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What are the best apps to learn science on Android and iOS? 2022 list

UPDATED ✅ Do you want to learn all about science from your smartphone without going to university? ⭐ ENTER HERE ⭐ and get to know the best applications

With the development of technology, users currently have the possibility of performing endless actions in a more practical and effective way. In particular, due to the existence of smartphone that, in addition to allowing them to stay in communication and permanently connected, they also simplify other things.

Thus, smartphones have been cataloged as very useful tools to obtain learning around different areas of knowledge. Therefore, through different mobile applications, it is possible to learn science in its different branches, regardless of how varied and complex.

In this sense, the main app stores, such such as Play Store and App Storehave different solutions available for manage science in an entertaining and intuitive way. So then We present you 40 scientific apps that are recommended to try.

What are the most basic branches of science that you should know?

Although it is true, by default, knowledge is desired by the human being and has become a vital necessity for most people. Therefore, science determines a key point for the development of society, taking into account that it refers to a set of disciplines that cover a series of topics based on experimentation and mathematics.

That is why it is not a term based on a specific topic, since comprises various fields of knowledge and study that lead to the development of particular scientific theories and methods that allow verifiable conclusions to be drawn. The reason why, is a study that includes a basic classification to define its branches. So, in order to openly study science in general terms, it is essential to mention what are its natural branches and define each of them.

Next, we point out these concepts of great interest:

  • Geography: It consists of that science that deals with study and describe the Earth, in addition to pointing out the characteristics, location and elements that appear on the surface of the systems. Assessing that there are several classes of geography (general, physical, human and regional).
  • biology: Is defined as the study of the origin, evolution and particularities of living beings, as well as their behavior, their vital processes, their interaction with each other and with the environment. In this way, its main objective is to establish the laws that govern the life of all existing organisms.
  • Chemistry: Refers to a science class that is responsible for studying and researching the subject in its entirety, that is to say, it describes its structure, composition, characteristics and modifications that may be suffered by certain processes. Thus, it manages several branches (organic, inorganic, biochemical and physical chemistry).
  • Physical: This branch of knowledge is defined as that in charge of study the properties of nature with the support of mathematics. In this way, it manages to investigate the characteristics of energy, matter, time and space, based on fundamental laws.
  • geology: Basically, it consists of a classification of science that has the ability to analyze the exterior and interior formation of the terrestrial globe. That is why it offers information about the composition, structure, dynamics and history of the Earth.
  • Math: Without a doubt, it is one of the most recognized and fundamental in the world, which consists of a branch that studies the properties and relationships established between abstract entities, that is, numbers, symbols, geometric figures, etc. This, through the principles of logic.
  • Geometry: It can be defined as a branch of science and in turn of mathematics that has the ability to analyze the properties and measurements of a certain figure, both on a plane and in space. Therefore, it facilitates the solution of problems related to measurements, for example.
  • Genetics: It is a part of biology that has as its main objective, study physical characteristics and traits that are passed down from one generation to another. Therefore, you must examine the genes found in the cells of the body in order to understand a given inheritance.

List of the best applications to learn about Geography that you should know

List of the best applications to learn about Geography that you should know

In case you need to educate yourself on certain aspects about the geography or around the description, distribution and interactions Due to the different physical, biological and cultural characteristics of the Earth’s surface, it is ideal that you use quality alternatives.

Therefore, here we present 5 ideal mobile apps to learn this branch of science:

World Geography – Game

Is about a game available in several languages ​​and free for Android and iOSwhich is based on answering questions through which it will be possible to discern all depending on geography. Therefore, it is considered a very fun and effective mechanism to obtain knowledge of this type, easily and quickly.

A) Yes, consists of around 6,000 questions with four levels of difficulty where contains more than 400 countries, regions and islands that you will be able to recognize. In addition to that, it has different options and among them are: Search on map, outline border, flag, capital city, language, religion, highest point name, area area, etc.

World Geography - Game
World Geography - Game
Atom Games Ent.

Seterra Geography

Seterra Geography

Specifically, it consists of an application that has the necessary characteristics so that its users can improve your knowledge regarding Spanish cities, their autonomous communities and capitalslike world cities, other countries, seas, rivers, mountains, etc.. Well, it contains more than 20 challenges on European geography.

Additionally, it allows you to choose between searching for all the countries of each continent, searching for islands that are located in all corners of the planet, associating flags with their respective nations, etc. So that, It is a very interactive app and manages to adjust to the requirements of each user. It should be noted that it is compatible with Android, it is available in five languages, it is free and contains no advertising.

Seterra Geography
Seterra Geography
Seterra AB

GeoExpert Lite

As a game, this educational tool allows you to acquire new knowledge about geography, since it includes all the countries of the world. Thus, it is considered an ideal mechanism to implement and teach this branch of science in educational settings. Taking into account that, It has an intuitive user interface and is available for both Android and iPhone.

In that sense, it contains different games based on countries and nations, capitals, flags, mountains, rivers and even has a study mode that provides information on each country in the world (such as its population size and area). It should be noted that it has a free version and a paid version with a cost of 7.99 euros.

Learn World Geography

Learn World Geography

Available only for iOS devicesis defined as a knowledge app that helps you learn much faster any information regarding world capitals and maps, through the use of cognitive science techniques. Since, it provides a scientifically optimized algorithm for ensure maximum absorption by your brain; instead of creating distracting games or quizzers.

In this way, it has more than a thousand chips from which it is possible to explore world maps, flags, capitals and major currencies. Likewise, offers powerful “search” and/or “browse” functions that allow you to obtain more specific knowledge and you can even visualize your progress through statistical tools and continuous comments.

‎Learn World Geography
‎Learn World Geography

geography quiz

As its name indicates, consists of an application based on quiz about world geography. Thus, users must answer questions in a trivial way, in order to obtain quick knowledge and have fun at the same time. One of its greatest advantages is that it allows you to answer questions in different languages, since supports about 15 world languages.

For its part, this app offers clues to its users, in case they cannot answer a question, so that they can get to know the answer, learn and continue playing. Apart from that, it allows you to ask a friend for help or skip the question, but this will cost you a heart (or a life). It should be noted that, at the end of the experience, you will get a certificate Y It is only valid for Android users.

geography quiz
geography quiz

‎Geography Quiz
‎Geography Quiz

Learn everything you need to know about Chemistry with these applications

Learn everything you need to know about Chemistry with these applications

Another of the most fundamental sciences in the world, without a doubt, is chemistry. As, encompasses a truly wide field of exploration and it grows with each new scientific discovery of interest.

Therefore, it is the object of study in different educational environments and, therefore, to simplify the learning process, there are 5 relevant mobile apps:

Periodic Table 2020 (Chemistry)

Free, this mobile app available on the Play Store and the App Store, shows the Periodic Table that is a fundamental element to carry out studies based on chemistry. There, you can get a huge amount of data on the chemical elements and learn things of great interest, whether you are a child or a student, as well as if you are an engineer.

In this way, once you access this application, you will find updated information on any element contained in the periodic table, as well as images corresponding to them. Whereas, you will be able to locate each element through the available categories or through the app’s search engine.

Chemistry & Homework

Chemistry & Homework

It is an app that offers the possibility to discover chemical reactions easily and even solving chemical equations with both one and multiple unknown variables. Which means that it serves as an ideal tool to practice knowledge before a test. Whereas, to the greatest benefit, all reactions discovered they will be displayed in common and ionic on your android device.

Additional to that, provides a periodic table through which it is possible to touch a chemical element to find data of interest about it and owns a molar mass calculator, in which you only have to enter a chemical compound and immediately, the system will present its molar masses and percentages of elements. Also contains solubility table, acid strength table, electronegativity of elements, etc..


YoFormulo – Chemical Formulation

In chemical terms, whenever two or more substances come together, a new compound is created. has to be formulated correctly by means of some scientific guidelines and, for many people, these parameters can be difficult to learn. Therefore, “I Formulate” born as a novel application that is capable of solving this problem.

In this sense, this tool offers the possibility of introduce the unformulated compounds to carry out said procedure by itself or vice versa. In addition, it allows making tests for exams, formulating and naming compound, in order to know what have been the successes and what errors have you had. It has a free version and a paid version that cancels the advertisements and contains said tests.



It consists of an app that works as a personal chemistry tutor for any iOS user, since it is only available on the App Store. Thus, there are numerous students and even professionals who use this application to successfully pass their academic tests or continue learning during their work. Considering that, has an intuitive user interface.

That way you can learn more than 70 topics through concise explanations contained in the app, also allows to repeat definitions, formulas, laws and properties; directly from its free version. In case you choose use the pro versionyou will have at hand 120 topics to learn and you can perform interactive calculations with multiple options to practice and receive a grade.

Antonio Giarrusso

Antonio Giarrusso

learn chemistry

If you are a user of Android, We also recommend you try this simple application that It is free, it is available in the Google Play Store and has the necessary features to get new learnings regarding chemistry. Since, it contains most of the concepts of said science and facilitates them through clear descriptions and illustrations.

Therefore, you can find basic concepts, equations and reactions, atomic theory, the periodic table and its properties, organic chemistry, etc.. In this way, it is considered an ideal solution for students, tutors, teachers and technicians in the area of ​​chemistry. Among other details, it should be noted that, the app has more than 30 chemical formulas that are highly usedin order to simplify different processes.

learn chemistry
learn chemistry

Learn everything about Biology with these applications for Android and iOS

Learn everything about Biology with these applications for Android and iOS

While it is true, the study of biology it means a completely considerable advance for the human beingbecause, thanks to this, it is currently possible to know the body and all its functions, as well as the organs and their functioning in the rest of the living beings on the planet.

Therefore, there are numerous apps that support this study and 5 of the best of them are:



Basically, it refers to a mobile application compatible with Android It offers all the tools required to prepare the BIR exam (Resident Internal Biologist) with complete success. Thus, among its features, we point out that it contains questions and answers from the BIR exams from 1999 to 2011, so you can solve the one you choose.

In this way, the app system will tell you if you have answered correctly or what errors you have had. But, in case you don’t want to solve a specific exam, the app also allows you use the section of random questions where it gathers a compendium of all the tests. Besides, you can visit the statistics section to view all the results.


The best Math apps you should have on your Android and iOS

The best Math apps you should have on your Android and iOS

It is no secret to anyone that all those users who focus on studying mathematics, they obtain a series of very useful benefits for your mind. Since, they can develop their reasoning, quicken their mental response, generate practicality and have better analytical thinking.

Therefore, it is recommended to use mobile apps that encourage this type of learning and here we mention 5 of the most optimal:

CalcTape Calculator

Basically, it is a revolutionary and innovative virtual calculator that, apart from offering the possibility of carrying out different operations and keeping track of your accounts, also provides other utilities of great interest. That is why the user can view the entire process of the calculation carried out and with it, generate subtotals or correct any figure that has been entered throughout the operation.

Among other details, this app allows enter long lists of quantities and keep them in view unlimited, just as traditional paper roll calculators have worked. So, it is an ideal tool for break down each of the values ​​of a certain account and even calculate their percentages. It is available for both Android and iOS.

Wolfram Alpha

Wolfram Alpha

This is a mobile app developed by Stephen Wolfram with the aim of broadly supporting all those users who want to obtain mathematical knowledge from the comfort of their mobile. Thus, it consists of a tool that uses a vast collection of algorithms and data in order to calculate answers and produce optimal reports for clients.

In this way, it contains information based on different branches of science. But, in the case of the mathematical environment, you will be able to find the following: Definitions, Elementary Math, Numbers, Tracing, Algebra, Matrices, Trigonometry, Geometry, Calculus, Number Theory, Discrete Math, Applied Math, and Logic Functions. It is free and compatible with iOS.

‎WolframAlpha Classic
‎WolframAlpha Classic
Wolfram Group LLC

GeoGebra Classic

You can download this mobile app from the Play Store or through the App Store to acquire new knowledge or reinforce existing ones based on math and number science. Since, it consists of a tool that has a graphing calculator with the ability to plot functions from sliders and solve equations.

Additionally, contains a calculator spreadsheet which can analyze data and perform graph-related statistics, plus it provides a geometry calculator, a 3D calculator, and a CAS calculator that solves math problems quickly. In addition to that, it manages to visualize parameters and distributions effectively, to share all the results with your teachers or classmates.

Free Formulas

Free Formulas

This is a recommended app for both high school and college students, as well as for engineers or professionals, because contains an extensive amount of simple and complex mathematical formulas referring to certain branches of mathematics such as: algebra, trigonometry, integrals, geometry, equations, etc.. That is to say, it is truly complete.

In addition to that, the app available on the Play Store, includes various tools with which it is easy to perform all kinds of calculations, easily and quickly. It should be noted that it offers the possibility of using a favorite folder to add frequently used formulas, has a section to convert between common units and allows you to share the formulas with your friends by email or Facebook.

Free Formulas
Free Formulas

Mathe Experte

Fortunately, this mobile application is compatible with Android devices, iPhone and iPad, so it has many users around the world. Thus, it corresponds to a tool that brings together a wide collection of mathematical, physical and electrotechnical formulas in order to facilitate any such operation.

Now, highlighting its greatest advantage, we find that has the ability to correct exercises quicklythanks to the fact that it has a formula resolution mode where the user only has to enter the data in question so that the same system is responsible for performing the calculation effectively. In addition, it is completely free.

Mathe Experte
Mathe Experte
app design

Discover all the secrets of Geology with these applications

Discover all the secrets of Geology with these applications

While it is true, geology refers to a branch of science that is responsible for studying the constitution, structure, dynamics and history of the Earth, even, of its natural resources and the processes that affect the environment. So that, It is a basic and fundamental science to understand the needs of society..

Consequently, with the objective of discerning the impact of the functioning of the planet on living beings, which is direct and absolute; Geology-based learning is worth acquiring through the following mobile apps:

Earth Primer

It refers to a mobile payment application that has been designed with the aim that users play and have fun while gaining knowledge about geology. Well, through this tool, its creator hopes to teach how the geological forces of planet Earth work through the game. Thus, the user can design volcanoes, heat magma, sculpt mountains, control nature with your fingertips, etc..

In this way, it is classified as a very helpful app for all those students who want to learn this branch of science digitally. Now, highlighting its main details, we find that It has about 20 different tools to learn geology, it has 5 chapters and it fully supports geological simulations. interactive.

‎Earth Prime
‎Earth Prime
Chaim Gingold



Available for Android, iPhone and iPad devices, in their respective app stores, we find this ideal alternative to learn certain aspects based on geology. Since basically uses the internal magnetic field sensor of the equipment to provide the specific address.

In addition, it tells you how to calibrate said sensor and if you choose to activate the GPS, you can save all the points you want. Among other functions, this app has the ability to show true north, as well as reveal the speed of latitude, the strength of the magnetic field and the angle of inclination of the device. Also allows you to connect to Google Maps to facilitate study.

Compass - Compass Digital App
Compass - Compass Digital App

my route

It consists of an application compatible with Android devices that offers you the possibility of familiarizing yourself with different aspects based on geology. Since it basically allows you to track any route as you travel it, so you can record the same, get your current location along with certain details like total duration, traveled time and distance.

Added to that, provides dynamic charts on speed and altitudeissues very helpful voice reports, presents photos of your route, performs statistics and It even provides the option to export your routes in different file formats., once you save them or you can even sync them with Google Drive. So, It is useful for hiking, cycling, climbing, skiing, boating, etc..

my route
my route
daniel qi

Metal detector

Metal detector

As its name indicates, it is an application that manages to detect the presence of metal nearby, especially ferromagnetic metals. Which, is available on the Play Store and the App Store, and stands out for having a truly simple use. Since, you will only have to open the app, move it and immediately, the level of the magnetic field will fluctuate constantly.

That is why many people use it as a study detector to locate electrical cables in the walls or iron pipes in the ground. Even, allows you to get metal objects that are hidden underground or behind walls. It should be noted that, as extra information, it allows reading trends to be seen through graphs.

Metal detector
Metal detector
Smart Tools co.

gps MyTracks

By means of coordinates and specific points in the GPS system, this app allows you to understand more the fundamentals of geology and thus, it stands out for being a very useful tool to easily record travel routes, especially because works without internet connection. So, once these files are stored, they can be open, add, edit, and share with your friends.

For its part, the application manages to register specific places and in this way, offers geological information of great interest about said sites. Apart from that, provides data such as speed, pace and the route the user has traveled. It is opportune to emphasize that it consumes very little energy and memory in the devices and it is easy to handle.

‎myTracks - The GPS-Logger
‎myTracks - The GPS-Logger

The applications for Android and iOS that will teach you everything about Physics

The applications for Android and iOS that will teach you everything about Physics

Just as learning mathematics is absolutely essential for people in most aspects of their daily lives, so too it is important to obtain knowledge based on physics and all its branches. Taking into account that this type of science supports the development of new technologies and allows us to investigate how the universe arose and evolved.

So, to learn more about it, we present 5 mobile apps of interest:


It is a free mobile application and available on Play Store which, basically, is defined as a very helpful tool to encourage mobile learning of physics through a kind of video game with which it will be much easier to learn about this subject.

In this way, the basic contents that this new application will address are ideal for those high school, high school and early college students. Regarding its operation, we highlight that it uses the sensor of smartphones to perform custom measurements (acceleration, rotation, magnetic field, free fall, etc.).


Easy Physics

Easy Physics

It refers to a simple and intuitive application that simplifies the study of physics in a kind of forum, since users can interact directly. Thus, the app is responsible for generating lessons on the subject that are presented simultaneously in order to provide basic knowledge about this subject.

That is why, in addition to said lessons, this application also provides learning material based on each chapter and subchapter. It is opportune to highlight that, thanks to its didactic nature, users can learn easily, avoiding any tedious process. It’s free and is available for android.



It is cataloged as one of the most complete applications for gain knowledge of physics, both on Android and iOS devices. Once you access this app, you will be able to access over 70 themes which are explained in a clear, concise and didactic way. Additionally, it serves as an effective tool for repeat formulas, definitions, theorems and properties of physics.

For its part, has an advanced search algorithm ideal to quickly find a specific topic that you are interested in learning and all this, from its free version that also offers the option of save topics and add personal notes. It also has a pro version that provides 120 topics, lots of worked examples with different methods, and interactive calculations to practice any topic.

Antonio Giarrusso

PhyWiz – Physics Solver

PhyWiz - Physics Solver

This is a physics question solver that has more than 100 equations that you can get for free to solve your physics exercises (in most of its branches) and, in addition, in order to know the basic concepts of this science, the app provides 300 quiz questions for practice.

In this way, among its topics, you will be able to get the following: Movement, dynamics, elasticity, energy, electricity, gravitation, uncertainty principle, relativity, hydrostatics, molecular disintegration, mass-energy equivalence and quantum physics. Added to it, the app has the ability to answer specific questions instantly.

PhyWiz - Physics Solver
PhyWiz - Physics Solver

Physics Pro 2020

It is a mobile application that has been estimated as one of the best alternatives to download on Android devices. Since, it has all the necessary characteristics to provide knowledge of great value to its users, since offers over 25 vital physics concepts along with a physics dictionary with more than 500 definitions and a listing of all existing constants.

Apart from that, it has a formula calculator, provides interesting data about the great discoveries that have been made in the field of physics, allows you to solve your tasks instantly and search for anything referenced in the field of physics. Fortunately, It is free and has a very intuitive interface.

Physics Pro 2022 - Notes
Physics Pro 2022 - Notes
Gigantic Apps

List of the best Geometry apps to understand this science

List of the best Geometry apps to understand this science

This is a highly provable branch of science that ties in with math and it is useful in different fields of application, due to its remarkable importance. Therefore, it is essential for create industrial designs, carry out engineering studies and even to carry out architectural projects.

Reason why, it is decisive to resort to certain apps that allow us to understand geometry and here we mention 5 of them:

Arloon Geometry

With the technology that this application handles, studying geometry with paper polygons is already a matter of past. Since, it is an app that is at the forefront of interactive geometry teaching on Android and iOS mobile devicesso that contains a catalog of more than 50 geometric bodies available that manage to adapt to the studies of children as well as that of adults.

In this sense, once any user chooses to manipulate one of these geometric objects, they can rotate and alter them with their fingers to thus knowing the details of each geometric figure in full depth. Taking into account that it offers 3D models with augmented reality for higher quality and thanks to this, facilitates processes of comparison and identification of the environment with geometric shapes. You can also find the properties and formulas that define the area and volume of each figure.

Arloon Geometry
Arloon Geometry



It refers to a mobile application compatible with the Android and iOS operating systems, which it is considered an ideal solution to learn geometry easily and from anywhere. Especially, by those children and adolescents who are passionate about this science or want to pass the subject, thanks to the tools that Artric provides them to understand geometry. easily.

As well as the app mentioned above, this one also makes use of 3D technology and augmented reality so that the user has the possibility to rotate each geometric figure, decompose it, observe it with the greatest possible detail and obtain a complete definition of it. Additionally, It has an exercise section with different types of activities and even generates a results report to be able to analyze your learning process.


GeoGebra Geometry

It is also compatible with Android, so it is an app dedicated to impart geometry knowledge on millions of devices globally. Therefore, the app provides the necessary tools to create geometric constructions and solve mathematical problems that allow to develop a greater learning of this branch of science.

Once you access the app, you can create geometric constructions of any kind through points, lines, circles, angles, polygons and conics. Like, draw lines, polygons, and circles via the “shape recognition” function and experiment with dots, sliders, and graphs for higher quality. Likewise, features free learning lessons based on interactive activities.

GeoGebra Geometry
GeoGebra Geometry

Geometry Calculator

Geometry Calculator

The main objective of this educational app is to allow the carrying out calculations of flat and solid figures with total ease and directly from an Android mobile device or tablet, just like using an iPhone or iPad, since it is available in the Play Store and the Apple Store. Considering that, in both cases, it is a totally free application.

For its part, there you can find different types of triangles, rectangles, squares, rhombuses, trapezoids, parallelograms, trapezoids, polygons, quadrangles, circles, rings, ellipses, cylinders, cubes, parallelepipeds, pyramids, prisms, cones, trunks and octahedrons. reason why, It is an app that adapts to the needs of all users.

Geometry Calculator
Geometry Calculator

Geometry Formulas – Polygeom Calc

It is downloadable directly from the Play Store and is defined as an easy, intuitive, practical and useful application to perform calculations using plane geometry and spatial geometry formulas. Therefore, it is of great help to carry out tasks, works, practices and tests of secondary education and principles of the university. especially because it’s totally free.

Thus, once you access this application, you will have all the necessary tools to measure angles, perimeters, distances, lengths, areas, and volumes of geometric objects. Which means that it is a mobile app full of most of the equations that exist in this field of mathematics or in this branch of science.

Geometry Formulas
Geometry Formulas
Daluz Software

Discover everything about Astronomy and become an astronaut with these applications

Discover everything about Astronomy and become an astronaut with these applications

It is also important to obtain knowledge about everything related to the stars, their movements and the laws that govern them, so that it is essential to manage information based on astronomy.

Therefore, so that you can discern the practical applications that accompany the study of the universe, we recommend you try some of the following 5 relevant apps:


It consists of a free application that supports the study of astronomy digitally and even, it serves as a tool to entertain yourself from any Android and iOS device. Appreciating that, to make use of this application, you only have to focus on the point of the sky that you prefer through the camera of your mobile or tablet and that way, SkyView You will be able to recognize the stars and the constellations that are there.

In this way, it will give you all the information of these stars, including their names and trajectories. Also, has a feature called “Sky Paths” that allows you to follow the track of the sky in search of any object to observe its exact location in the sky and the app as well is able to identify galaxies, stars, planets and satellites that pass above you. It also uses augmented reality to detect the objects in question.

SkyView® Lite
SkyView® Lite
Terminal Eleven

‎SkyView® Lite
‎SkyView® Lite
Terminal Eleven LLC



It is one of the most important astronomy-based applications that exist, so far, in the Google Play Store and the App Store. which mainly works as an effective source of information that allows knowing what happens in each moment in heaven, through images and videos that are constantly updated. Likewise, provides data on ISS sightings.

On the other hand, we emphasize that the NASA application contains more than 16,000 images, has more than 14,000 videos, allows you to view live and direct broadcasts, provides news and articles of interest to astronomy lovers. Added to that, it makes it easy to view 2D satellite location maps and 3D models of the Earth with the orbiting satellites of the International Space Station. It is completely free.




This is a paid app available in the Apple Store, which is mainly characterized by being a help tool for all those users who need to use a telescope. Since, due to its very nature, it is very useful for know the magnifications and fields of view of all the lenses with which the person will workin order to save them for a future occasion.

Additionally, this mobile app has the ability to measure a number of parameters for your telescope or imager combination, that is to say that, in addition to the field of view and the magnification, it also calculates the visual magnitude limit and displays the values ​​obtained through a table. Also, incorporates various astronomical catalogs of interest.

iLanga, Inc.

Star map

Star map

Compatible with Android and iOS, this is an application that is based on augmented reality to offer a complete map of the sky at all times. So, allows you to focus on any point of the sky to receive detailed information about that area and, of course, it can be viewed on the screen as an augmented reality.

Apart of this, has an option to look around the sky by moving your finger which is perfect for the most amateurs of this science. On the other hand, it supports dynamic orientation view, allows you to view the night sky, displays all visible stars from both hemispheres with high accuracydisplays the 88 constellations, allows you to get stellar objects from a list by categories and see the sky below the horizon.

Star map
Star map

‎Star Map
‎Star Map

Star & Planet Finder

To conclude, we emphasize this other application that simplifies the learning processes based on astronomy and it is very useful for all fans of this branch of science. Since, it consists of a tool with which you will be able to know the location of any star, constellation or planet in the sky, just by entering its name in the Star & Planet Finder system.

Additionally, it is characterized by being a very easy and intuitive mobile application to use, with a truly rich interface. Which, has an astronomical compass that shows the positions of the planets, the moon and the sun, also offers 3D visualization of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and the Moon, as well as most of the Solar System satellites. It is available on the App Store, for free.

‎Star & Planet Finder
‎Star & Planet Finder
Nir Alperovitch
