UPDATED ✅ Do you want to know how to improve and renew to the latest version of the most used software on smartphones and cell phones? ⭐️ ENTER HERE ⭐️ and see the solution
is a very widespread operating system in recent times and that it is based on linux. Initially, he worked for touchscreen phones or tablets relying on Google for all his creations. Phones based on this technology number in the hundreds of millions, which makes it totally common that you are looking for them right now. how to update android to the latest version for free.The application store created for this type of device is google play although there is also the possibility of being able to download software externally written in java programming language. This assures us that it is not an operating system with a risk of containing malware and that these external applications are as suitable for your cell phone as the ones you find in the Google Store.
According to studies, it is shown that Compared with iOS platform, Android
it is a less vulnerable system in terms of security. This data is affirmed on the basis that they have found 13 serious vulnerabilities for Android compared to 387 for iOSAlthough, of course, both systems continually strive to be more secure in their official markets.
Steps to manually update Android quickly and easily
Initially, Android
It was an operating system designed to be used with a keyboard and cursor to navigate between applications. Today it is much more customizable, so now it has become tactile and can thus more easily compete with the iPhone. All the applications you are looking for for the system are in your version in APKalthough you can also use google play to download other similar apps.Though Android
has multiple different systems for each type of device, it is true that they have created a fairly simple way to perform updates. Throughout this article it will be explained what it means that “update your Android phone or tablet to the latest version” and how it should be done. Let’s explain the official way and others alternative methods.
Official update without rooted device
This section is where we are going to introduce the “OTA” concept, which is a software update done over the air; that is, without any type of cable connection. This is the simplest method that can be used to perform the update. Through OTA, the firmware is downloaded and installed using a wireless connection so that there is no need to connect the tablet or cell phone to the computer.
I start by explaining the manual option no need to have rooted mobile. What you have to do is simply check if there is a new update for the system.
- You have to go to the “Settings”.
- Within it you have to look for the option “Phone Information”.
- Then choose “system updates”.
- If there is a new version, just install it on the computer.
- now you must accept the terms of service to begin the download and installation.
- It will be installed automatically the new content and you can start enjoying the latest version.
How to update Android on mobiles or tablets according to the brand of the device
We are now going to see the nuances that we can find when installing the improvements of this OS in the devices and cell phones of the different brands that are most used by thousands of users. android users .
Update Android for Samsung mobiles and tablets
If you have a device of the brand Samsung you will have several ways to update your version of Android. The simplest would be to do it according to the OTA method that we have explained in the first section of the publication. But there is also the possibility to do this by means of a KingRoot, apps or with an SD.
Although the easiest and fastest way could be to do it from the computer, let’s see it:
- Remember that you should always back up your data before starting the process.
- You need to download one of the following programs:
- Kies: It is used to manage any Samsung device.
- Samsung SmartSwitch: Allows you to perform updates with Windows or MAC; but, in addition, it allows you to migrate photos, music and videos from an old terminal to a new one.
- Once you have downloaded the program you just have to search for your Android version and check if there is any update.
- The application itself will take care of updating the terminal. Clever!
Update Android for Sony tablets and mobiles
If you are from the group of people looking for how perform the update for a Sony device you are very lucky, because you have several ways to update your terminal.
The most recommended way to perform this type of update is through the official support that gives us the OTA route. It can also be done through KingRoot and other applications and SD. Of course the other safer option is do it from pc.
- To do this, we must have software installed on our computer. If your computer has the operating system Windows the program is theXperia Companions”.
- If instead you have a MAC you must download the programsony-bridge”. These programs are used for installation and updating, but also for managing the files stored on your terminal.
Update Android for LG tablets and phones
If you own a LG brand device This is the section you should consult. To be able to update your cell phone or tablet to a higher version of OS you can use the steps explained in the first point about via OTA. LG smartphones can also be updated via KingRoot, an SD card or certain apps.
In case you want to make a secure update using your own computeryou must download the program that corresponds to you according to the operating system you have:
- For Windows, “LG PC Suite”
- For MAC, the software is “lg-bridge”
Update Android for HTC tablets and phones
If the device you want to use is from the htc-brand you can update Android Using the most direct way, which is via OTA. Another very direct way is using your own computer, although for this you have to download a specific program called “HTC SyncManager”, which serves both Windows as for MAC and that allows you to do the update. If neither of these two options convinces you, you can use other download methods explained in previous sections.
Update Android for Xiaomi tablets and phones
I imagine that you have located this section because you have a Xiaomi brand mobile phone and you want to update it to its latest version of Android. Well, do not despair because it is something very simple. In addition, you can use any of the options that I present below.
Personally, from my point of view, I think the best is update using via OTA or computer. The steps to do this are detailed in the first section of the article. The only thing you need to do before carrying out this update is download the software “Mi PC Suite”. Surely you already have it because it also serves to manage the files on your device and Xiaomi invites you to download it when you open your account with them.
Don’t forget that also you must have made a backup of your information and terminal data to prevent them from being lost. If you prefer to use an alternative method, you can use an SD card or King Root, which are other ways that we also discussed throughout the post.
Update Android for Lenovo Tablets and Mobiles
Do you have a Lenovo mobile or tablet? Well, it’s time for you to learn how you can update to the latest version of Android. It’s very simple because you have many methods to do it: through applications, from a computer or PC, via OTA, KingRoot or an SD card; All methods are used to Lenovo phones and tablets.
If you use the update method with the help of your computer or pc you have to download an application that is only enabled for computers with windows operating system. If you have a MAC computer, you will not be able to use this update method. This simple software is called “Lenovo MOTO Smart Assistant“.
Update Android for Motorola tablets and mobiles
Now it is the turn of the users of Motorola mobile phones. For them, the update system is the same as they have the means that have been previously indicated.
If you are looking for the security of using an official means, it is best to perform the update using the service via OTA. But what is recommended from our website is to use the update through a computer using the program “Motorola DeviceManager“, which is available for both Mac as for Windows. You can also use the other options such as update via KingRoot or SD card.
Update Android for Alcatel mobiles and tablets
Last but not least, we have the device users of the alcatel brand. They can perform the upgrade using a SD card, KingRoot or exclusive apps.
They will also be able to do it by via OTA, which is perhaps the most intuitive. But from the web it seems that the simplest thing is to use the necessary application and do it from a computer. If the decision is to use this medium, you have to download the specific application for Alcatel devices.
Download and install the latest version of Android on your cell phone via applications
If you are waiting for the update to arrive, you do not have it yet and you do not want or cannot do the update as we have previously mentioned, there is still another option.
Follow the next steps:
- Initially you have to go to the settings area of your mobile.
- Then, you must locate yourself in the section of Applications.
- Next, go to the section “All” and search for the app “Google Services Frameworks”.
- Must delete all data and force stop.
- restart your phone and you will see that when it is turned on again, a request appears on the screen to accept access to the location.
- Click on “Yes” and the update will start.
As you see, there are multiple ways to update Android to the latest version; You only have to look for the option that best suits your tastes, needs and device where you want to carry out said update.
Operating systems