UPDATED ✅ Still don’t have the latest version of the most famous game of recent times? What are you waiting for ⭐️ ENTER HERE ⭐️ and download the latest update!
Pokémon Go has been one of the star games of recent years. Who would have thought that going out on the street accompanied by a mobile phone to look for the cute characters from the successful television series would become a way of playing sports and socializing for many people? Well yes, that has been the effect that this application has created among many others, more than enough reason to want to know how to update pokemon go and have it always up to date with its latest news to go out for a walk.
It couldn’t be simpler. The creators of this application for iPhone and Android they only had to unite the desire to go out into the streets of the players around the city and discover the characters belonging to this series, with a large number of followers a few years ago already.
It is a game where you can create your own avatar and share your GPS location, so that you will have created the perfect scenario to move through and start the game. Pointing to different places in your city, they will appear pokeballs with your favorite characters. Also, while you are walking, you may notice that your mobile vibrates, that will mean that there is a pokemon nearby and that you must throw a pokeball at it to capture it.
Steps to update Pokémon Go on Android with Google Play
Your mission is simply collect those pokémon and stop your character at pokeparadas to buy pokeball where you can put your new acquisitions. In addition, you will have to train the pokémon and then face the rival trainers. As you see, Niantic (its creators) has made this application a very addictive game that invites you to continue looking for little creatures in any corner. And since we already know that novelty is what attracts the player, there will be many improvements and very often, so update pokemon go It will be essential to not miss anything. Keep reading because we tell you how to do it.
This option is practically a novelty since until very recently it was not possible to install new content from the Google store; some users may have had to wait to start using and update the new version of the star app of the season because of it. In any case, YES you can improve the version of this game from Google Play
for Android devices and we are going to teach you how to do it.Continue with the following steps to update Pokémon Go automatically:
- Generally, when there is a new version, a mark will appear next to the app icon indicating that you have a new update. This notifies you that your mobile has pending authorization to update to the new version.
- when you detect this symbol with a mark on its upper right, you just have to click on the application icon and the update will be carried out directly.
Follow these steps to have the new Pokémon Go updates manually:
- Secondly, if you want to check if there is any new updateyou must be the one to enter google play and look in the menu at the top the name of the application pokemon go .
- Once it appears and you click on the game, you will see that on the left you find a button that indicates “uninstall” and to its right there is another. This changes depending on the installed updates. If you put “Open“, your game is up to date. If, on the other hand, it says “To update“, you have to click on that button to start the download and installation of the new content.
- You may be prompted for a user-level confirmation. In the question that comes up, you must answer yes.to accept the conditions and allow the download to begin.
- Then, you must wait for the update to install (this time will vary depending on the amount of content to download and your internet connection).
- Once the download is done you will see that the button now gives you the option of “Open“the app. To play!
*Note: You must be careful because in-app purchases are installed in the application for Google Play that can sometimes affect the way you play this game. Niantic.
Update Pokémon Go for iPhone iOS on the App Store
In iOS the update is done in the same way as it is done for Google Play. Below I show you the simple steps you must follow to have your application in its newest version at all times. Usually the app will be located among your updated applications, since it is done automaticallypreviously configuring the password and user, which is the data that is requested during the installation.
Let’s follow these simple and easy steps:
- You must access the app store .
- Check between the latest updates to check if there are new updates and if they have been done already.
- In the event that they have not been done, you must search, by pressing on the second button starting from the right, the name of the application of pokemon go .
- Now, you need to press the app button. Check if it has a button enabled where you put the word “update” either “To update“.
- Click on that button to start downloading the new update. It may or may not ask you for credentials and password. If you have done it more timesit will already be recorded on the phone and will not be necessary.
- Now, click on the button “okay“. You will see how the application is updated.
- When you reach the end, you can start chasing your favorite friends. Go ahead and start enjoying the fun in real time.
How to download and install the Pokémon Go APK for free?
APK files They are ideal because they allow us to update at the time that best suits us and eye! in that it is necessary to have internet access at that precise moment; ideal if you have to do it on the street and, obviously, you don’t want to spend data and in dozens of other situations.
In the event that we know that it is time to update the latest version of Pokémon Go with the APK we must firstAllow updating from sources third parties” on our device. This option is usually found in the settings of our cell phone in section “Security“, it’s a tick which by default is unchecked, but it is very important to activate it if the application update is going to be done in this way.
Now, you can start with the update, let’s see the steps to follow:
Download Pokemon Go APK Latest Version
- You should download to your computer the latest version of the file PokemonGo.apk from the links above. You will need at least 90 MB free. Above we leave you the 100% secure download links.
- You can use the app Android FileTransfer to transfer the application to your phone. If not, then just send it by mail and open the file from the smartphone.
- If you click on the file, you will see that a very fast update of your game.
- By the time the update is over, you can start hunting pokémons again and discover the new features of the game. Let’s go!
Video games and consoles