UPDATED ✅ Do you want to buy a domain name for your digital project? ⭐ ENTER HERE ⭐ Learn Everything! FROM ZERO! ⭐
if you’re thinking about create a business or personal website, then you’re going to need to purchase an Internet domainsince this will be what allows other users to access your online platform.
Therefore, the domain is a web address that people should type in the URL bar of their browsers to be able to access your digital site. In this way, this is one of the first steps that you must take.
In accordance with this, here we are going to explain step by step where and how you can make the purchase of a internet domain for your website. To do this, follow in detail everything that we will teach you below.
What is an Internet domain?
It’s about a unique name that is assigned to a website, that is, no other online platform can have that name. In this way, it is considered as a virtual ID that allows to identify an organization or company on the Internet. Also, the domain is the name that appears on the address bar of each web page, such as: www.internetpasoapaso.com. They are mandatory since a browser needs a domain name to be able to send you to a web page.
Differences between a domain and hosting
Although be two very different concepts, there are many people who still have some confusion about them. However, both the hosting As the domain They are two services that complement each other.
Therefore, here we explain the differences between each one:
It usually refers to all the services provided by the server, that is, all the hosting of information of one Web page such as the database, images, texts, among others. It also usually includes email storage. Therefore, the hosting it is like the place where you are going to store everything that your website contains so that everyone who enters there can see it.
The Dominion
Basically it is treated as a certificate or identifier of a website and is made up of a name and an extension for example: internetstepbystep.com where the information where the server is located is included. In this way, the domain represents the exact address of where your store warehouse is located, that is, your hosting.
Types of Internet domains and their usefulness
Currently you can find three types of main domains and the subdomain, such as the following:
- Generic Top Level Domain (generic Top-Level Domain, gTLD).
- Geographic Top Level Domain (Country code Top-Level domain, CCTDL).
- Third level domain.
- Subdomain.
Considering each of them, here we explain them:
Generic Top Level Domain
They are also known as first level and are the most widely used worldwide, so its use is quite common. They do not work for a specific country, so their possibilities of use are broader.
In addition, their endings indicate what is the usefulness of each one:
- .com: For commercial sites.
- .org: For non-profit organizations.
- .net: For Internet service companies.
- .info: Informative website.
- .biz: for business website.
Geographic Top Level Domain
Unlike the previous domain, these are cataloged as territorial domains, This is because they are used by dependent territories or countries and they are usually made up of only two characters.
Here are some examples of them:
- .mx: Mexico.
- .ar: Argentina.
- .cl: Chili.
- .it is: Spain.
- .fr: France.
- .of: Germany.
In this way, each country usually has its own territorial domainwhich are mostly used for websites of television, channels, streaming videos, among others.
Third Level Domains
These domains are the result of the combination between a generic and non-geographic domain. (gTLDs – ccTLDs); Generally, the scopes of gTLD are limited by ccTLD.
They are usually in the following ways:
- .com.co: Commercial type.
- .you eat: For commercial entities.
- .net.es: For network providers.
- .gob.es: For government entities.
a subdomain
They are a derivative of main domain and they are generated by adding one or more words separated by a period to the left of the domain. It usually gives a direct access to a specific section of the Web page.
They are often used for the following reasons:
- To give access to a specific section of the page:
. - To access the web administration:
The most recommended in these cases is to use a short name for the subdomains and which are related to what you want to show or where they are going to send us.
What to take into account when choosing an Internet domain?
If you are just starting with your website projectit is very possible that you are still not clear about everything you need to choose a good internet domain.
That is why below we teach you what to take into account for it:
- Choose a domain that is easy to write and cutMainly short.
- make sure that the domain you want to use is available.
- always direct it to you Geographic area.
- make use of keywords.
- Do not use hyphens or numbers in the.
- Relate it to your brand.
- make use of a appropriate extension with your website.
New domain vs old domain, which is better to buy?
If you choose to buy a new domain You must bear in mind that in order to position it in the results of Google it can take you around 3 to 6 months to get it. In many cases this may take less time. Use a old domain speed up this process, it will not be immediately, but in a shorter period of time.
So, if the name is good and it shows up as a decent page, it’s best to buy a domain expired and not a new one where you have to start from scratch. AlsoGoogle usually apply more credibility filters to the new domainswhich makes it more difficult to position them in the first few months, so you will have to gain a lot of confidence in order to start attracting traffic and position yourself in their first results.
Learn how to buy an Internet domain
Before starting this process of how to buy a domain online, it is important that you keep in mind that you can only register a existing domain name and with one valid extension not be used by other people.
Bearing this in mind, follow each of these steps:
Choose a reliable domain checker
The first thing will be to find a registrar accredited by “ICANN” Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, non-profit organization. Choosing a trustworthy registrar will be vital for your project in the long run, otherwise you may face fines or scams.
Search for your domain name
Once you have entered the name in the search field You will get several results. In this case you will find the name with the extensions that you can use. Here you must choose the one of your preference. To do this, you must click on the option “Add to cart” and in this way continue to the payment process.
Make the domain payment
In the next window you will have to select payment option of your choice and complete the payment process.
Access the domain settings
When you have completed the payment, the next thing will be to enter the “Setting” to complete the Internet domain registration.
Complete the form
Once in the form, you must make sure fill in all the corresponding fields. When you have completed this click on “Continue”.
Verify domain purchase
Finally, verify the purchase using the email used for the purchase. This usually comes within minutes of completing the entire process above. Therefore, you can now start enjoying your internet domain for you Web page.
Best platforms to buy domains on the Internet
If you want to buy an Internet domain and you still don’t know where, here we offer you the best platforms for it:
platform Google offers you a service domain registration fast and easy. In addition, it offers you personalized email, search function and an average cost.
Here you will get domains from 0.99 cents onwards. In addition, it offers you an easy purchase process where you only have to write the domain name you want and start the search.
It offers you very good options in types of .com, .org, .co domains, among others. In addition, it sells you domains at very cheap prices and one of the best companies that promotes Hosting.
Considered one of the cheapest platforms when buying internet domains and with one of the best hosting services, so it is highly recommended.
Very reliable when buy domains and it also offers you a very interesting privacy protection that you can not fail to take advantage of.
It is a very reliable Spanish registrar and is accredited by the I CAN. It also offers you competitive projects for WordPress and personalized email so it becomes a great alternative for you.
It has very high prices for domain purchase, but without a doubt it is one of the best platforms that offers this service. It is also characterized by its excellent hosting service and all the WordPress templates it offers to get you started.
It offers one of the most advanced search engines for this service and competitive prices. Its main virtue is the suggestions so it will offer similar domains with different synonyms and styles.
From here you can carry out domain purchasesIt has very good prices and one of its main advantages is that it constantly offers you different purchase alternatives. It also offers you the possibility of renewing your domains very easily and quickly.
Finally, Stratus is a site that includes purchase of domains, Hostingadditional services of email, online marketing, wordpress and much more. In addition, it usually offers very good domain deals and easy management of all its services. All this thanks to its platform, which is very well designed and offers easy usability.