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How to activate the dark mode of WhatsApp Messenger for Android and iOS? step by step guide

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Dark mode on Android and iOS mobile devices It is a tool that has been implemented with much more force all these last months. Due to this, different mobile applications have chosen to include this function in your new updates with the aim of providing the best possible service to each of its users.

It is important to keep in mind that this night mode, as it is also known, offers several benefits to its users, thus avoiding increased eyestrain and offering a prettier appearance on the device interface. WhatsApp developers have decided to implement this feature in their latest update for both Android and iOS operating systems.

This new tool that will accompany the App will help improve display on mobile, especially for OLED screens, which are more prone to any damage due to the contrast enhancement they employ. This new news from the developers of instant messaging has been very well accepted by users, who will be able to include this method in each of their chats. That is why here we explain a little more about what this new Whatsapp update and how to activate it on the Smartphone.

The new WhatsApp update will bring with it the dark mode

The new WhatsApp update will bring with it the dark mode

It is no secret to anyone that WhatsApp has become one of the most used mobile applications in the world, This is due to its excellent service and speed with which it works, thus allowing its users to be communicated in just seconds.

This instant messaging App constantly offers new updates where you include new functions to your platform allowing you to enjoy new emoticons or functions that can be integrated into the chat to make its usability more attractive.

But, it is important to mention that the use of this type of applications constantly, as well as that of the entire device, can affect eyesight causing eye strain, which over time can reduce the user’s vision. According to all this, different Apps on the market have made the decision to implement the dark mode on its platform, and WhatsApp did not want to be left behind.

However, still There is no official version of this instant messaging update. But if there is a way with which you can unlock this mode and start enjoying this tool so that you can have a much friendlier experience with your vision.

Steps to enable and put dark mode on WhatsApp before installing the latest version

Whatsapp’s dark mode is one of the most anticipated updates and it’s here. Here we show you step by step how to activate it on your mobile.


Whether you use Android or iOS, you can follow the steps that we are going to explain below to activate the dark mode in your WhatsApp. The process is very simple, you just have to do the following:

  • The first thing you should do is open the WhatsApp app and go directly to “Settings”.
  • Once there, make a touch to enter the section “chats”.
  • In this section you will find another call “Topics”, In it you only have to select the “Dark” and give to “To accept” And that’s it, you’ll have the WhatsApp dark theme activated.


These steps are applicable both on Android and iOSso you will have no problem doing it on your iPhone as well.

Downloading an External Theme

At the time, before the update arrived, to install the dark mode it was necessary to download it externally. The good thing about this is that when we refer to Android, we are talking about a system that allows us to implement a large number of functions without much problem, that is how this time we are going to have to use a third-party application to be able to establish this mode before installing the latest version of messaging.

It is important to mention that the App that we will use is not found in playstore. Therefore, it will be necessary to go to the Menu of “Settings” of the equipment and activate the option of “Unknown origins”this will be found in the section “Security”.

In order to carry out this entire procedure, it will be necessary to carry out the following steps:

  • To start you will need download GBWhatsApp latest version, which you can get through the link that we have left you, 100% sure.
  • Once it has been installed on the computer, we open it and we enter the phone number in order to access the original messaging account.
  • When you have done this you will appear in the main window of the App with all your conversations, groups and contacts.
  • next thing will be click on the three dots located at the top of your screen.
  • There we select the option “More settings”.
  • Now a new menu will appear, you must choose the option “Topics” and then “Carry”.

Steps to enable and put dark mode on WhatsApp before installing the latest version

  • When you are at this point, it will be necessary download some theme that simulates dark mode. In such a way, that the most advisable thing is to look for and download a theme that is completely black.
  • When downloading the theme we return to the option “Carry” and we select the images that we have searched for, automatically this will be loaded and we will be able to start enjoying a dark background within the instant messaging App

Steps to enable and put dark mode on WhatsApp before installing the latest version

Once this is complete, the process will be complete. However, there is one last thing you can do, in case you want modify it your way, you can personalize.

For this you will need to enter “More settings” and select “Personalize” there you can change the color of the notification balloons, the design of the conversation screen, the top bars, among others.
