG Labs, and which is available to mobile devices, PCs and Macs.

It has a free and paid versionin both it offers advanced functions that will allow the user to have a good experience while using the app, thus including a encryption with enhancements compared to other comprehension algorithms.

Unzip Tool

Unzip Tool

A specialized app to work with most existing formats on the market and which is available for iOS devices, it will allow you manage, compress and decompress formats like Zip, 7z, Un7z, UnRARamong other.

Unzip Tool, has become a very useful tool to be able to work with these types of formats from the mobile device. Also, it can be downloaded from the app store for free, which becomes a great advantage for all users of this operating system.
